
Chapter 349 - Motherhood Is Hard!

With Alice and Elizabeth's joking, Ahmanet and Himiko found that their tense bodies could relax a little, though not so much.

Zeel was an unpredictable person so both women remained wary of him, but even if he decided to do anything to them, Ahmanet and Himiko knew they would be unable to retaliate in any way.

The only reason they were probably still alive was due to the Alice acting like a moral compass for Zeel.

They could literally see Zeel's eyes glance at them from time to time, only to be stopped by a glare from Alice that screamed 'No more killing'.

Still, even more frightening than Zeel and Alice was Lorien.

Lorien just remained at Zeel's side, staring at everything around with utmost curiosity.

If a rock moved on the ground, Lorien would instantly drift her gaze in that direction…

Every time her white flames would burn away a different part of the Death Dimension, Lorien would find somewhere new to satiate her ever-growing curiosity.

Ahmanet was now a mortal, and no longer able to sense the dense energy of those gathered around her so she was a bit unperturbed.

Also, it didn't help that Lorien seemed like a bit of an airhead…

One look at Lorien and anyone could tell that there were a couple of screws loose… probably even more so than Zeel.

Himiko's mouth salivated when she noticed Lorien…

Himiko was trapped in the mortal plane because she lost her purity and grace, but here Lorien was – The Cosmic Force of Purity.

How could Himiko resist such an attraction?

Merely sucking one of Lorien's toes would grant Himiko the ecstasy of a lifetime.

Sadly, she had to wait for Zeel to make an introduction if he even planned to keep the promise he made back in Tomb Raider Universe.

Himiko was too shy to ask Zeel for anything…

Similar to Lorien, Himiko may be old but her mental age was just barely a teenager at this point.

"Father!" Alle and Ella flew from Elizabeth's back, shifting into their physical forms and throwing themselves at Zeel.

Though very reluctant, Zeel opened his arms to embrace his 'supposed' daughters because they did contribute a great deal to the battle effort.

He would not deny them a little bit of human affection, especially since it would take nothing from him to do so.

However, before Ella and Alle could even reach Zeel, there was a massive slash that split the Death Dimension for hundreds of kilometers, creating a barrier between Ella, Alle, and Zeel.

The twins bounced off the barrier and fell onto their butts, tears lingering in their eyes.

Nobody knew when Lorien appeared between Zeel and Ella and Alle, guarding him like a lioness would her favorite cub.

"Mine!" Lorien commanded, clutching Zeel's arm between her nearly non-existent breast.

It was a cute sight to witness – The loli Lorien guarding her 'elder brother' from the other lolis around the block.

Zeel was shocked and honestly, a bit scared since he couldn't exactly tell Lorien that he wasn't hers, less she turns her ire to him instead.

'Even if you have to die girls… do not bring your father into this altercation…' Zeel thought, already making funeral arrangements for Ella and Alle, possibly Alice and Elizabeth as well should they choose to intervene.

Ella and Alle paused in shock and then looked at Lorien with disappointment as they complained "Mother!"

"Mot… what?" Zeel's eyes bulged as he checked his family jewels.

If he was Alle's and Ella's father, and Lorien was their mother, doesn't that mean he fucked a Cosmic Force? Wouldn't that mean he had the purest dick in the Multiverse?

Alice and Elizabeth directed vicious glares at Zeel… While they could tell Lorien was very old, she still had the naivety and body of a child so what exactly did Zeel do to get her in bed?

Did he perhaps bribe Lorien with some candy?

These thoughts and more flickered through Alice's and Elizabeth's minds, dragging their respect for Zeel down to rock bottom in moments.

Lorien didn't care about the reaction of anyone there since she was way cuter than them, but Ella and Alle had her full attention.

"Ugly… uglier… Pretty Boy… Mine…" Lorien whispered, puffing her chest to enhance her cuteness to near toxic levels.

Alle huffed and directed a disdainful gaze at her mother "You are the mother… Zeel is the father and we are the daughters… regardless of anything, we are supposed to be a family…"

Ella said nothing, too busy withholding the tears of being rejected by her mother after so many years apart.

Lorien paused and spent a couple of minutes thinking, trying to process what Alle had just said…

Then, finally, she understood an approximation of what Alle meant…

Lorien pointed at Zeel "Boss?"

Alle and Ella reluctantly nodded at her question, while Zeel seemed a bit pleased with Lorien's logic.

Lorien then pointed at Alice and Elizabeth "Maids…"

Alice wanted to argue about her assigned title but Elizabeth was quick to cover her mouth.

Lorien was basically Elizabeth's God, and Alice was her lover so Elizabeth didn't want to see the two come to blows.

Zeel didn't mind Lorien's understanding of Alice and Elizabeth since they were somewhat akin to pets instead of maids but he wouldn't argue for that small distinction…

Zeel's smile lasted all the way until Lorien pointed at herself and said "Bigger Boss?"


Zeel didn't even get a chance to say 'no'…




"You wear the pants in the house mom!"

Alle, Ella, Alice, and Elizabeth immediately joined forces to grant Lorien a higher title than even Zeel's.

After all, Lorien was not simply spouting nonsense, she was defining their relationships the best way she knew how…

So if Alice and Elizabeth were going to be 'maids', then Zeel may as well be Lorien's personal servant.

