
Chapter 45

Finding the lion turtle is easier than finding the Spirit Libary. I have Rayquaza drop me off on its shell. I decide to stay on his back for a while before talking to him. I still have over a year before Aang wakes up so I want to get some practice in and this perfectly isolated nature preserve seems like a great space. I briefly consider capturing the lion turtle with one of my master balls but decide against it. Mostly because it seems like a dick move, but I also have no real use for a creature the size of an island or the means to care for one.

I spend roughly the next full year practicing my bending and my water creation. I pay especially close attention to the moon and waves for inspiration. My water bending begins to feel much more natural. I could now easily shift the state of water from steam and vapor to ice or vice versa. I practiced my healing and life bending on some of the native life on the turtle shell. I stole water from plants and healed dying animals. I also incorporated bending into my known martial arts. My ability to create water was also coming along not fast enough for combat, but I could now make a usable amount of water outside of combat. I think I'm progressing relatively quickly with my quirk considering Momo had 10 years and active guidance for help. I came up with a technique, but don't have it fully worked out yet. While I can only blood bend on a full moon that only applies to others. I believe I can blood bend my self at any time. While dangerous I may be able to use this to my benefit. Freezing water in my skin for armor, perhaps controlling my blood so I don't bleed even after being injured, or perhaps controlling the water in my muscles to increase my physical abilities. But all of that is still hypothetical.

When my year of training was over I walked to the front of the lion turtle. Down his shoulder and onto an outstretched hand he had prepared for me.

"I know why you're here"

"I seek knowledge of ages long past"

"And what would you do with this knowledge?"

"I'm not sure. I know I will help the avatar and protect the balance between man and spirit, but I don't know the specifics. "

"If you believe you are worthy I will grant you what you seek, but then you must leave this place"

I nod accepting his judgment. He extends his other paw and from it 2 claws one tapping my forehead the other tapping my chest. For a moment there is heavy pressure covering me. I can't breathe and all I can focus on it this weight. I can't think or remember everything is hazy, but then it stops. I feel incredibly light and free as emotions and images fill my mind.

"You will understand in time"

I jump off his hand freezing the water below me as a platform. As he passes me by I'm left confused and stunned by what just happened. But I'll take the turtle on his word that it will make sense eventually. Now I need to plan my interception of the avatar. I figure there are five places I can best meet them. The north pole, but that is a late introduction and I won't be able to become his water bending master without some maneuvering. Then there is Omashu which is good, but it would involve going to King Bumi's court. Next is Kyoshi Island which is isolationist, but I think is my best option. Because I don't want to interfere with his moment at the Southern Air Temple or his awakening at the South Pole.

I take the scenic route past the Southern Air Temple. Stopping at Whale Tail island to camp out. For a few days before going to Kiyoshi Island. I spend those days producing a variety of small silver and gold bars to trade for legal currency. Once I had some bars ready I prepared to cross over to Kiyoshi Island. I freeze and walk my way over to the island. I'm dressed in standard Water Tribe clothes with the addition of a tank top underneath my heavy top. I also a bag, waters skin, and sheathed Valyrian Steel sword draped across my back.

I was quickly approached by a contingent of Kyoshi warriors once I arrived on the Island.

"Halt. What are you doing here?"

"I came to trade and to find a place to rest from my journey"

"And how do we know you're not a fire nation spy?"

"Why would the fire nation send a blind water bender to spy on your village?"

"Well, maybe you're a Water Tribe spy."

"The southern tribe is a handful of villages with fewer than 100 people. As for the Northern Tribe, I ask again why would they send a lone blind man to the other side of the world to spy on a relatively small village. Does sending someone who stands out as much as I do make any sense for a spy."

I can't read faces at all so telling what people are thinking is difficult, but the tone in her voice makes me think she's getting embarrassed.

"Fine, welcome to Kyoshi Village. We're watching you."

I get escorted to the town proper and brought before what I assume is the village leader. Two of the Kyoshi warriors stay to watch me.

"So you want to trade with the village, what exactly is it you want to trade"

"I have silver that I want to trade for proper coinage and your blessing to stay on the island for 6 months"

"And why is it you want to stay here? And why should we let you?"

"I have been going on a spiritual quest which has led me here. I believe within 6 months my presence here will become important. As for my accommodations, I am willing to pay as well as provide medical aid when needed."

"Spirit quest?" He asks in a voice that fully shows his confusion.

"I sought out and found the Spirit Library where I received instruction from Wan Shi Tong he who knows over 10,000 things. His teachings led me to meditation atop the last Lion Turtle. The lion turtle showed me a vision which has led me here"

The village elder seems to think about what I said before he has a short whisper discussion with one of the warriors. I can still hear the conversation though. It seems they're much more willing to have me here now that I'm just a crazy guy.

"We are willing to host you here for 6 months assuming you can provide proper compensation"

I pull out a gold bar made of about 1oz of gold

"This should be sufficient," He tells me, but the others in the room are in stunned silence. I guess I overpaid. " As a water bending healer I'm also still willing to heal anyone on the Island who needs it"

"Thank you, you've been very generous. Suki here will escort you to a vacant house slightly more inland."

"That sounds fine thank you."

She begins to lead me around the village giving me a quick tour. Then leads me a little further inland into the forest where we find an old house.

"So you never mentioned going on a spirit quest.

" I only wanted to deal with being called crazy once"

"Well it does sound outlandish, but I would like to hear more about it"

"It seems like this house need a bit of tidying if you stay and help me clean it up I'll tell you all about it"

"Sounds fair. So how did it start"

"I've always been a traveler"

"Wait how have you been doing all this while blind?"

"I see through my water bending. Now years ago I found ruins of an ancient city it was almost empty, but I did find some things of interest. Including some stage weapons and books. The books were useless to me, but someone told me that it wasn't written in our language. I also had heard about a library run by a spirit where in order to gain access you have to make an offering of knowledge."

"What about those weapons you found?"

I unsheath my sword letting her see the mythic pattern


"I traveled through the Si Wong Desert and I found the library. The rest I told you. Met the spirit of the library then met a lion turtle"

"But what were the library and the lion turtle like?"

" The library was completely submerged in the desert, but underneath was 10 stories tall all filled with bookshelves and other curios. The spirit of the library Wan Shi Tong is a 20 ft tall Owl and is very intimidating. As for the Lion Turtle, it's ancient and huge. It has been alive since before the avatar and its body is probably bigger than Kiyoshi Island."

"Really?!" I just nod

"Well the cleaning certainly went quicker with two people so thank you"

"It was fun. Hey I know you've got other things you need to do, but why don't you come and train with us"

"Train with you?"

"Yea like with the Kiyoshi Warriors. You've traveled all over the world I bet you've picked up a trick or two. Plus sparring gets old when we always practice against the same people"

"That sounds nice actually. Thank you"

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