
Chapter 62

After a night filled with dreams of a new home and some form of steady security the sun let its beams of light shine down on the slumbering camp members who were awoken slowly, many full of energy to tackle the new task at hand that was upon them.

And so, just like the rest of his fellow refugees, Alvar emerged from his slumber with a giant yawn that threatened to dislocate his jaw if he kept on stretching it further open. Slumping back down onto his makeshift bed Alvar gazed at the dark blue ceiling of the tent for a few moments while his mind came to live all the while.

After he had regained some of his mental faculties Alvar turned his head slightly to his left where his snoring friend Veli was still cutting down a whole forest by the sounds of it. Stretching his left leg over to his friend without any further motivation to move the rest of his body for such a dumb task, Alvar swiftly kicked his friend into the side once, than twice and after the third time simply gave up with a sigh. He would just have to wait until it got too hot inside the tent from the rising sun until his friend finally decided to grace the rest of the camp with his presence.

Turning towards the entrance of the tent Alvar grabbed himself his mantle of linen and his sword which he took with him where ever he went and slowly left the tent, still groggy from having stayed up so late last night due to the talk with the emissaries at the bonfire.

Once he had pulled back the flap that held the entrance to the tent close somewhat Alvar finally could move into a standing position and while stretching himself upwards towards the sky let out another yawn, accompanied by a few cracks signalling the tiredness of his joints that was cleansed from within him by his stretching.

Walking around the slowly awakening camp Alvar marched over towards the cooking stations and got himself some food for breakfast from one of the adults that must have been up for a few hours by now already, judging by all the food the women had prepared all the breakfast by the time most of them woke up.

After thanking the women and left them to their tasks Alvar marched over to a nearby tree that was refunctioned to a bench of sorts and sat down in order to enjoy his breakfast in the peaceful atmosphere the early morning provided him.

While he did so more and more of the camps members emerged from their tents and, just like Alvar had done, grabbed themselves some breakfast and joined their friends to eat in their company.

After Alvar had finished his breakfast he marched back towards the 'kitchen' and handed over his used bowl before swiftly marching over to his tent where Veli was still snoring away without a worry in the world.

Crawling inside Alvar began to gather his things into his small bundle and with his leathery armour in hands crawled back out of the tent where he began to put said armour on. After a few minutes he had clothed himself fully and without worrying about Veli began to dismantle the tent right over his friends head as he already knew, not like most members of the camp, what they would be doing today.

To get a small head start on the others and to spare him the hectic of their departure Alvar decided to do what needed to be done now instead of later. That Veli was still asleep wasn't his problem. After all he had tried to wake his friend but the moron never woke up to any of his tries so far, yesterday being the only exception.

While Alvar was busy dismantling their tent the rest of the camp not yet informed about todays agenda were called together and in no uncertain terms told of the plans for the day. To say the camp members were excited was the understatement of the century in Alvar's opinion causing the lad to grin slightly when he saw the children jump around the camp like kittens on a sugar high.

While Alvar stored the last remains of the tent in another bundle he heard some grumbling besides him and with a turn of his head came upon the scene of Veli finally waking up from the dead. Though judging by the boy's expression not with a good mood which spurned Alvar on to widen his grin even more in the process.

"What the bloody…? Oy, Alvar! What the hell happened to our tent?!" Veli grumbled when the sun's rays pierced unforgivingly into the eyes of the newly awakened lad who groaned under the brightness of the morning.

"Don't know. I woke up just like you this morning." Alvar responded with a shrug while he kept on tightening the bundle with the tent inside, all the while humming a soft melody expressive of his good mood.

"Wha—I swear, if this is another one of your shenanigans I'll loose my shit before I've had any breakfast!" Veli grumbled while he stood from his bed with wobbling legs and let out a giant yawn.

"You really are a moron sometimes. Of course I didn't wake up with the tent missing this morning. It was I who took down the tent while you were chasing skirts in your dreams all morning like usual!" Alvar said after he had finished tightening the bundle at his feet and stood up to face his friend with a small grin on his face.

"I knew it! What the hell man? I've had such a nice dream! Why do you always have to ruin my dreams when they are about to get good, huh?!" Veli asked while pointing his finger accusingly at Alvar who only smirked in response causing Veli to slump forwards in frustration after seeing how entertaining this whole mess was to Alvar, even though Veli only wanted to sleep! Was that really so much to ask of the world?

With a grumble and some mumbled curses Veli turned around and began to pack his things into his bundle after which he stalked of without another comment to Alvar in order to get his breakfast and enjoy at least some form of normalcy this very morning.

Alvar meanwhile began to hum his soft melody once again after he had finished packing everything and decided a small practise session was in order to complement the already splendid morning. The day promised to get good if he was to judge the future by the past and who was he to ignore the advice his elders had always given him? Thus, Alvar stalked of and after training some, the time had finally come for the camp to hit the road.

hope you enjoyed it^^

bobbarker12creators' thoughts
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