
Do You Want To Dance?

After Cody told Karli about being raised in a cult she used what little information he had given her to try and look things up. The more she knew about the cult and their beliefs, the more she might be able to understand where he was coming from so she could help him.

The problem was that there was no news about dismantled cults in Boston more than a decade back. She checked surrounding areas of Massachusetts and couldn't find anything there either.

He had said he grew up in 'a group home in Boston' but was the location a lie? Or was it something that wouldn't have made the news?

The only thing of note she could find was a dismantled hitman organization a year and a half earlier. It would match the timeframe perfectly but it was too farfetched. At a dead-end research-wise, she resigned herself to believing she would never know the truth because Cody didn't like talking about his past.

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