
Chapter 1296 Marigold March

--- Kat ---

When the clips finished up most people started to leave. Green was being carried by a reluctant Nixilei while Asteodia followed along. Soon, the only people left were Burnice, Marigold, Vanya, March, and Burgandy. Alongside Kat and Lily of course. Once everyone had cleared out a bit, Thyme had restructured the room completely. 

Now, it was four smaller couches that faced each other with a water pitcher in the middle. On the back wall was a big button that said 'Start Obstacle Course' with five glowing red squares just in front of it. The button was just barely close enough to the middle square, allowing for that person to push it while standing inside. 

On the walls was a series of pictures done up to look like they were painted with water colours. Perhaps they were real water colour paintings that time had quickly whipped up just to mess with everyone because they were all quite recognisable as scenes from the obstacle course they'd just finished. 

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