
Chapter 9: The Mighty - Part 2 1/2

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, The Gamer or any other familiar characters.

Chapter 9 – The Mighty, Part 2.

"So, wind is a special thing," I continued, "you can adjust its compression, speed and even temperature, but they are all related. Whenever I attempt to increase the pressure of a wind jutsu, the volume decreases unless I also try to consciously maintain it. And in that case, temperature rises. It also works the other way around, if I seek to maintain the temperature, volume increases. On the other hand, if I somehow increase the volume without increasing the total amount of wind chakra I'm pumping into a technique, then pressure and temperature drop, but those are very, very unstable. And that's where I hit a wall: trying to make a vacuum based wind jutsu is technically impossible, the amount of chakra and control needed to maintain the low pressure and temperature required against the ambient pressure it's insurmountable." Well, I knew it could be done; Danzo used vacuum wind blades when he fought Sasuke on the manga. "I know it all boils down to one simple law: pressure, volume and temperature are all correlated, and altering one evidently means that its other properties will also change. But, there's one other property that I had yet to consider then: Viscosity."

I took a breath from my ramblings to sip on my tea, old man Yataro was sitting next to me looking at the top of the mountains and nodding to each idea I threw during what was now a lengthy monologue.I, nevertheless, continued.

"Viscosity is such a weird thing. Chakra, when within the body, behaves like a simple liquid: its volume and density won't change when pressurized, you can only produce more chakra. You can accelerate it to increase its thermal energy -that's the basis of the Winter Coat jutsu- but you can't change its density by pressure alone. However, once chakra leaves the body it acts like a gas: you can change its density, pressure, velocity, vorticity, and everything accordingly. It's its viscosity that's just weird. Whenever you try to raise its temperature, its viscosity decreases. Decreases! And that's fucked up because whenever you increase the internal energy of a gas, its viscosity should raise. So, raw chakra outside of the body behaves like a liquid in terms of its viscosity but also like a gas in terms of its density variation when compressed. Chakra is a compressible fluid."

Old man Yataro was nodding with a slight frown. "Okay, but, where are you going with this?"

"That the Great Breakthrough created itself once I realized chakra can be compressed only after it leaves your body, and I found the exact moment to change its nature to wind: too much compression before changing its nature and I couldn't convert all the chakra to wind, too little and the jutsu lacked power. But," I emphasized raising my finger, "the flying Swallow technique was a bitch to create. I couldn't just create two layers of grinding raw chakra first and change its nature afterward, the pressure differential fucked up the jutsu. I also had to think in terms of viscosity, because two layers of wind grinding against each other like a blade meant a shitload of friction and pressure drops that destabilized the whole technique."

I took a moment's pause and continued.

"To decrease the viscosity of air, one must reduce its temperature, not increasing it as happens with liquids, and that sucks because increasing thermal energy is way easier than decreasing it. So far, I can only create the wind blades by pumping them with excess chakra that makes them hum and glow, and I rely solely on chakra control to maintain their shape. If I could somehow find a way to decrease the temperature of the wind blades, they shouldn't even glow or hum. They would be almost completely invisible and would use very little chakra." I finished my cup of tea and reached for the kettle for a refill. "So, a vacuum blade is the only answer since I don't have the Ice Release kekkei genkai, but I can't put my head on how to create it. Also, air being compressed lacks the molecular disarray that gives the Great Breakthrough its power, so—"

I turned my head left, as I felt the familiar metal configuration -hitai ate and modified reinforced jonin vest- moving in our direction down the street. Yugito was walking with a smile on her face, carrying a small package.

"Good morning Kioshi," she said to me. She then noticed the old man and added, "You must be Yataro Sada, Kioshi speaks highly of you."

"Yugito Ni, good morning. Kioshi also speaks highly of you. Please, take a sit and join us. We were discussing chakra stability." The old man kindly smiled while motioning me to bring the third garden chair closer to the small table.

It was already the end of summer, the chilling air of Kumogakure's towering mountains coursed around the village, promising a crude fall and a harsh winter. I moved the chair closer and wiped away the collected dust with my sleeve.

"Thank you," Yugito started once she sat down, "I'm here to give you a gift."

