
Chapter 348


"My lady." King Renly said as he sat in front of her.

She had expected him to leave her behind in Highgarden but he had unexpectedly brought her with him.

"I bring good news for you."

She gave a polite smile "Your grace."

The king didn't look phased by her formality and continued to smile.

Whatever news he got must have been a good one.

"Got a letter from one of my spies in Pink Maiden." King Renly said "Apparently they captured a few Lannister soldiers near their castle. At first they thought that they were deserters but after some interrogation, they found that they were the remnants of the Lannister army that had put Riverrun under siege."

Her heart leapt at that "Remnants?" she asked "What happened to the army?"

King Renly smiled "Apparently it was destroyed by an army led by Lord Bolton."

She had feeling that there was more he wanted to say in this matter but didn't.

"That is good news." She nodded "What of my brother? He was held captive by the Lannisters. Did Lord Bolton managed to save him."

King Renly frowned at that and then gave her an apologetic look "I'm afraid that the soldiers that the men in Pink Maiden caught didn't knew a lot of information. Just that they were attacked at early dawn and all three camps surrounding Riverrun were defeated very quickly."

She sighed at that.

She had no idea if her brother had not died in the battle. Battles can be chaotic and innocent men tend to die like flies in a war.

She could only hope that her brother had survived.

"Thank you for the news your grace." She said and King Renly smiled and got up from his chair.

"Don't mention it." He said "The Lannisters are enemy of us all. When I sit on the Iron Throne I'll definitely give a boon to Lord Bolton for this."

With that he left her tent and she decided to pray to the Seven for her brother's safety.



He picked up the letter and looked at Malesandre.

"Why was I not informed of this?" he asked "Did your god failed to see this?"

"The lord of light only shows me what he wants to show me." Malesandre said "And so far he had not shown me any visions of this Lord Bolton. I suspect that he too have a grand part to play in the Long Night."

"You and your lord." Stannis said, looking at the slight bump in her belly. The one he had put there himself.

He knew that with how small his forces were there was no way he was going to win against his brother and thus… other methods needed to be used.

"My brother and his forces are close to bitter bridge. They'll be here in a month or two." He said "I hope you'll be ready by then?"

"I will my lord." She said.

He nodded and looked at the letter once again.

"Keep looking in the fire." He said "I want to know if you can find anything for me about this Bolton boy."

She nodded and with that, he went back to looking at the board, wondering if Lord Stark will give him his allegiance if he succeeded in killing Renly.

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