
The weak mage

Edward's face paled even more than it already was. Ace drove off, heading straight home. "Hahahaha!", Ace laughed hysterically as he drove down the hill. Suddenly a man appeared infront of the car and smashed the hood of the car. The man was wearing a janitor uniform and a blue cap. His eyes glowed through the smoke Ace knew he meant business. Ace got out of the car and lunged himself at him but the man just punched him in the ground.

He was just too strong for Ace. "I can't believe I'm getting beat up by a guy named Ted". Ted punched him again and knocked Ace out. He threw Ace over his shoulder and used his other hand to carry the car into the woods. Ted stopped at a wooden cabin and threw Ace down on the floor as he took out a stick and broke it under his nose. Ace opened his eyes and took a good look at ted. "What do you want Ted?", aked Ace. "It's not what I want", said Ted, "It's what your father wants". "And what is that?", replied Ace.

"To help you train your powers"

"And you couldn't just ask"

"It's more exciting this way! live a little"

"Anyways where do I start"

"Watch me"

Ted opened the door and jumped outside. Midair Ted's spine flexed and curved and grey fur grew out of his body as he touched the ground. Janitor ted became a giant grey wolf with a scar on his left eye.

"Now you try"

"I'm sorry but the werewolf in me has a mind of his own so I gotta ask first"

"What the fuck, that's new"

Ace sat down on the wooden porch and looked deep within himself. Ace woke up in another world full of brown grass. A big black wolf looked at him and said, "You called me". "I want to borrow your power" asked Ace. "Not yet", said the wolf as he ate Ace. Ace woke up gasping for air. Ace looked to his side only to see Ted sleeping in his rocking chair. Ace stood up and woke Ted up.

"Can you do it yet"

"No I can't"

"What did he say"

"im not ready yet"

"Your gonna have to learn magic then, you need to be able to defend yourself"


Ted walked up to the door of the cabin and took out a wine bottle and threw it on the ground. The wine turned into a blood red portal. "Old people first Ted", said Ace stepping away from the doorway. Ted sighed as he stepped through the portal. Ace followed inside the portal and teleported inside his house. Ace fell out of the Air right in front of his grandmother who was sitting down in her wheelchair getting her hair braided by the maid.

"I take it you failed"(grandma)

"Don't make it sound like that, I'm just not ready"

"No he failed. He'll have to learn magic"(Ted)

"I was worried this would happen... follow me".(grandma)

Grandma led the way to the basement which was under the stairs. She walked down the wooden flight of stairs that shook and creaked with every step. The basement was empty, it was just a concrete box that was making Ace uncomfortable. 'Something is going to happen', thought Ace sweating bullets. "Revelare!", grandma chanted and in an instant the concrete turned into wood. A door appeared in the back of the room with inscriptions above it.

"Ace come"(said Grandma). Ace walked towards the now open door which had an endless flight of stairs inside. "So are we going in". "No you are", said Ted as he kicked him inside. "Fuck you Ted", screamed a falling Ace. Slowly the door closed and muffled Ace's voice.

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