
Chapter 45

The following weeks after the night of the invasion had been hell for Alvar but he didn't care much as his motivation to survive and be able to do something, anything really, pushed him beyond his limits again and again, each time stronger then the last time.

Thus, it came as no surprise when Alvar's abilities skyrocketed. Apart from his martial skills Alvar had been clearly shown that it would not do to let his knowledge of tactics and strategies lack behind and so he threw himself into those studies with more gusto than before, no matter how dull and boring it was.

Besides his studies under Sjorn Alvar had continued his tutelage under Isolde, though that aspect of his training had only grown slowly, which had not come as much of a surprise to Alvar as he knew that the mental arts could not be rushed after Isolde had told him about the dangers of not taking your time when growing your mental defences.

What came as a surprise to him one day though was when Isolde informed him that she had had a talk with Sjorn about his advancing studies and recommended Alvar to begin his training in mana manipulation under Sjorn. Alvar hadn't stopped bouncing in his boots for the rest of the evening…

What Alvar didn't know however was that Isolde's recommendation didn't come out of the blue as she made it out to be. Without most of the Norn's knowledge the leaders of the Norn had had a discussion with the patron spirits, along with all the leading experts of the various professions, and in conclusion come to the decision that their time in Hoelbrak had come to an end, at least until they managed to drive back the forces of Jormag.

The recent attack had shown them all just how vulnerable they still were and that Jormag's influence seems to be growing for some reason that none of them knew the reason for, not even the spirits themselves.

Thus, the fate of the Norn had been irrevocably changed and to prepare the future of their people to the best of their abilities they had decided to advance the training of their best and most promising students as fast as possible, even if that meant risking their health in the process, no matter how reluctant their teachers were to do so.

While the students would undergo the accelerated training the leaders of the Norn began to plan the logistics for their people's relocation. The patron spirits meanwhile had made the decision to seek shelter in the domains of the various god's of Tyria: Grenth, Dwayna, Melandru, Balthasar, Lyssa, and Kormir, which they could do without problems since the ones overseeing the realms, namely the gods, had gone missing when the ancient dragons rose from the depth of Tyria.

The various teachers had asked for some time to prepare their students though in order to guarantee their success and were granted permission to wait a little bit longer until they would start with the accelerated training and said period of waiting had come to an end, finally.

Thus, we arrive at the unusual scene of Alvar simply sitting on the sandy training grounds while his teacher Sjorn was walking up and down right before him, the expression of the man telling a whole story on how reluctant he was to start his pupil on the accelerated program but had his orders and he knew that their time in Hoelbrak was running out and nobody could tell what the future would hold in stock for their people.

With a frown on his face Sjorn began his lecture while Alvar was hanging on his teacher's every word, having waited a long time for this moment.

"Mana manipulation. I am sure Isolde has told you a few things about the subject already but none the less we will be going through the subject step by step as mana manipulation is the most dangerous for the warriors out of all the professions available to us.

Despite what you may think and your swift advancement in your training I can tell you right away without a single doubt in my mind: you are not ready to learn about the mana manipulation as a warrior!" Sjorn spoke with a stern voice causing Alvar to frown slightly.

"Then why am I learning about it already? If it is so dangerous for me than I should wait before delving into the subject!" Alvar responded which earned him a slight grimace from Sjorn that told Alvar the man knew that he was right in his assessment, bringing up the question in Alvar's mind why he was still learning about it then? Something about the whole thing was reeking to the high heavens and Alvar didn't like it one bit to be left in the dark like that.

"Why am I learning about this, Sjorn? There is more to this than you are telling me, right?" Alvar asked once again causing Sjorn to sigh in frustration.

"You are too smart for your own good, Alvar. Yes, there is more to it than meets the eye but no matter how much I want to tell you more, I simply can't as I have my orders, and telling you would cause more harm than good…" Sjorn replied to which Alvar rolled his eyes a little in exasperation.

'Adults and their patronising way of telling you to stop asking questions. I can't wait to grow up…' Alvar thought to himself while his thoughts seemed to be reflected rather apparent on his face as Sjorn couldn't help himself but grin in Alvar's direction.

"None the less, wether I can or can't tell you doesn't change the fact that we are delving into a topic that is very lethal and could cause a lot of harm to those around you if you are not careful! Now, let us begin!" Sjorn said with a stern voice to which Alvar nodded in reply, intent to master the subject to the highest possible point and hopefully avoid harming those around him on accident.

Hope you enjoyed it^^

bobbarker12creators' thoughts
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