"A gift?"

"It's your birthday, boy." Old man Yataro answered my questioning look.

'Holy crap, it is.' Indeed, my stat screen now stated that I was 8 years old.

"Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Sorry Yugito, I don't really keep track of these things. Usually it's the old man or Sadako who remind me of my birthday." Just as I finished that phrase, another metallic signature entered my sensing range.

"Hey Chipmunk!" A yell from the other end of the street greeted me.

"Speak of the devil. Hello girl, how's hospital life treating you?" The old man grandfatherly greeted Sadako once she came closer.

"Hello! I haven't got much sleep lately, but it's ok. Hey Kioshi h-" Sadako choked on her words once she noticed Yugito.

"Girl, don't stare. It's rude." The old man admonished her.

"I-I'm sorry. Hello, my name is Sadako Hirano." She stammered a response, glancing away.

"Good morning, I'm Yugito Ni." The serious look on Yugito's face was something I could easily read now, she it broke her heart another little bit that yet another kid was frightened of her.

Sadako gulped hard, relaxed her shoulders and took a deep breath. "I apologize for my reaction. It's hard to go against years of belief about your ki-about jinchuriki. I've heard fantastic things about you from Kioshi and even Yataro. I'm sorry," She said with a light blush, "Look, I made some cookies for us, we can all share them."

Immediately, the old man and I paled.

"It's ok, I understand," Yugito answered Sadako, "I brought some sashimi for two, but maybe we can share it too."

"I'll put the kettle on, we are going to need more tea." I said standing up to take the kettle inside to the old man's kitchen. I was hoping to miss out on Sadako's exceedingly salty cookies, but when I returned outside they were set on the table along with some sashimi.

"We wouldn't start without you." The old man said to me with a devious smile.


Yugito tried the cookies first, while I served a lot of sweet tea knowing what would happen. I heard a gulp, and Yugito's face disfigured for a fraction of a second before going back to an obviously forced smile.

"Your cookies are great as always Sadako!" I said while gulping a couple in one go. The faster you ate those monstrosities, the less you suffered.

Yugito only nodded while trying to swallow. You had to admire her compassion, even after their rough start.

"Thank you, chipmunk! And happy birthday! I can't believe you're already eight, it seems like yesterday when I walked you to the academy!"

"Thank you Sadako! And thank you for the cookies!" I said while putting the cookies back inside the brown paper bag she brought them in, "I'll save some of them for later, though." At least there were only a dozen cookies left.

After finally swallowing, Yugito gulped down her entire cup of steaming tea in one go.

"Thank you for receiving me gramps but I have to get back the hospital now. I'll try that chakra control exercise later today if I'm somehow able to go home before midnight!" Sadako said with a smile. "Happy birthday chipmunk! See you around!" She finished pinching my cheeks and walked away.

Once Sadako was gone past the street, Yugito immediately started to cough. "Holy cow," she whined, "How can you eat those things so easily?"

"Well, just look at her smile," I answered while serving Yugito more tea, "She's got a kind heart too."

"Hey kid, here's your birthday present." Yataro said to me taking a small booklet from his pocket and handing it to me.

The old looking booklet had the Konoha logo stamped at the center of its cover, so I was intrigued. I opened it and skimmed along words and diagrams, it contained detailed descriptions of kunai and shuriken throwing techniques based on chakra molding along your arms and hands to achieve a perfect throw, it showed how to use other thrown kunai to strike airborne weapons to alter their course, how to use ninja wire and how to hide shuriken among fire jutsu. It was signed at the last page with the name 'Nagashima Uchiha'.

I was flabbergasted. "This… this is an Uchiha book! Holy crap old man, where did you get this? It's amazing!" I looked at the old man. He had a touch of a smile across his face.

"I've had it since the second war, and I thought you might like it since you proved to be very skilled with thrown weaponry. Just remember to give it back to me after you're done with it, it's one of the few things my father left me before he died."

"Thank you!"

If the book granted me the advanced shurikenjutsu skill -and I was certain it would- I'll have to read it completely first.

Yugito was smiling too and handed me the other brown bag she was carrying when she arrived. "This is my gift."

