
Holy Legacy II

*Ding, Ding, Ding* "Dear guest please follow the green arrows towards test chamber number 6, you have 20 minutes to get ready before being directly kicked out of the room." Said the metallic woman's voice.

After the announcement ended Cyra walked out of the bathroom she was actually taking a shower, after dressing up in the clothes provided by the place she followed the green arrows that led her to a room, inside the room there was a table on it a scroll broken into 3 parts and a chair to be able to sit by the table.

"Congratulations for being the first one to reach the 6th test chamber" Said the metallic woman's voice.

"Wait there are more people here?" Asked Cyra with a bit of a troubled expression, she still needed those items from the Empire, and she didn't wanted someone to rob her while she aren't able to defend her possession.

"Yes, but also no, in my prime before i was tasked to delivering the legacy, I used to be a capital battlecruiser of the 37th fleet of the EU, currently my parts are buried inside the wall that separates the sea floor from the beach, it would be an impossible accomplishment without my help, aside from giving away the legacy I also have the job to cherish human talents regardless of faction or motivation, there are currently 11 individuals at the 5th test, 41 at the 4th Test and another 78 at the third test, the other's doesn't worth mentioning " Said the metallic woman's voice.

Cyra was about to turn to the table when she heard her system speak up [Host there is a technique on the scroll]

Cyra was happy to be able to get another technique and she walked next to the table and pieced together the broken scroll, it first showed unknown symbols than Cyra couldn't read at all!

What do you see? Asked the metallic woman's voice, as the voice faded a hologram appeared and a picture appeared in front of Cyra resembling gold.

What do I see?


Archery! Said Cyra after knowing that the system might have found something that she couldn't.

So be it! Said the metallic woman's voice.

The scroll suddenly flew up and scattered into dust, but not before granting Cyra wish, and she really gained a technique regarding archery to be more precise it was about the bow and arrow.

[Congratulation Host for learning the unique technique: [Siege Bow and the endless arrows]]

What is this technique origin? Asked Cyra.

"This is one of the 15 Death Sea Scrolls, it was created on Earth" Explained metallic woman's voice.

"That's impossible I have no memory of ever experiencing Essence on Earth!" Said Cyra with a shocked expression.

"There was Essence on earth but between BC 7000 - AC 2900 there was an essential change in earth nature, that caused the density of Essence to greatly increase to the point where from AC 0 to AC 2900 not even the gods or let's say administrators could not feel it, it's stopped them from directly interfering with history since they became powerless when the Earth suppressed their strength" Said the metallic woman's voice.

Why is archery the best answer?

[Because that scroll contains up to 97 true answers, but only the archery technique could be regarded as a true technique]

How did I received the Archery technique if I saw gold?

[That scroll has another effect, if you hear from somewhere what's on it, no matter what you seen into it, even after translation you would only see the thing that you were told of, in Host case I said it was archery so Host was instantly effected the scroll effects even without noticing]

After thinking through the technique Cyra visible started frowning without an end, than asked why do I have to creat the bow and arrows from scratch?

[Host won't be playing around with toys like short or long bows, this will be a Siege Bow, if it's just directly imagined without it's understanding it will be similar to the Essence Spike or Essence needless, it will be an incredibly sharp and deadly with indestructible Essence but because of that if host were to release an arrow from a bow like that, it's recoil could directly cripple Host arm while directly shattering the bones into bone dust]

"Um aren't the test over?" Asked Cyra.

"No, since you picked a technique you have to display it for me!" Said the metallic woman's voice once again.

Well here goes nothing...

Cyra started by creating an Essence spike, after it was done she started constantly pouring her Essence into it, about 10 minutes later she had a strong Essence Stick, after the formation of the stick she started calling back the Essence in a way to be able to carve the Form of a bow into the stick, she continued this process until she was finally able to bend the bow using her full strength, than fame the finishing touch of the bow body where she added 1 nock on each end to be able to hold a string.

When she was finished she recalled all the Essence back inside her body than started the process once again, this time she became more profound, she continued to practice this until she was capable of calling out the body under 10 seconds, time is everything in a fight, you can't idle around summoning stupid things...

