
Chapter 262

"For now, we'll form an alliance with Myr, Tyrosh and Ibben."

"Traders. Slavers and Whalers." She said with distaste "Might as well add a few whores and eunuchs as well."

He thought about her words and nodded "Good idea."

"What?" she asked, looking confused and shocked.

"Not the whores. The Eunuchs. We'll buy an army of Unsallied and use them against the Bolton boy. Without that much manpower breaking Bolton port, Winterhold and then Dragonfort before the rest of the North could rally against the foreign invaders would be impossible."

Genna looked at him like he had grown a second head and even Kevan looked a little uncomfortable.

"Tywin." Genna said slowly "Do you not remember how expensive an Unsallied army is. Or do such small details tend to go above at brilliant mind of yours."

He glared at her but the Kevan spoke "Brother… she's not wrong you know. Leading this alliance and a war against the Bolton boy is already going to be very expensive. Buying a Unsallied army on top of that… it's…"

"The Casterly Rock on have any gold in it's mines." Genna said "We're running on borrowed time, in case you've forgotten. The golden statue, the Grand tourney and the Fleet from Summer Islands have already depleted our reserves by 10 percent. Leading this war might cost us a lot and gain us nothing. On top of that, we might even lose our fleet and all our soldiers if we're not careful. Are you really so bent on vengeance that you would risk so much for a sword."

"It's not about the sword. It's about the 'house'." He said "If someone can make a fool out of my son and take our sword from him without any consequence, then people will think that we're no longer a house to be respected. I'll let the vultures eat me alive before I ever let our house fall to that again."

Both his siblings went silent after that. Looking in the distance and remembering the state of their house under their father's leadership.

How it was him who brought them out of the brink of ruin on his own and raised it to the state in which it was today.

After a long silence, Genna simply shook her head "Your mind is already set on this so arguing with you would be pointless. Just… be careful Tywin."

Then she got up from her chair and left.

Kevan waited until she had left before he spoke "I suppose I should prepare the letters for this alliance."

"No." He replied "I'll be prepare the letters. You prepare the ships, the men and the gold."

"Wha…" Kevan stopped as realization dawned in his eyes and his eyes hardened with resolve.

"There is no one else I trust with this task more than you." He said "I want you to leave by the end of the month. Take the Swan ships as well as the few new war galleys in Lannisport. Then got o Myr and Tyrosh. Make an military alliance with the Magisters there. Have them hire as many sellsails and sellswords they can. Go to Slaver's Bay and buy the Unsallied. I��ll correspond with the Ibbenese. They'll be ready by the time you return with the Unsallied and the Fleet from Myr and Tyrosh. Once that is done, head for Bolton port. If the Boy's fleet is there…" he paused, knowing that they'll probably not match the boy's fleet even with all their ships.

"I'll do what I can to succeed." Kevan said and he nodded.

"Go now. And start the preparations." He said "I'll deal with any backlash from Robert."

"Yes my lord." Kevan said as he got up from his chair and bowed to him before leaving the room.

Once Kevan had left, he picked up the quill and started writing a letter.

Unknown to him, there was a small runic array drawn behind the portrait of his father on the wall behind him.

The array stopped glowing as soon as Kevan left the room.

In the other side of the continent, Lyra removed her ear from the Communication mirror and quickly started writing a summary of everything she had heard.

Once she was done, he picked up the communication mirror once again and called her Lord.

A few moments later, his tired and annoyed face appeared on the mirror and she smiled.

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