

Like every good super hero/ villain. I wanted my own sweet secret base. I also needed a place for the girls to stay that was safe from the nasties of this world. The problem however was funds. I had possibly billions in gold and cash. But I can't just whip those out of nowhere in this tech based world monitored by everyone and their grandmother. So what's a man to do?

The answer is very simple. We go to the land of hookers and money. Las Vegas. This is a simple trip for my super speed body. However it's quite odd if I do say so to travel in super speed.

I get your moving extremely fast and all but it's kind of like you see everything in the same speed. So in a way it's like you've physically ran hundreds of miles and seen everything at regular speed but only arrived there in a few minutes or hours. It's disconcerting.

Anyway enough about that.

Arriving at the Las Vegas area I have my bank account and everything already set up. The only problem is. Potions don't work on my body. Full immunity to everything blows absolute dick. I was ready to party and have fun but nope.

'System is there a way I can shut off my abilities?'

A little screen pops up showing everything.

I quickly start taking off some of them so I can have fun but leave on a few for safety measures.

What follows next is going to be something I'm sure you've all seen.

I chugged a vial of liquid luck then I chugged a full bottle of firewhiskey. "Wooooo! Vegas!" That's all I remember before blacking out in a drunken stupor. Everything was a blur.

Waking up the next morning in a fancy hotel I quickly cover my eyes from the blinding light that is giving me a headache.

I quickly grope around for a blanket to cover my face but my hand Lands on something soft and squishy. There's a moan and an unfamiliar voice answers. "Did you not ravage me enough last night husband?"

My eyes fly open and I sit up in the bed. Next to me are two naked bodies. One with black hair and another with red hair. I quickly put on my abilities even though some are on I remember turning off. I check my mindspace and there's two new minds floating around drowsily working off a major hangover.

Looking around even more I take in the room and have to stop myself from gasping in shock. Floor to ceiling is just covered in piles and bags of cash. There's also a table filled with paperwork. I see shares of business and stocks.

Looking at the two beside me I'm either in deep shit. Or really really lucky.

The first one is actually almost a foot taller than me which is shocking. Long black hair with black makeup around her eyes and the perfect toned body of the gods. This would be Hela. Well I wanted my gothic death goddess so I guess that's worked itself out.

The other is a little more troublesome maybe. Natasha Romanoff Aka Black Widow master spy for Shield. Looking through my inventory I find two more soul binding marriage contracts.

Well there's that I suppose. I rub my forhead and have trouble recalling what happened last night I'm sure the girls would give me a run down but I'm just going to give that one a pass and wing it as usual.

I pop out of bed knowing both the girls are already awake and just watching me. I make my way over to the paperwork and read some of them.

"You won most of those in bets with the mafia." I hear another voice say and see Natasha looking at me.

"It says here I own Oscorp and have controlling share of Stark industries at a whopping 67%?" I say rubbing my forehead.

"Yep your the new president of oscorp in New York congratulations." She says climbing out of bed and showing off her perfect naked body. "Thank you for the compliment you did help fix this body after all husband." She says with a smirk.

"I'm just going to put this all off as amazing good luck and accept it. So how much does fury know about me?" I ask her.

"I actually didn't tell him much if you can believe me." She says. From her mind I can tell she isn't lying.

"Okay. So is he going to try and recruit me or something?"

"Probably." She says.

"Ughhhh all I wanted was a cool secret base. Well I'll take the two wives instead looks like came out a winner even if I have to deal with fury." I say clapping my hands making both the girls wince.

I pass out hangover potions they both quickly drink.

"So what are you here for?" I ask hela.

"My mistress sent me down to serve and greet you. I must say it's a huge honor to be bestowed marriage by you." The tall woman says with a smile.

"Mistress? Death? Do I get some kind of power over her here aswell?" I ask curiously.

"Something like that. She accepts the master of death. She was in her words 'bored' and wanted to experience something new." Hela explains.

"Well enough about that let's talk about something extremely important." I say in a serious voice. "How was i in bed?" They both shiver and get noticeable blushes.

"You do this amazing thing with your tongue that nearly put us into an orgasmic coma and the limitless stamina let you carve out my womb for hours. I've never felt anything like it before." Hela says as Natasha just nods.

"Woo that's a relief." I say happily.

"It was also shared between all the fellow wives so they all felt everything." Hela says happily.

Errr does that mean everyone in the mind link???

I quickly go back inside and start investigating. Sure enough there's Wanda and Jean looking absolutely blissful in their sleep back at the mansion. Some of the other girls were pissed but happy at the same time because they were at work or home or talking to friends when the ole parseltongue hit them and they had to rush for new panties. Whoops.

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