
Chapter 1403 Thyme for Books

--- Lily ---

The contest was over, lunch was eaten, and Kat had gone off to practice a bit more. Lily had pouted a bit at that… but when Kat actually voiced the question Lily had turned her down. Lily didn't want to interrupt Kat's trying, especially when it seemed like her girlfriend was on a roll. With their link it was a touch odd. Lily could swear she could almost feel the breakthrough Kat was on the edge of, just out of reach. It was particularly strange because Lily hadn't even asked Kat what she was trying to learn. 

So here Lily was sitting across from Thyme. Thyme had a ball gown on but it was shredded. It looked like Thyme had picked a fight with a rosebush and lost. This ideas was only reinforced by the slight cuts that Thyme left on their exposed skin, and the rose that sat in Thyme's hair. Must have been one serious rosebush. "So? Have you come to a decision?" asked Thyme. 

"Yes. I'd like the books please," said Lily. 

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