
Game Of Thrones Character Sheet

Quest: Last of the Giants-

I am one of the last remaining giants. The giants have a simple dying culture. They are threatened by both humans and Others. It is up to me to save them. They will be considered saved when there are more than 5,000 giants alive.

Quest Boon: Giants Strength- I am taller stronger, more durable, and more resistant to hostile environments.

Race: Giant

Starting location: North of the Wall in 298 AC

Background: Sworn Sword- A tried and tested Warrior.


Weapon Proficiency- Capable with most common weapons in the world and exceptional with a great sword.

Dirty Fighter- Very capable at fighting dirty and gain an advantage against honorable opponents.

A Quiet People- People under my authority are remarkably unlikely to cause trouble.

Large- Unusually tall and proportionally well built.

Quick as a Snake- Gain inhumane quick reflexes and speed in small bursts. When in combat it appears everything around has slowed down very slightly.


Castle Forged Steel Gear- Steel plate, chain, and great sword.

2 Pouches of Gold- 200 gold dragons

Pet- A pet Mammoth

Valyrian Steel Weapon- Valyrian steel great sword. It is light, sharp, and very fancy.

Horn of Joruman- A large, ornate hunting horn capable of massive destruction to even the largest of structures. It can only be used on a weekly basis.


Stalwart Shield- I am completely loyal to the Giants. I will spend a significant amount of time working for their benefit.

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