I took another thin book from the bag. This one wasn't labeled so I opened it with wonder and read the first page out loud. "Resources, orders, protocols and findings regarding poisons: Handbook for T&I officials of Kumogakure."

"Wh… how did you get this? It's not even listed in the shinobi library!" I stammered while skimming through the pages. "This is amazing, look," I read the title of a section I just randomly opened, "Common and Uncommon Kirigakure Poisons."

I looked up to Yugito, and my words caught in my throat. Her dazzling velvet black eyes gleamed with such a shine I was sure that image was going to be burned in my memory for years to come. She stood up, moved in front of me and put a hand over my cheek, wiping a small outcast tear with her thumb.

"Happy birthday, Kioshi."

"Thank you, thank you both."

"That's not all," she continued, "I got you another thing." She took a small scroll from her pouch and unsealed some parchment and some brushes. "I remembered you mentioning that you liked art and painting. Every shinobi should have a hobby, something to take our minds and hearts off the violence. You know I like playing the shamisen, so I thought you may start painting."

That was true. I always liked paintings but never really tried to paint something in the real word besides some high school side subjects. It could be a good thing to try a new hobby in this world. "I'll give it a try, thank you."

We sat that in comfortable silence for some time, drinking tea and finishing the sashimi that Yugito brought, when my mind clicked.

"Hey Yugito, when is your birthday by the way?"

"Two weeks ago."

I spitted my tea. "What the hell? Why didn't you tell me- us! We are your genin team!"

"It doesn't matter really it's-"

"No! No, no, no. No," I complained feeling like an idiot, "I have a present for you, just... wait here." I had the perfect gift for her, but I couldn't just summon it from my inventory in front of her.

I jumped over the old man fence and dashed to my house across the street. Once I closed the front door, I opened my inventory and took out the red sash I got as a reward for killing the salamander boss.

Salamander Skin Belt- Said to be made from the skin of the ageless Salamander King Fudo to help those who enjoy loneliness.Quality: Unique.Gives complete immunity to intrusive genjutsu.

I grabbed a brown paper bag from the kitchen, an old one I got when I bought a huge case of black tea some weeks ago, and packed the sash inside. 'Note to self: buy wrapping paper and stuff, not everything has to go on brown paper bags.'

I dashed back to the old man's house where he and Yugito were still sitting on the front lawn around the small table, both with straight faces.

"Here, I got this some time ago." I interrupted them standing in front of both. "It's very similar to the one you're already wearing, but you'll like it!" I insisted while handing Yugito the paper bag.

She took the sash with a smile, then her eyes widened as she began to caress the fabric with her hand. If the gamer system was consistent, then the Salamander King belt will make her immune to genjutsu. It was the perfect gift, and had a much nicer shade of red than her old one.

"Kioshi this, this is amazing. What is this made of? It looks expensive."

"Try it on!" I said with a grin.

She stood up and removed her old sash to try the new one. It fitted perfectly, the knot on her left side and the right dangling a littler lower. It really was the perfect shade of red.

"It looks great on you," I said looking up, "and it looks way better than your old one."

Let it be known that Yugito Nii, jinchuriki of the Nibi, jonin and proud kunoichi of Kumogakure, shed a single happy tear that morning. A second later, her serious expression was back and only a hint of a smile showed the true nature of her feelings. I knew we both were lonely people, I saw it in her eyes. This might as well be the first gift she ever received from anyone but her closest friends. I knew I did the right thing.

"Thank you, Kioshi. This means a lot."

I made her smile, and for me, that was the perfect end for a perfect morning. However, it was the old man who interrupted our little slice of heaven.

"As wonderful as this is, there's one thing we wanted to discuss with you, Kioshi." He stated leaning inwards.

Yugito turned serious, business-like serious. "Yes, there's something we need to discuss Kioshi." She started after a nod from the old man. "How did you know Sadako or I were coming?"

'Oh crap, the cat's out of the bag. I should have been more careful.'

"I've noticed you are constantly channeling a small bit of chakra through the back of your head, which I believe might be related with some sort of active sensing ability." Old man Yataro stated from his chair uncrossing his arms.

