
Run Away Lovers for Now

*Aurora POV*

"Take the order to the table no 5" A woman's voice screamed nodding my head as I took the food tray filled with roasted chicken soup and noodles making my way towards the table No 5. Walking as fast as I could, trying not to bump myself into anyone or anything. Smiling as I place my order to table number 5 where a guy was sitting alone.

"Get me one more cup of beer" finishing his big cop of beer in a gulp as I nodded my head removing the small notepad from my pocked noted it down.

"Daisy this large glass of beer to the table No 1 and an extra bowl of rice and curry is for table number 9". Nodding my head as I walked towards the counter where the odder was already ready for me to take.

Tearing the piece of the paper from the small note pad the odder I have just written. Pinning it to the top of the board, so they could have a look at it for the next odder. Setting the tray down on the counter, placing a guy with blond hair helped kept another tray filled with dishes.

"Table number 9" with that. He ran back in towards the kitchen. Taking the odder, placing it upon their table number 9 as I serve them, getting my notepad from my pocket, turning it to the 4th page of it. Showing the page where it's written 'is there anything else needed' of table number 9 where the couples were sitting.

"No," the guy said as the girl had already dug in without waiting for the guy. Nodding my head as I walk away.

"Take the bear to the table no 5" once again the lady's voice called out walking towards the counter taking a deep breath in and out continue to work as a waitress into this small hotel.

It has been a week while working here, with a place to stay, food to eat and clothes to wear. Not to forget that merman is still with me, working in the kitchen with Aunt May and her husband, what's his name, Uncle Victor.

Yes, that night as we were walking through the beach just to meet this guy who was going to go for fishing saw us. Was kind to take as in under their wings.

Well, he ended up with me as I can't leave a naked merman anywhere; in reality, I have learned many things about him. At least I have to keep him away from the water, an extensive amount of water, for now, so it wouldn't touch his feet or get fully wet for now.

The time we were taking a bath together- don't ask me why we were in the same whatever we are pretending to be runaway lovers. Ok let's just say I'm doing it as from nowhere this brat looks like my sibling even why would siblings just be half-naked on the beach. A group of the thief, the saving we had in the way of our journey, stole everything.

Run so lover was a good idea for now until I have to figure out what should I do next. I really don't know what really I'm doing my brain cells isn't working anymore 404 error. Here we are staying in the guest room with all the things with our basic needs.

Exchange for all of this we have to work here in their small hotel which they run in this village which is small too. But a kind of the eyes-catching place for the tourist, for the beautiful beach. Yea, the place where I woke up and found out alive saved by that mermaid partially now I have to take care of him.

Going back to this merman, he is a fast learner, not that I have to worry about it. Later I know he could survive into this human world even without me till the time he stops following me as like a duckling as if I'm his mother. The sad story he hasn't utter a word like he is a kind of mute too.

Even though he has adapted everything about human habits, their actions, a fast learner but just not their language, how they speak. Making both of us a mute once, but he can understand everything, what others try to say or me explaining him through my actions as if he is reading my mind just like George, that personal knight of Daisuke.

Daisuke what is he do-wait I don't even want to think about that honey bee brat the thought just made me chuckle in response.

"Well, today Arthur and Daisy did good today, right honey" it cut me off and brought back from my thought as aunt May served us the dinner for what I was waiting for a long. While working really makes us lose the track of time here, maybe now it's already passed midnight now.

Don't judge me as I forgot to say I was Aurora, just my actual name came in my mind as I wrote when I first met them. Then kept this Merman name Arthur common name in stories, right?

"Yes buttercup, and because of these two I think our sales have been increasing day by day"

"Aren't they such a beautiful couple, it's such a pain that both of them are mute"

"Buttercup!!" Victor crosses his arms over his chest

As Aunt Maria gives an apologetic look towards "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that" I just nodded my head in response, looking down at the dinner served in front of us.

"Here my child tastes it one of my new recipe" Uncle Victor got up from his chair serving us some kind of curry in the bowl.

Nodding my head as I take the bowl from his hand lifting my spoon taking a scope I ate. The taste of sweet and chilly melts in my mouth with the small piece of chicken which still crunchy is closing my eyes as a small smile formed on my face.

"I guess you liked it right" nodded my head as I continued to eat looking at my left side to see the merman dressed into a full white sleeved folded above his elbow. With a brown jacket on the top of that, black pant below.

His white hair tied into a loose bun making few locks of the hair falling in front of his face. From before his skin has gotten tan when I had first met him, first he used to look like Edward, now more like Jacob.

Making merman turn his head towards me as his grey eyes meet mine, giving me a small smile as he twists his a bit. 'So cute' I thought making my eyes go wide as I turn away looking down at my place and ate, gulping down as I half chew the food.

At least he doesn't sparkle under the sun, ah the introvert me missing reading books just me and my food no human contact at all. At the same time taking care of the reassured animals here, and lots of interaction with the humans now a merman.

I want to go home and sleep, just sleep, do nothing else. "Daisy I really want to know how you both fell in love without speaking or just by stari-", before May could complete her sentence I coughed chocking on the food half stuck on my neck now I'm retreating eating faster.

Tears fell still coughing as merman rubbed my back and Victor handing me the glass of water taking from his hand gulping in down. Taking a deep breath as I calmed down, I can feel my heart thumping against my chest. Pressing my lips together into a thin line, wiping the tears away from my face.

"Are you alright now?" May asked as I nodded my head in response, smiling at them. With that as we continue to have our dinner, as they continued to talk about the old days.

'Love? Huh, well, it shouldn't be shocking as when I said we are runaway, lovers.

I'm sorry for the late update as I had been busy editing the old chapters and my upcoming exams. But don't you worry Reader-chan.

I will update daily and thank you for your lovely support and comments. It really made me laugh so. Thank you so much for the gifts as I receive my second gift, I'm so happy to thank you!!!!

Aurora- Yea, Yea as you made my life pause for such a long time.

Author-nim: Say no more I will be there every day now little Aurora.

*Patting Aurora's head*

Aurora: I will bite you next time if you didn't keep your promise.

Auther-nim: Okay-okay I will ash this bra-

Aurora: What did you say?

Auther-nim: nothing, my child (What kind of kid did I even make)

Dream_landcreators' thoughts
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