
Meeting face to face and a plan

I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee. I rushed over to the shower and did that quickly. After getting out of the shower I did my makeup. I brushed my hair a bit but it still was crazy. I looked myself up and down in the mirror while thinking 'I look good!' I giggled to myself and hurried down the stairs. I let the dogs out into the back and filled their bowls. I then began making breakfast for all of us including Stain seeing as he was arriving soon.

I was making things that you would find in a 5-star restaurant. I had watched the chefs sometimes when I was younger. My mom and I had gone to fancy restaurants because of her work sometimes and they let me into the kitchen sometimes. I had copied everything into my memory. It looked delicious. It was an assortment of eggs in different styles, bacon with barely any fat and perfectly fried, toast that was a perfect medium, fresh orange juice from the juicer with orange slices on the glasses. I felt my tummy rumble followed by two pairs of feet thumping down the stairs. I soon heard two more tummy rumbles from behind me.

I looked towards them to see Shoto and Touya almost drooling at the mouth. I smirked and waved my index finger. "Nah, ah, ah! We have to wait for our guest but!" I then pulled out a dish full of some light cheeses and smaller fruits, such as Strawberries, Blueberries, Grapes, Blackberries, and raspberries. I smiled when they started to nibble on those. I sneaked a few also.

When we finally heard the doorbell ring I smiled because they had finished the bowl of snacks. I walked slowly and gracefully over to the door and opened it. I saw a man with medium length black spikey hair, a long tongue that was only noticed once it was out, nice defined muscles, and other aspects. I smiled sweetly at him and opened the door more. He looked quite shocked at my outfit, that this house was the correct one, and the smell coming from the kitchen.

He slowly walked in and I shut the door. I walked with the same grace back over to the kitchen and took two plates out for Shoto and Touya. "Have you ate yet?" he shook his head and I smiled. I took a third plate with the same assortment of food and put it in front of Stain. I then took a plate with a slightly smaller amount of food for myself. I giggled at the brothers' behavior and glanced over at Stain. He was quietly eating and stealing glances at the three of us. I smirked when he caught my eye. I remembered the juice and fished it out of the fridge two glasses per hand. I set one in front of each of them and me. I smiled when their eyes widened.

"You went full out today Izu!" Shoto exclaimed and I just smiled more.

"Well, I wanted our guest to feel at home!" I replied softly but they could still hear me. I smiled at all of them yet again and returned to eating. I had barely eaten anything but then again I usually didn't eat much.

"You should eat more Izuku," I heard a statement full of worry from Touya but just smiled in response.

"Im fine Tou, I've never really been one to eat much!" I replied to all the worried glances and stares. I sighed and really dug into my food. I finished it and leaned back on the counter. They had finished theirs before me so they had to wait a couple of minutes. "Okay! Getting down to business, I would like to show Stain our secret room!" I smiled at the quiet individual. I nodded for them all to follow me and lead them to the entrance of the basement.

"This is the Villain room!" I exclaimed. He looked around mesmerized and when he finally returned to his senses he blushed slightly embarrassed by his reaction. I smiled at him and showed him around more his eyes widened slightly when he saw the cages in the back I heard Toga and Shigi answering calls in their room which I had recently added offices to. I kept a calm face though and could really be labeled as the boss. I remembered that I should check in on Kurogiri and the rest of the league. I finally returned from my thoughts as we reached the new part I had added in. It was a place that went pretty far down but it looked like a prison for the worst of the worst.

I smiled at the reactions of my comrades. I showed them to the elevator down to the bottom floor that was filled with a bunch of offices and one big cell. This cell was reserved for the person I despised the most. All Might. I showed Stain where his temporary living arrangements were his office and other things he would need to know. I smiled when I finished the tour and saw all three of them were shocked.

I waited until Touya was the first to get his bearings. "How did you do all that without our knowledge?!" I smirked and winked at him.

"A magician never tells his secrets Darling~," was my reply. He just smiled while shaking his head. The other two finally returned from their stupor and I smiled. We went back to the main lounge and started discussing things finally. "Well Hero Killer, my plan is the lure All Might in by saying the Villains kidnapped one of his students, Me. He'll take the bait aiming to establish his fame once again. We'll tell him to go to the same ally my mom was murdered. But I won't be there waiting bound up like I was kidnapped. No, instead I will be in the shadows and when he lets his guard down I'll attack with a chop to the back of the head. Hero Killer your part in this will be using your swords and making him paralyzed. When his power runs out then he's more vulnerable!"

"Then we move him down to that big cell. We'll then have Touya and Shoto surround the chair with flames that aren't so close they'll burn him in the chair." I stopped for a second to let everyone take in the information. They all nodded so I continued. "I will then continue interrogating him telling him that I am being 'forced' to do so. When I have his trust I'll walk forward putting the fire out and freeing him from his chair but not before locking the door once again and setting the keys where only I can get them." They all nodded when I paused and I again smiled and continued. "I will then fight him in his weaker form. To make the act parts of it more convincing I will be injuring myself though. I will be fine because of my masochistic nature but I just wanna let all of you know." The brothers' cheeks were a bit red and their eyes were filled with a bit of lust. I smirked at their thoughts. I saw them all give a nod after a bit. I smiled and held out a hand. "The plan will start tomorrow, all of you get lots of rest tonight! But in the meantime, I will be doing some more personal preparations! I'm going to have Touya and Shoto help me with them, So good day everyone!" I walked up the stairs after confirming that Toga and Shigi were done with work for today.

I went up to the bedroom with Touya and Shoto, "I have a special opportunity for you both~," I coaxed. I was walking backward and my wings expanded, set me down on the bed up by the pillows and I signaled for them to crawl towards me. "I'm allowing you while during this plan to leave as many marks as possible and that you want. Love bites, regular bites, slaps, and overall Masochistic things," they smirked when I was finished saying this. They were by my face now and Shoto got behind me while Touya remained in front of me.

I made myself hungry at the begging, anyone else? I also do tell you the next chapter will defiantly have some Masochism, and maybe If I move into the plan, the warning of Kidnapping, Blood, and other things. I warn ahead of time so that if this topic makes you uncomfortable you may skip it, or skip those parts. Again sorry about any triggers I didn't mention.


Zero_Kiriyucreators' thoughts
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