Lorien finally pointed at Ella and Alle "Minion 1… Minion 2…" then she whispered 'ugly' beneath her breath so nobody could hear.

As much as he would have liked to dispute the hierarchy, Zeel had a much more pressing question to ask "How am I the father of Ella and Alle…"

Lorien paused as everyone looked at her with anticipation at the eventful story to come.

Alice and Elizabeth knew Zeel's tendencies in the bedroom and how gifted he was in not just sex, but caressing the soul, and mind as well…

Sometimes, it was even too much for Alice and Elizabeth to bear, and knowing Lorien's petite body, the girls were interested in what fits where?

Could Lorien have expanded or did she take it like a woman/little girl?

"Don't … know?" Lorien replied, shrugging her shoulders a bit confused.

"How can you not know?" Alle and Ella shouted, rolling their eyes in exasperation.

Zeel frowned and signaled everyone to be quiet "Lorien isn't saying she doesn't know… she is saying that you won't understand if she explains it… you can't communicate with her well enough yet…"

Though her gestures, pronunciation, logic, and sentence formation seemed chaotic, Zeel could understand Lorien as if she was speaking fluent English.

"You can understand her?" Alice asked surprised since Lorien was speaking nonsense to her ears.

"I can barely understand her…" Elizabeth murmured, a bit ashamed that she could not communicate with the creator of her race – Lorien.

Lorien grew excited when she finally found someone she could converse with…

"See… Zeel… Younger… Thought… Happened… Stronger… Happened More… Twin-Twin… Less Cute… Forgot… Annoying… Incomplete… Epiphany… blow up… wrong… correct way… crying a lot… book… father… forgot… no backsies… hard…"

Lorien shouted many random words accompanied by exaggerated gestures but Zeel nodded his head in understanding… smiling sometimes, nodding sometimes, laughing sometimes, groaning sometimes…

It was as if Zeel and Lorien were in their own little world…

"What the fuck?" Alice mouthed to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth shrugged "You're the first wife… my species were dying so I had no choice but to fall in love with a strong man… you chose to love Zeel willingly…"

Alice sighed "It was the apocalypse… it wasn't much of a choice… it was either Zeel or some zombies…"

Hearing Alice and Elizabeth's conversation, Ella and Alle were smug as they whispered "They are not great wives like we are great daughters…"

"Okay… did you guys understand Lorien?" Zeel interrupted, getting the gist of how he became Ella's and Alle's father.

Alle, Ella, Alice, and Elizabeth shrugged, hoping for Zeel to summarize whatever Lorien had just said.

"So it goes like this [The moment Lorien first saw me, she bypassed my mental barrier and went into my mind… there she found a younger me who looked very cute. Then she thought how cute a younger me would look as a girl, and that thought later became an idea.

The idea grew along with her returning strength until her power was strong enough that the thought actually happened. Then she got stronger and Ella and Alle happened more, becoming more vivid and eventually, alive.

So Ella and Alle were basically twins born from Lorien's stray thoughts, but they were less cute than what she wanted in 'daughters'. Eventually, due to their lack of cuteness, she forgot about them completely.

But they were annoying and kept bothering her as she slept… talking about kids and parents should be close like the humans are with their children. Lorien wanted to be a good mother but she didn't know how since her human knowledge was incomplete.

Then, one day she had an Epiphany – blow them up… She had the idea from my memories, but she didn't blow them up because she realized it was wrong… By blowing them up, she was supposed to blow up her own stomach and put them inside of it until birth…

That way she would become a real mother and that was the correct way to be a 'mother'. However, while she had them in her belly, Alle and Ella wouldn't stop crying and it irritated Lorien a lot.

So she read a couple of books about motherhood and found the solution in one of them… All daughters have fathers, so Lorien decided to ship the girls to their father for a vacation as the book said…

Hence, she sent them to me for a vacation of thousands of years… Then she said no backsies so I won't give them back to her… and finally, she said that motherhood is hard…]"

Alice, Elizabeth, Ella, and Alle wore deadpanned expressions by the end of the story.

Lorien looked pleased with Zeel's narration of her 'struggles' as a mother, while Himiko and Ahmanet barely managed to keep their sanity intact.


Author's Name: The_Young_Flash

Discord: https://discord.gg/tPwgVgU

Patrêon: https://www.patrêon.com/The_Young_Flash

Fandom: https://crawfords-multiverse-of-madness.fandom.com/wiki/Zeel_Crawford

Note: Ever watched an awesome movie/anime/series that just didn't have the proper ending? Then this is where you belong, as I intend to give all movies/animes/series the proper ending they deserve. Nothing will go untouched.

Author’s Name: The_Young_Flash

Discord: https://discord.gg/tPwgVgU

Patrêon: https://www.patrêon.com/The_Young_Flash

Fandom: https://crawfords-multiverse-of-madness.fandom.com/wiki/Zeel_Crawford

Note: Ever watched an awesome movie/anime/series that just didn't have the proper ending? Then this is where you belong, as I intend to give all movies/animes/series the proper ending they deserve. Nothing will go untouched.

The_Young_Flashcreators' thoughts
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