
Meeting Father

Two soilders walked towards bali. Both of them were clad in shining armor, and they had swords attached to their waist.They were little different from the one first prince killed.

"The king asked for your presence in 10 minutes " one of the men said.

"Bring him there first we will talk later" another soldiers said in authorative way.

" Walk fast or you will get it from us."

the soilder said.

Soon they reached the palace hall.

Many people wearing luxurious official robe were walking out from the highest palace hall.

"Who is this?" Someone asked

"The person his Majesty wants to see." soilder replied.

All of them started laughing and showing disdain while looking at him. Bali endured all the humiliation that was thrown at him and looked coldly towards all of them ,his dark red pattern tattoo blinked for a moment as he calmed down .

"Stop all of you" a middle-aged man with long beard wearing a magnificent golden robe with embroidery walks towards them.

"your majesty pardon us" everyone said in unison.

"leave !! all of you are dissmissed " said the king. For the first time in his life bali came face to face with his biological father sukansh.

The king sighed and said

"When you were born, I was not by your side. As the ruler of nation, I had to assume responsibility of the empire. Even when i had moxi and her mother I still felt deep guilt towards you and your mother but you should be able to understand that being a man, there are many times that thoughts cannot be easily expressed."

Seeing that bali is silent, king sukansh said "If you don't want to say, then I won't force you and I can guess you have secret otherwise you should not be able to reach martial novice realm with your body. But I must mention that that every choice has a outcome and you will be beheaded and iam the only person who can save you if you can tell me your secret. Also I can make you the crown prince what do you think about it. "

Bali bellowed out a laugh: " you are the a martial teacher and a king of the taksha, how can I possibly be your child? Since you rarely came to my house, I speculate you must've not known about my personality so don't pretend to be a father .You are the ruler of taksha. For this reason, you cannot treat your sons like an ordinary father! You need to consider the future of the kingdom. As such, you cannot place the prosperity of the kingdom in the hands of such a worthless son. I understand so, I don't bear a grudge but you also can't claim that you are my father "

"Drag him out and lock him in the prison of hanoi untill he wants to speak" the king said in a ruthless manner.

Bali broke out into a quiver. He can't believe that a man can change his face from amiable father to greedy butcher in a matter of seconds.

A fierce man with a thick muscle around his biceps approached them. Bali can't move his body under pressure ,he was carried on the shoulder for a long time untill they reached a dark well and then he was thrown into the well. After this the burly man closed the top of the well and left.

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