'It's ok, you knew this would happen,' I said to myself. 'At least it's Yugito and the old man. If anything, I can trust them.' I knew it wouldn't remain a secret for long and I had to come clean if I ever wanted to stop living in fear of being discovered by the Raikage.

Fortunately, I already had a half-truth rehearsed for this situation.

"I… I have a kekkei genkai." I stated blatantly, looking up at Yugito right in her widened eyes.

"It's easier to show you." I continued, taking a kunai from the pouch on my right leg. I extended my arm in front of me, palm facing upwards, and faking concentration I willed the kunai to float erratically over my hand. "It makes sense in a way," I started, "when I tested my affinities the chakra paper tore in half and crumbled to dirt at the same time. I did my research; I knew that earth and wind are completely unrelated natures and both natures seemed so well balanced that I theorized it may indicate some kekkei genkai. The only possibility was Magnet Release, as the history books showed that Toroi could use magnetism and had wind and earth elemental affinities. It also explained why I constantly had that feeling that metal responded to me, that even with my eyes closed I could feel my kunai and shuriken, or even the cutlery in my kitchen." I looked at their faces, they were listening intently while gazing the floating kunai, so I continued. "A month ago, I was finally able to make one kunai float over my hands and realized that I could sense metal in other people's clothes: their hitai ate, their weaponry, even their reinforced vests." I took one last deep breath and prepared myself to say the last part of my practiced speech. "I was- I am scared. What if the Raikage finds out I have a rare kekkei genkai?"

"What, the Raikage?" Yugito interrupted me, cocking her head.

"Yeah, you know. Because of the Hyuga affair and me not belonging to a clan or-"

"Bullshit, Kioshi, that wasn't the Yondaime." Old man Yataro interjected. "That was an old Mizuno council member that stuck with the Sandaime's idea of strengthening Kumo by incorporating blood lines. The Sandaime tried once to abduct an Uzumaki girl from Konoha years ago and even went so far as trying to snatch a Senju as his first act as Raikage. A Senju!"


"Yes. The council member was executed privately the next day to avoid any public repercussions," Yugito grumbled, her arms crossed, "A-sama even tried to salvage the situation by requesting the body of the Hyuga clan head as compensation... but we know how that turned out. Look Kioshi, don't worry, ok?" She continued looking at me. "You can trust me. Besides, do you think Toroi was somehow abducted from another village? He wasn't the first magnet release user in the Land of Lightning. A-sama can explain everything to you."

"Are you sure?" I asked Yugito seriously.


She didn't hesitate and so I trusted her.

I was sticking to my half-truth anyway; I wouldn't want to know what would happen to me if I tell the Raikage that I have the Sandaime Kazekage's version of the Magnet Release and not Toroi's.

"Okay Yugito, I trust you," I said. "When are we telling him?"

"He's currently in a meeting with all the jonin sensei, but today is Saturday so he'll be free in about an hour. Speaking of which, I should go back there. Meet me there in an hour," she finished with her hand on my shoulder, "and thanks for the gift."

"You know, kid? She's a good girl," old man Yataro said after Yugito left with a shunshin, "I hope you know what you are getting into."


He just sighed and ignored my question. "I know there's more to your abilities than what you're telling us, and that's all right, I'll respect your secrets." After a short pause, he crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair. "And about that whole wind and chakra thing you've been rambling about, well, experiment. If you have a working theory, prove it. Just, don't lose your focus on your shinobi skills. Sooner or later, this world is going to throw impossible things at you, and you'll have to make impossible decisions."

I was pacing around outside the Raikage's office, waiting. I could sense at least a dozen metal signatures inside the office, including the Raikage and Yugito. His secretary, a light gray-haired young girl with dark skin wearing a greenish long-sleeved shirt and skirt, ignored me as she reviewed some documents over her desk. 'Didn't she have a name in the manga?' I was nervous, but I had a plan. I would show the Raikage my magnet release as Kumo's version and as if I couldn't control it very well. If they forced me into anything I disagreed with, like breeding programs or marrying or experimenting, I'll just run away from the village. I might just be able to do it, I'll just need to find a way to protect Yugito indirectly. Maybe I could go to Konoha and try to be a ninja there, they'll probably accept me as a refugee. But that also meant a lot of other issues.

