
The false hopes..

Unware of the fact that Margaret was standing right beside her with a sachet of instant coffee in her hand, waiting patiently for the girl. April took whole 3 minutes to come back from her stance. The girl turned towards the direction when she hit with Margaret. "Oopss!! Ohh, sorry Mrs. Jones, I-- I was just abo-ut to come..." The girl hesitantly spoke scratching her head. 

"I know dear, take this." Margaret knew what was in the girl's mind, she just smiled at her knowingly. Afterall she wasn't born yesterday!! 

Just then Bryan looked up as he finished the reading, he got up from the couch, approaching towards the direction of his mother. While April just watched him coming close... 'Omggg!!! He noticed me??? That's great great thing!!! Wohoo finally!! Yay!!' the girl's heart pounded in excitement plus nervousness. 

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