The next thing she had to do was forming an Essence string to her bow, she created Essence needless and stabbed at least 10 of them into the table in front of her, than created extremely thin strings and started twisting them together again and again until she 10 strands of twisted strings, until she had the final bow string, realizing that this way of creation was not exactly possible during a battle she began experimenting with different throwing skills, the idea was simple while using the Essence needless to fight it could, she reduced the number to 6, creating 3 needless in each of hands, when she threw away the needless they were either used as a net when they hit a target or they became the bow string that she needed to continue the creation of her bow, she also decided to start with the string first instead of the bow body, this way if she failed to form the string she doesn't have to waste her time recalling the Bow body.

After the bow was complete she pulled it a few times without arrows, she didn't creat arrows yet but she was curious of the feeling of welding such a giant bow, it was even bigger than her, the moment she let go of the string she was knocked back flying by the recoil that she received while on the other side there was a giant hole in the wall of the room, yes only the Air Force what was released by the blow easily created that hole, she couldn't wait to test with an arrow.

The arrow part was actually easy, she could use as her Essence spike as her arrows without any problems, but if she wanted to access more strength of the bow she had to learn creating arrows, Realizing that it would only be pain to try creat feathers on the arrows Cyta dropped the original arrows idea all together, instead she formed a giant spear to fill up the post that would have originally belonged to normal arrows, this was a tick spear while being almost half as heavy as the bow, she tried with heavier but she couldn't hold them together so the idea was dropped.

Soon the final form of the technique was ready to be tested, she used the chair as a dummy the first needless trapped the chair as a well designed net, than the second second formed the string, as she recalled the string she already fully summoned out her bow, while with a snap of her fingers the Spear arrow also started to appear she easily fulled the bow with the yet to appeared Spear arrow, and waited a few more seconds for it to reach it's final mass, than let go of the Spear Arrow which has blasted through 10 walls than was stopped by an invisible force.

Being satisfied with her creation she happily looked at the hologram, she was extremely proud of her self, but than a thought surfaced in her mind.. System why is this called the [Siege Bow and the endless arrows]?

[It comes from the fact of similarly to most Essence Spikes that host created, these Essence Spears will eventually disappear to host while only suffer only a tiny fraction of Essence loss during the process due to the distance, but even after the Spear arrow disappears the force that it unleashed still can go 2 or 3 times longer before completely vanishing without the presence of mass]

"Congratulations for clearing the sixth test in 5 days and 13 hours on the highest possible difficulty, your currently the 5th person who passed the 6th chamber" Said the metallic woman's voice.

As usual arrows lit up and Cyra was led to a hotel room similarly to the last time, as she was about to sit down she saw a digital note in front of her that truly made her day, she couldn't stop laughing: Please During your stay in our hotel your not allowed to use any kind of weapons, I'm still trying to repair the damaged test chambers!

The following day Cyra was directed towards the 7th test chamber, she had to put on a helmet and enter a simulation.

"Welcome to the ancient war simulation, the 9th legion of the Rome Empire is currently at their end of their lives, facing against the siege of the barbaric tribes of Britain, your goal is to kill the whole legion, good luck" Said the metallic woman's voice.

On one side of the wall there was 5208 Roman defending the walls, while outside stood Cyra all alone, she currently only had the strength of a normal human woman, she had a feeling that this battle cruiser might be mad at her because of the damages that she caused.

Seeing that her opponents had no plans to leave the walls, she walked inside the forest where she made some stone tools, such as a knife and an axe, equipped with these 2 she created countless bows and arrows and hid them inside the forest, than started setting up traps if her enemies ever decided to counter attack, she than creating 2 buckets filled them with arrows and headed back to the walls.

After killing a hundred enemies she had to reload, that meant a 3 hours walk to her hide out to creat additional arrows, the ai of this simulation wasn't dumb and right after the legion number dropped below 5000, they stopped appear on the walls openly and also fired a rain of arrows at Cyra when ever she tried to get closer.

Than she realized that she was overthinking the whole thing, she dipped her arrows in fat, than made a fire next to the wall and as the fiery arrows hit the wooden walls on multiple places the town actually caught on fire, the Roman soldiers trapped inside the town walls were burnt to death less than 500 of them made it out alive, out of this 500 Cyra killed 200 more with her arrows than decided to run towards the forest.

Inside the forest the remaining 50 soldiers stood alerted in a circle as their backs faced each other looking at their fellow comrades in horror since they has fallen into a hole filled with wooden spikes, Cyra easily hunted down the remaining 50 of them and cleared the 7th test with great speed.

"Congratulations for being the first to clear the 7th test" Said the metallic woman's voice.

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