My inner dialog was interrupted by the Raikage's office doors opening, followed by a bunch of jonin leaving the office, mumbling about their genin teams and where to go drinking that night. I didn't care for Observing any of them and none of them noticed me there.

"Kioshi," Yugito said holding the doors open, signaling me to go inside with a movement of her head. I stood up and walked past her.

The Raikage's office was just the same as that time I came after dad died. The same mahogany desk stood at the center and the same dumbbells were lying around the office, though the punching bag was brand new. Glass walls still covered the back of the room, offering the clearest view of the entire village.

Name: ATitle: Yondaime Raikage.Level: ?Age: 38A is the Yondaime Raikage of the Land of Lightning. A stern individual, he respects power and strength above all, although his overprotective tendencies say otherwise.Relationship level: Neutral.


The Raikage looked up at Yugito from the files he was reviewing, his fingers still stroking his chin.

"Hmmm?" He dryly answered first then focused his eyes, "Oh right, yes, Kioshi Shirasu. Is good to see you again in a more pleasant circumstance I hope." He fixed his gaze on me before continuing. "Yugito here said you have something important to say to me."

Leaning over the wall to the left was a yawning Darui, and, besides Yugito and the Raikage, I could only sense one more shinobi, and Anbu I presumed, now standing outside the closed office doors.

"Yes, Raikage-sama. I think it's better if I show you."

He reclined back in his chair and uncrossed his arms doing a 'go ahead' gesture with his hands. I displayed my empty left hand while my right went for a kunai from my leg pouch; this was a common practice meant to avoid any misjudgment of your actions when unsheathing weapons in front of unfamiliar shinobi. Procuring a kunai from the pouch, I held it over my right palm facing upwards. Once again, I feigned concentration and willed the kunai to levitate unevenly.

The Raikage's eyes widened a bit. "The Magnet Release? Now that's an interesting change of pace around here." he started, "It's good to see it again, it's been years since Toroi died on duty. How did you find out? How proficient are you?"

"I found out some weeks ago and I'm just starting-"

"Great, great. These are great news for Kumogakure indeed." He exclaimed. "But first, Darui, you are more versed in kekkei genkai history, give the kid the first heads up."

Darui shrugged his shoulders. He obviously looked younger than what I remembered from the manga, his white-blond hair was shorter and was yet to cover his left eye, and the cleaver strapped to his back looked somewhat disproportionate for his body type. He was wearing baggy black pants, and a sleeveless high-collared uniform. The kanji for water and lightning were visible on his upper shoulders and his hands, as Tadashi's, were strapped in bandages. He was also wearing a standard kumo jonin vest which by itself was impressive, but I wouldn't have expected anything less from the man who would become Raikage after the war.

Name: DaruiTitle: Jonin of Kumogakure.Level: 78Age: 16Dauri is a jonin from Kumogakure and the right-hand man of the Yondaime Raikage. A Storm Release user, he also inherited the Sandaime's Black Lightning which makes him a respected shinobi despite his young age.Relationship level: Neutral.

