
Chapter 78

That Evening.

"Domeric. Domeric." The voice came closer and closer until he could hear her footsteps "Domeric… Oh.. I've been searching for through the entire Castle. Are you alright."

She picked him up like the 12 year old child he was and turned around to look over him carefully "You're not hurt are you?" she asked worriedly as she gave him a once over.

He didn't even have the energy to roll his eyes so he just sighed and said "I'm alright auntie. You don't need to worry about it."

"Worry. How can I not worry about it." She almost shouted before she took a few deep breaths and visibly composed herself "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." The words came out automatically from his mouth but she didn't seem to buy his words and continued to stare at him until he sighed and nodded "Well… Not fine… I guess."

It was not everyday that your own half brother tried to kill you after all.

"That boy." She spoke, and the venom in her voice was clear for him to hear "Where is he now?"

He shook his head. Feeling too tired to do anything else at this point and wishing that she would just… let him be.

"He's gone." He replied.

"Gone? As in 'gone' gone?" she asked.

"No. Gone. As in I sent him to the Wall with some of my guards." He left out the part where he sent a dark curse inside the boy which would slowly but surely kill him within a year.

This way, he won't get the moniker of 'kinslayer' that these ignorant people seem so willing to give each other.

"Are you sure that sending him to the wall was the right move?" she asked and he finally snapped.

"I don't care if it was the right thing to do. I did it. It is done now and I don't want to talk about this anymore." He told her and turned around to look at the various Valyrian steel trinkets on the ground in front of him and sat down to observe them once again.

He heard her let out a sigh behind him as she sat down beside him before pulling him in a tight hug.

��I'm sorry for worrying so much." She whispered to him "It's just… you're the last thing I've left of my sister." Left unsaid was the fact that since she herself didn't have any children, she saw him as her own son by now.

But they both already knew that, even if they didn't acknowledge it.

"That is… a lot of Valyrian Steel." She commented after a long silence, deliberately changing the topic of conversation. Not that he minded.

"It is." He said, feeling more emotionally tired than he had felt in a long while "Most of it is from the Royal Treasury and Citadel. The rest are from the magisters in the various cities across Essos."

"What are you going to do with them?" she asked.

"Forge a new sword with them." He replied "There's enough Valyrian steel here to create a decent long sword. I may not know how to use a sword but I can at least look pretty while holding it."

His aunt chuckled at his words "Only you Dom can see a Valyrian Steel sword as nothing more than an ornament." She paused and he already knew that words that were going to come out of her mouth "That said… perhaps you should start learning how to use a sword. I know it's a bit too late and that you have no interest in learning how to use a sword but knowing it come in handy one day."

He shook his head at her words "I would rather spend my time in the advancement of my domain and enhance the lives of my people."

She opened her mouth to speak but perhaps she could feel how emotionally exhausted he was as she simply closed her mouth and didn't speak anything after that.

"Have you thought of a name for the Valyrian Sword?" she asked "You may not use it and might look down upon it but a Valyrian Sword is a very important symbol to the people in Westeros. So you might as well give it a name before the people decide to give it one in your stead."

He thought about it for a while before he finally said "Lily. I want to name the sword Lily."

"Lily?" his aunt asked, a little confused by his chosen name "That's a strange name for a sword."

"Perhaps." He replied, not really caring about the opinion of other people. Especially when he was naming it as a tribute to his mother.

"Well… if that's what you want to name it." His aunt shrugged, not caring about it either.

They remained in the same position, with her holding him closely until it was finally time for the dinner.

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