
Trip for blessing

*Aurora Pov*

Looking out of the window beside me watching as we are going deeper and deeper into the forest. It's still early in the morning Fogg still around us, sending a shiver through me.

As it was planned me and Zoe are going to the temple for the blessing. Before going back with Daisuke she said it will be best to do. We both will be leaving tonight after having our dinner.

I wasn't even able to inform Daisuke or Ronnie about this trip. Me and Zoe seek quietly our way out. It's like a ritual not to inform anyone about it, except who is going with us. A small number of knights with us.

Zoe had visited to take the blessing from that temple too. Before she was going to get married to her Kevin.

I didn't even get to talk to the Male lead Duke Kevin who stole the heart of Zoe.

Well only if she knew Im not really getting married. Like soon her life will be in danger too. So as soon as I go back I have to convince Daisuke to go back.

As she is already happy having a family with Kevin. Why did I even say such a stupid thing I will help you if she still loves you.

Congratulations Aurora you know how to kick your own donkey as*. Which are pretty well-shaped. Wait for what?

Lamo if Im marrying that brat, which is like that situation will never arrive. But it's not going to go in vain to see the beautiful temple at the same time.

Last night really is Daisuke some kind of insane crazy in love yandere-Kun. How close he was I was nearly going to pass out any moment matter of time.

"Aurora" turning my head towards Zoe who held an apple in her hand extended towards me.

"Are you ok?" I nodded my head in response smiling.

"Here have it as we didn't even have our breakfast I just dragged you with me early in the morning. I really apologise for that and even for-"

Shacking my head no as I held her hand which has the apple. Smiling as her getting the pen and paper which us besides me.

'It's ok sister as I should be the one apologising it was my fault I acted carelessly'

Showing what I have written Zoe looks towards me with gentle eyes.

"Let's eat first the town is a bit far away from where we will be stopping to have something then we will be making our way to temple. Finally, my sister is getting married, Im happy for you Aurora" she said removing another from her basket taking a bite. Following her act as I do the same taking the bite of the apple.

I literally mourned by the taste of the apple. Which is so sweet and juicy like having a taste of heaven at the same time?

"Its tasty isn't it" I nodded my head in response taking another bite from it as Zoe smiled looking towards me.

"I'm so happy to have you back my little sister after more than a year. I even became a mother and its all because of you if you wouldn't be there I just I don't know how my life would be now." She said as I smile in response to see the caring feelings for both of the sisters. Nodding my head in response looking at the apple in my hand.

"Then one day you will a mother too like me, a happy life with the one you love as I can see how Daisuke treating you better than me. Where I was just something for-"

Looking back at Zoe who was glaring at me which made me confuse, taking the book and pen in my hand which shook in my hands soon a sudden wave of dizziness hits me. The world in front of me started spinning.

Learning against me as Zoe lift my face to look towards her which was just a few inches away from me. Smirking at me taking the apple from my hand as she throws it out of the window making the carriage stop.

"Marrying Daisuke, huh my sweet little sister. You can't take away what my Aurora never, it hurts a lot of ones again to hurt you. Even if you returned this time, they won't be next time,"

Dark stops danced in front of eyes trying so hard to be awake just making my eyes feel heavier than before. Soon the world around me turns dark.


"This is the girl but she is mute"

"No issue, is she pure?"

"Yes she is"

Opening my eyes just to close them again as I blink a few times feeling more sleepy. Looking up towards the just to see two shadows talking to each other.

"Well the bidding will be good for a pure beautiful girl like her"


After that once again as I close my eyes going back into the world of darkness.


Opening my eyes again just to close it again a huge wave of pain hit my head. As if I have been hit by a huge rock in my head. Closing my eyes again taking a deep breath as I control my urge not to vomit.

'This will be the worst hangover I ever had'

Opening my eyes again just to see many girls in front of me whos hands are behind their back. Wearing a sleeveless white dress, I can see the bruises in their arm and neck. As they lept looking down some had their eyes closed, some sobbing, or silently looking down.

'what where am I?'

Looking up to see a type of metal ceiling, the ground was shaking as I can hear rolling of the wheel. As if Im in the carriage, made of metal. My arms started to ache to make making me feel the urge to stretch. Lifting my hand just to notice I cant movie it as if it's tied behind my back. No matter how hard I try the rope makes no sign to get free.

"It's no use," a voice said making me stop looking in front of me a girl staring back at me.

White long messy hair, left side of her hair covering her face with grey eyes. A handprint on her right side of her cheek.

Gulping down using all my energy to get up into the sitting position looking towards her. Who was still looking down not even glancing towards me? There are many questions going on inside me, I want to ask but how can I. How can I do that it makes me feel more useless now what I was already feeling?

Wait where is Zoe? Is she here to where are the knights? I what should I Do how can I? What should I even do this situation?

*Third POV*

"My love what happened you ar-"

"No, I'm ok please find my sister they took her to please" Zoe let the tears fall from her eyes as the Duke came in running inside the room just to see her wife bleeding arm and the injury over her head too. They found all the knights death.

The knights found Zoe in the middle of the forest wounds all over her body. The doctor was dressing her wounds on her arm.

"How can they touch you did you saw their faces who they were?"

"No, I don't have the-they were wearing a mask, and they took Aurora with them she please ring her back please" Zoe cried as Kevin hugged her tight rubbing her back it hurt his heart to see her in tears.

"Don't worry my love I will bring her back you should rest now"

"I Can't I CANt when my little sister is out there, she can't even ask for anyons help when she doesn't even have a voice plea-please-"

"Shuu it's ok calm down now, take care of yourself first my love. William!!! Send the group of knights in search of princess Zoe."

The knight who was standing behind him nodded his head bowing down at him. "Yes, your Majesty" with that he walks out of the door.

The door burst open as the look on the face of Daisuke made the room colder than it already was. As Daisuke made his was towards Zoe who glanced towards him making her heart skip a beat.

'He is here for me, he came here for me after hearing how badly injured it as made me sure it to reach as soon as I arrived here' hugging Kevin tighter with her arms still around him.

"Where is Aurora?" he asked standing in front of Zoe who glaring towards her. Making her eyes wide as she looks toward him.

"She-she your-"

Kevin turns Zoe's face the other way standing in front of Daisuke glaring towards him. "Can't you see she's injured and is not in the condition to speak to you"

"But I want to know what happened that time, ABOUT MY FIANCE as you got your wife back but my fiancé isn't here,"

"I have already sent the knights in search for her or can it be you have once again kept her hidden as yo-"


"No, please don't fight to please it's my request jus- just bring my sister back I will say what I saw just bring my sister back to me,"

Daisuke just kept his glare towards Kevin who was rubbing Zoe back. Whose entire body was shaking as crying loudly into the arms of her love.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dream_landcreators' thoughts
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