"Listen closely, kid. Every kekkei genkai wielder should know the history of its origin, as dull as it may be." Darui started. "The Magnet Release is a recurrent kekkei genkai that from time to time pops out in the Land of Lightning. Its seemingly random distribution is the biggest difference with the Storm Release. You see, there's a factor of inheritance in Storm Release: the vast majority of the Horiuchi clan members are born with water and/or lightning nature affinities, if both affinities are perfectly balanced in any individual, you'll get the storm release. Storm release wielders born outside the clan are also born from shinobi parents who either have those particular affinities or one of them is also a Storm Release user, with no exceptions." He breathed in a long, relaxed breath, almost like a yawn, but his eyes then focused on me. "Now, none of the registered child of a wind and an earth natured shinobi has ever developed the Magnet Release, not even if we include the civilian population. In fact, Toroi's parents were both lightning release users. The Sandaime theorized that Magnet Release didn't have a genetic component, but that would also prove that it's inherently different to Suna's magnet release, as it is believed that the iron sand and the gold dust versions of Magnet Release do follow such rules. Obviously, Kumo's version is very different to Suna's despite sharing the same nature combination; Kumo's version is more focused on weapon magnetism and dueling, not that destructive force the Sandaime Kazekage was known for. The Sandaime Raikage attempted to create a clan of magnet release users in Kumo, but no matter how many whores Toroi was offered and how many siblings his parents were forced to bring into this world, none developed the kekkei genkai." He walked to a file cabinet beside the bookcase and started rummaging. "So, Kioshi, your kekkei genkai is considered a mutation rather than a proper blood line limit, at least here in Kumo." He procured a red folder, which I suspected had my name on it, and began flipping through the pages inside. "Your father was a lightning specialist, while your mother was a wind wielder. Your father's family is also well documented, and there are no earth or wind natured shinobi in his family tree." He closed the folder with one hand and put it back in the bookcase, sighing. "Unfortunately, the Sandaime made one mistake: no formal information was ever documented on Toroi's abilities or any other Magnet Release users before him, 'important secrets' he called them, so we are left only with descriptions of old shinobi and their sake filled stories. Regrettably, Toroi also died before the Shinobi Research Institute was founded. Whatever else we know is based on rumors too, like the original clan before t-"

"Oh, for fucks sake's Darui, stop babbling so much." The Raikage interrupted and stood from his chair behind his desk, his broad arms and shoulders uncovered, flashing a broad grin that somehow still looked stern and deadly serious. "The Magnet Release is finally back on the Shinobi roster of Kumo. It's time for you to train hard and rise through the ranks. It's time to put blood, sweat and tears in your training, kid."

"A-sama," Yugito tried to interrupt the Raikage's incipient monologue. "A-sama, please. There's one thing Kioshi wants to discuss first."

The Raikage raised an eyebrow and sat down again. "Go ahead."

"It's about the Hyuga affair." Yugito stated.

The Raikage's mind seemed to click after a brief pause as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ah, that thing again. Am I to assume that you are worried about what will happen to you as a kekkei genkai wielder?" He asked me in a grave voice.

"Yes." I answered maintaining eye contact.

"What I'm about to say is restricted information that you are not to discuss with the civilian population or chunin and below under any circumstance. Am I clear?"

I answered with a short nod.

"The kidnapping was orchestrated by a council member who convinced our peace envoy. Can you believe they went behind my back, my back! And they even tried to steal the Hyuga heir from under their noses -right under their freaking eyes." Judging by the flaring of his nostrils, his clenched teeth and that he was once again standing behind his desk, the Raikage was pissed. "I tried to salvage the situation, maybe get our hands on a Hyuga body, but that old Sarutobi bastard played us. We kept everything a secret to the civilian population. It's best for them to believe we just failed and got tricked by Konoha, than them to know some council member went behind the backs of the shinobi council, failed and that then we got fooled by Konoha anyway." He took a deep breath before continuing. "After losing the third war and the death of my father, the Land of Lightning began a recuperation phase of militaristic isolation. That's when we gave up on the whole steal kekkei genkai philosophy; it never worked. Even during the war, that Yondaime Hokage bastard impeded every single move Kumo tried." He leaned on his desk and looked down directly at me. "That being said, you already are in the shinobi high priority list because of your grades and performance, so nothing will change now. Well, the jonin and the clan heads will be talking more about you..."

I was a little surprised. "High priority list?"

"Yes, this cabinet here," Darui answered before the Raikage could, "has all the files of shinobi regarded as priority targets to observe; promising shinobi, kekkei genkai wielders and other shinobi whose special abilities or circumstances make them priority targets for enemy shinobi or valuable members to our forces. All chunin and jonin jonin are alerted if any member is in the list."

"Normally, Kumo would offer you any help we could provide." The Raikage spoke. "Storm Release and other kekkei genkai users are all helped in terms of jutsu and training regimes, even outside the clans, but there's not much we can do in your case. So, train up your abilities, keep your head up high and earn the respect that will be given. Bring glory to Kumogakure, and she will love you back." The Raikage was still standing, now holding his head up high and his eyes lost on some old tale of glory, I presumed.

'Meh, as far as motivational speeches were concerned, that wasn't half bad.'

