
Chapter 12

After all the representatives had had their turns in introducing the various professions the old Havroune stepped forwards once more while addressing the children.

"Now, after having heard the representatives words I hope many of you have gotten a better understanding of the professions and what they entail. We will give you some time to converse with your guardians and afterwards you will have the chance to ask the representatives some questions that may have come up."

After hearing the Havroune's words Alvar turned around to his uncle Olaf who only raised his eyebrow as if to signal Alvar that he was waiting for him to start.

Gathering his thoughts Alvar asked the first question that came to mind.

"What profession do you think suits me most?"

"Hmm, that is not an easy question and I'm not sure I should answer it since it may influence you in a decision that you are supposed to make for yourself…But I know that you are a smart lad so who gives a toss about those rules. I think either the warrior or the guardian would suit you most. You told me that the raven advised you to focus more on the physically demanding professions and when I combine that advise with what I know about you I would pick one of those two." Alvars uncle responded while he was rubbing his beard in thought.

"Then we were having the same thoughts all along uncle. The other professions seem incredible as well but each one of them possesses an aspect that I find stifling or not attractive at all. Now the question is which one of those two. The warrior seems to be an overall allrounder in the basic education but I'm sure when it comes to the specialisations that he is just as difficult to master as the other professions. The guardian on the other hand is mostly focused on defending our home, which I find very appealing, but on the other hand a little restricting…" Alvar spoke his mind while his uncle observed him with a keen eye, not letting his thoughts be known all the while.

After mulling over his thoughts for a few more minutes Alvar firmed his resolve and made his mind up. Nodding to his uncle in signal that he had made his decision Alvar turned back around to face the Havroune and the representatives at the front while his eyes began to wander over the group of children. Some seemed to be heatedly arguing with their guardians while others seemed uncertain or had already made up their minds on the matter.

His friends seemed to be divided on the matter. His friend Veli, judging by his easy going expression, had come to a decision rather quickly as if it had never been a question to him while Gerdi seemed to be the complete opposite. Her face was scrunched up in irritation and she seemed to have difficulties to decide. Alvar wished her all the luck so that she may choose the correct one in the end.

Soon the time had come and by knocking his wooden staff on the ground the Havroune signalled the children and guardians as much who one after the other turned around to face the representatives.

Alvar though wasted no time and raised his hand into the air with a calm yet firm expression on his face. After the Havroune had spotted him he nodded to Alvar and thus gave him the floor.

Standing up at his place Alvars clear voice rang into the morning air.

"I would like to address a few questions to Sjorn Frostfang!" After the man had heard Alvars words he stepped forwards and nodded in Alvar's direction to signal him to start with the questions.

"In your introduction of the warrior's profession you spoke about harnessing the mana for the purpose to use it in a fight. How is that possible? I thought only those that choose the arcane professions can do such a thing?"

"Ahhh, good question lad and no, that is a simple misconception many have. You see, every living being possesses a certain amount of mana in their bodies. It is a universal energy that penetrates every core and fibber of this world that we know of. Even the mists, so very little is known about, are suffused with it. Through training and meditation it is possible to use said mana and form it to your liking. Though every profession goes differently about manipulating said mana which in turn is one reason why the various professions exist in the first place, besides covering different aspects of life of course. Though you will learn more about mana in the coming years. Does that answer your question for now?" The man asked Alvar who nodded with a pondering look on his face.

'If mana is the one aspect that is prominent in every profession then shouldn't it be possible to venture into the other professions as well? Why is there such a divide between the professions? Something I'll need to find out about later.' Alvar though to himself with a spike in confusion and curiosity at the same time. Mana was fascinating and he would make sure to learn all there was about the mysterious energy!

"My last question is just out of curiosity and doesn't really influence my decision but I would still like to know what the specialisations of the warriors are if there even are any." To Alvars question Sjorn only grinned before he answered.

"Seems like you already made up your mind then hahaha! Now, to answer your question the warrior's specialisations are a little different from the hunters for example were you can choose to become a healer just to name the most known for now. The warrior has, thanks to their wide knowledge and proficiency in armed and tactical combat, no path that is set in stone for them. Depending on the individual their professions may vary though most choose to simply pick one that is rather common or well known. The berserker specialisation would come to mind for example. So you see young recruit that you will have all the freedom to find what suits you the most once you reach a certain proficiency as a warrior." Sjorn answered while a grin had formed on his face the longer he spoke about specialisations as he seemingly was rather interested in the subject himself.

With a thankful nod Alvar sat back down after which Sjorn stepped back into the ranks of his fellow representatives. Alvar meanwhile had lost himself in his thoughts, completely discarding the other children that began to ask their questions as the information he had gotten fascinated Alvar to no end.

Hope you enjoyed it :-)

bobbarker12creators' thoughts
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