
Chapter 21

A few days later, the Royal fleet and the Redwyne fleet arrived in the shore of Seagard. From there, King Robert and rest of his lords and their men climbed atop the various ships and sailed toward the various islands in the Iron Islands.

Once he read the mind of Robert Baratheon, he found the plan made by Robert and the other Lord Paramounts, it was decided that he and his men will go with the king as well as Lord Stark and siege the Pyke.

And so started a bloody siege that would go on for two whole months before Pyke finally fell. The Greyjoy lost their rebellion. Balon Greyjoy lost both his older sons during the war and has now surrendered his crown to the Iron throne.

As a punishment Balon's eldest son was to be taken as a ward so that the Ironborn will think twice about rebelling against the crown the next time.

That was it.

That was all the punishment that the Iron Islanders were going to get.

He looked around and could see that all the lords standing there had disgruntled expressions. Especially Tywin who wanted to make an example of the Greyjoys for having burnt the Lannister fleet.

So as soon as Robert stopped talking, he raised his voice and said. "Your grace. My lords. I know this is my place to talk but if you would listen to a suggestion of mine."

Everyone was now focused on him. They knew that it was a bit disrespectful to speak after the king had made his decision but they were curious as well since they were not happy with Robert's decision.

Robert snorted at his words "Go on then boy. Speak your mind."

"My Lords. The Ironborns have a history of reaving and raping and pillaging our lands. They have been doing it since before Aegon arrived in Westoros. And they won't stop no matter how many times we defeat them until we do something permanent about this situation."

He met Robert's eye and could feel the impatience building in mind. The only thing Robert wanted to do right now was drink some wine and find a wench to fuck. So he quickly cast a minor calming charm on the fool wandlessly as well as a compulsion charm so that the fool would listen to his words.

Robert looked like he wanted to say something but the he visibly composed himself and said "Go ahead then. What do you propose."

The surrounding lords looked a bit surprised that the king would want to listen to the words of an 8 year old but they didn't interrupt so he continued his little speech that would benefit him more than anyone else.

"I propose three things."

"First, is to sent away all the male Greyjoys to the wall and all the female Greyjoys to the silent sisters. Executing them would just make them a martyr for the people who follow the drowned gods. Sending them to the wall to freeze off their balls would instead make them look pathetic. After all, this is the least amount of punishment Balon and his family should receive for the destruction they have caused to Westeros. And this will also set a future precedent for anyone who even thinks of rebelling against you."

Ned looked a little worried at the prospect of sending the 8 year Theon Greyjoy to the wall but didn't said anything. Tywin had a little gleam in his eyes even as his face remained stoic while Stannis for the first time looked a little satisfied.

The compulsion charm that he had cast on the king as well as the loyalty charm he had been casting ever since he joined the war did their work and Robert nodded at his suggestion so he quickly went to the second and most important point.

"The second is to remove all the thralls and salt wives from the Islands and then ban the practice of keeping them as 'thrall' and 'salt wife' is just another name for a slave. Without the slaves to mine their iron and grow their food, the Iron Islanders would not be able to gather their strength for a long time. Who knows they might even learn to sow their own fields."

Everyone in the room laughed at his words while Balon Greyjoy just gave him a venomous glare which he easily ignored.

"But where do you plan to take these thralls and saltwives boy?" Robert asked "I doubt any one else would be keen on giving them shelter in their own lands as their status as slaves make them even lower than the smallfolk in the eyes of other people. Unless you are volunteering to take them to your own lands and feed them yourself?"

Some of the lords sniggered at that as it was no secret that Northern houses were not as rich as the other Southern houses either in gold or in food.

But his house was not any other house.

"I'll take them." He said and everyone in the room turned silent at once before Robert settled him with a glare. Well, at least the loyalty charm is working if the fat fool is worried about him doing something reckless.

"Do you know what you're talking about boy?" the man asked "There would be a lot of thralls and salt wives in these Islands. Do you have any idea how much food and resources it'll take for you to feed these men and women?"

He simply nodded his head and said "A lot. I have no doubt about that. But these thralls and salt wives already know how to work hard and North has an abundance of lands. I'm sure that in due time, these people will be able to create their own farms and would be able to support themselves without my help."

Robert's face contorted for a bit before he waved his hand away at him. "Very well then. You can take the thralls and salt wives away from this shit hole and then settle them back into your lands. Stannis, you and Lord Redwyne will make sure to transfer those men and women to Dreadfort once you land our army back in Lannisport."

"Yes your grace." Stannis bowed with a stoic face before Robert turned to him once again.

"Very well then. Get on with the third suggestion boy."

He felt slightly irritated at being called a boy again and again as it brought up memories of another life but he pushed down on his irritation and said "I propose that you give the post of the Lord Paramount to someone who believes in making a life with trading rather than by reaving and raping. Someone like that would allow the Iron Islands to stand up on their feet once again and focus on trading. Even if only for one generation."

Robert stroked his beard for a moment before he nodded "Aye. That seems like a good idea as well. Lord Tywin. Do you know of someone like this within the Iron Islands?"

Tywin thought about it for a moment before he replied "House Orkmort is one of the largest house within the Iron Islands who opposed the old ways even though they joined Balon in the end. Making them the Lord Paramount seems as good a decision as any."

"Very well then. I'll make him the lord paramount of this shit hole once I meet him. It's decided then." Then he turned to Eddard Stark and said "Ned. Make sure that these Greyjoys are sent to the Wall and their women are sent to the silent sisters."

"Yes your grace." Lord Stark nodded before the king bellowed out a laugh "What are you all still looking at. This meeting is over. Go drink some of the ale, pick up some wench and enjoy yourself. You've deserved some rest after all this bloodshed."

And just like that. The Greyjoy rebellion came to an end.

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