I looked back at Yugito. She was right all along and, broadly speaking, nothing would change from now on. I was probably drowning in a glass of water trying to hide my kekkei genkai. However, its true extent will remain a secret, I decided. Whatever reactions this world's other violent factions might have -Orochimaru, Akatsuki, Danzo- are things I'll have to improvise as I go.

"Any questions you may have, we are here for our shinobi," Darui finished before turning to Yugito, "and maybe Dodai could tell him more about the history behind Magnet Release; he's better versed in kekkei genkai records."

She just nodded gratefully.

"Where's Tadashi?" Kazuya asked me.

"I don't know."

It was unusual for Tadashi to miss our morning runs before training, even if it was Monday. We just shrugged our shoulders and began jogging around the training grounds with the cold fall winds on our backs. I've got to say, these runs have helped me increase my VIT quite a lot.

After 30 minutes or so, Yugito arrived.

"Hello team. I've got news," she exclaimed, "but where's Tadashi?" she added looking around.

We shrugged our shoulders.

"Well, I'll inform him later. Tomorrow we've got another C-rank mission," Yugito continued, "I'll brief you after training."

I couldn't hide my smirk. Another C-rank meant a lot of experience and money.

"Well, you know the routine. Kazuya, don't tire yourself much, there's a couple of things we have to correct about your elemental manipulation."

Kazuya and I faltered for a moment looking at each other. Yugito rarely, if ever, taught us something directly if we didn't ask her first. I just shrugged my shoulders again.

That day, I focused on leveling up my throwing techniques, throwing kunai and shuriken to a wooden post, aspiring to max out every single advanced skill I had.

Advanced Shurikenjutsu. Lvl 2. (56%)- Perfected techniques for thrown weaponry developed by the Uchiha clan.Increases ranged damage and accuracy by 2%.

The skill I received from the Uchiha book was extraordinary: it increased all ranged damage and accuracy, not only shuriken's.

Poison Crafting and Poison Resistance still had a long way to go before hitting max level, mostly because I couldn't just train them directly and injecting myself with the only toxins I could create ceased to be effective a while ago. The book Yugito gave me advanced those skills by a small margin once I finished reading it last night, two levels each, and they still had a long way to go. Thankfully, the book mentioned which stores sold poison crafting equipment and ingredients, and also indicated some local toxic herbs that can be found inside the village. I was sure to check those after training and was looking forward to craft all sorts of stuff from whatever I could find to level that crafting skill. There was a long list of poisons I sought to try.

I wanted to keep leveling my stealth, but that was only combat oriented and couldn't level that up unless someone was actively looking for me. 'I'll have to ask Yugito one of these days for specific training.'

Also, my meditation was leveling up so freaking fast I was very pleased with it:

Meditation. Lvl 75. (10%)- Achieving a mental state of self-awareness and emotional serenity.Increases HP, SP and Chakra regeneration by 124%.Meditating now grants the benefits of sleeping and further increases Chakra regeneration by 25%.

Lastly, I didn't remember what Tsunade did to increase her chakra control to medic-nin levels, or how Itachi managed to be such genjutsu genius, but I was finally convinced that the best way to further train my Chakra Control was trying to recreate the Rasengan. From what old man Yataro told me during our tea-infused weekend afternoons, the best way to improve your control over chakra after completing the water walking exercise was to get better at using it raw once it leaves your body. So: Rasengan. I was more than a little paranoid about shinobi checking on me after yesterday's conversation with Darui, so maybe I'll try it inside a dungeon after cleaning it out, if I ever find the next one.

I heard Kazuya scream and immediately tuned my head in his direction. He was panting, his left hand holding his right wrist, his wakizashi lay on the ground in front of him.

"Right there." Yugito was standing next to him with her arms crossed and a furrowed brow. "You're still converting chakra to lightning before releasing it from your hands, try converting it just after it leaves your hand, it's easier that way. I've told you before, you should try with a metal rod before trying to-"

"Kioshi can make it! Tadashi can even change chakra to lightning before releasing it!" He complained through clenched teeth.

"What you're trying is a chunin level skill, at the least. Take it easy on yourself Kazuya, and don't compare yourself to others. I'm proud of you three." Yugito responded.

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