
Chapter 332


Thistle pulled the cloak around her husband and set him up against the trunk properly so that won't fall down.

Roghomyr was vulnerable when he was warging in the Wyvern so she had to see to his protection when he was in that state.

She didn't need to worry about it as Lord Bolton had given bother Rohomyr and Vothora 4 guards each for their protection but she had been protecting Roghomyr like this for a decade before they bent their knee to Lord Bolton and old habits were hard to break.

His eyes were rolled back in his head and she knew that he was controlling the smaller of the Wyvern in the clearing.

Once she had properly secured him and made sure that no one would find him in his current location, she climbed down from the tree and went up to Shadow Wing.

The Wyvern gave her a snort as she nuzzled it's cheek and patted it's head.

The Wyvern (or her husband in this case) gestured her to get on it's back as it lowered it's body.

She nodded and used the rope stairs to climb on it's back and on it's saddle.

"Give me the large one." She said and the guards below nodded and brought a large barrel which was covered in red colored runes.

Some kind of magic that she didn't understand or care to understand.

The men hefted the barrel up to her and she secured it in front of her, making sure that it won't fall by mistake.

Lord Bolton had told her what was inside the barrel and what would happened if it exploded.

If she dropped the barrel in the wrong place then hell would ensue.

She looked at the other Wyvern. It was a different species of Wyvern and slightly larger than Shadow Wing.

The teenage boy on top of the Wyvern secured the load as well.

She looked at the bottomless bag tied to her belt. The other Wildfire Bombs were kept inside. A thousand were given to her and a thousand to the boy.

The two Wyverns looked at each other. Then the Wyvern she was sitting on grunted as the first rays of sun started to come from the horizon.

The other Wyvern snarled back and moved out of the way.

Shadow wing turned it's head to give her a look. After flying on his back for so long, she knew what that look meant.

She held the barrel tightly to herself. The saddle was made from some kind of magic and she knew that she won't fall even if the Wyvern turned upside down.

The Wyvern flapped it's wings and the started running in the clearing.

One flap. Two Flap. Three Flap. Four Flap and then they were off.

Shadow wing continued to flap it's large wings and they continued to fly up and up.

She looked back and saw the other Wyvern taking off after them.

She looked down and saw the forest becoming smaller and smaller.

She grinned.

Flying on the back of a Wyvern never got old.

She still remembered the times when the only thing her husband was able to control was a single direwolf and both of them had to search for food in the cold to continue surviving each and every day.

They had come a long distance from then.

Sure, they had to bent their knee to a Southron and she was not proud of that. But Lord Bolton had been fair to them.

He had made her husband far more powerful than he once was and had given him a Wyvern as well.

Life couldn't be any better for them and now it was finally time for them to repay Lord Bolton back for all his generosity.

After all, she might not be very smart but she was not ungrateful.

Once shadow wing had gained enough altitude, it spread it's wings and simply gilded toward the river.

She wrapped her arms around the barrel and after getting to the edge of the Forest, shadow wing continued to glide in a circle.

A few moments later, the other Wyvern joined them and they both continued to fly around in circles for the next few minutes until she felt the mirror vibrate in her pocket.

She took out the mirror and followed the instructions.

Lord Bolton's face came in front of her.

She could see rows upon rows of horses behind him and knew that he was ready as well.

"Start." He said with a nod and the mirror went back to being a normal mirror.

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