
Malfoy malfunction.

"Hello cissy I advice you sit down as it's going to be a long conversation." Sirius says in his gruff voice.

"That's probably advisable." I say tapping the black family ring on the table making her eyes click to me. Every member of a family can feel a connection to a lord ring. This ring grants me the ability to accept or remove someone from the family at my will. Some families have special magical abilities that can be given or taken away this way so if I throw her out of the family she loses the ability to use most of the black family Magic's.

I have no idea what those Magic's are as I only had access to the Merlin book and the Steele family grimoire since now. I just recently acquired the grimoire for the potters and haven't yet gotten the grimoire for the blacks.

The blonde pure blood woman looks at us before calmly sitting down. What comes next is an explanation of how Sirius was betrayed and how Bellatrix was under a slave marriage contract. There was quite a bit of crying and hugging and lots of apologies for not realizing anything. It was a great family reunion and we would be doing it again in a bit because I needed to invite andromeda and ted Tonks to the bank later on for some stuff.

After all that was done and said Narcissa wanted to know what she was asked here for besides this.

"Well you see I was going over the marriage contracts between the black and the malfoys and happened upon a breach of contract that lets me annul the marriage and get myself a nice refund." I say sliding the contract across to her so she could read it.

Being a part of the black family and living with Lucius Malfoy as a trophy wife she knew more about politics and contracts than me but if even I could see a breach then she would also see it easily.

"The second heir?" She says before snorting. "Lucius only lay with me once out of obligation and he was drunk when he did it. Other than that he prefers his partners more of the, boy variety. After that I haven't been touched at all."

"What a waste. Now tell me do you wish to rob him even blinder before we annul the contract?" I say to the blonde woman. "And what do you wish to do with draco?"

"Oh I like the way you think." she says leaning forward showing a bit of cleavage I had taken on the form of my teenage body for this meeting which was quite a looker. "As for draco he has been kept separate from me and follows in the footsteps of his father too closely and doesn't even think of me as a mother. Just kick him out of the family and consider it bad luck."

"Oh I'm liking you more already." I give her a devilish smile that makes her shiver a bit. "Before we go through the annulment I need an item from the manor it's a book, a diary of one Tom Marvolo Riddle. Also snag anything you want if you can take or free the house elves to spite him that would also be good."

"Yes my lord." She says seductively before standing up and heading towards the door.

"Are you trying to collect all the black family girls? Sorry to say you won't be able to get Andi as she's very happily married to Ted." Sirius says with a chuckle as Bellatrix snorts.

"Oh your not jealous are you Sirius? Sorry but I only accept women I'll have to shoot down your well intended offer." I say with a smile as he make a face of disgust but starts making kissy faces.

About an hour later Narcissa returns and passes me the diary. "The rest of my items have been placed in my bag." She says showing me an extendable purse.

"Well let's get this over with." I raise my wand. "As the rightful lord of house black I announce the marriage between Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy neé Black null and void due to breach of contract. So mote it be."

There's a wave of magic as the marriage dissolved and the contract glows. The malfoy vault which Narcissa had also robbed as much as she could since Lucius had made it so she could only get limit amounts of money as he didn't trust her suddenly emptied even more into my vault automatically. It was a considerable sum I guess Lucius just never figured the contract would be revoked since Narcissa thought that Sirius was cast out of the family and told him so. He figured draco would be the next lord black so he never worried about it.

Narcissa who was connected with the malfoy magic had a bit of change in her appearance as her white blonde hair which was a malfoy trait turned to a regular blonde color.

"As rightful lord of house black I cast out draco malfoy from the black family from this point forward. So mote it be." There's another wave of magic from my wand and ring as the black family Magic's are ripped from draco.

"As rightful lord of house black I accept Andromeda Tonks Neé Black back into the family where she rightfully belongs and offer her the dowry she properly deserves for her marriage between Her and Ted Tonks. So mote it be." Another wave of magic and I feel another person contect to the black family Magic's for the first time in decades since she was cast out of her family for marrying a muggleborn.

"As rightful lord of house black I welcome Nymphadora Tonks to the Black family from this day forth. So mote it be." Another wave of magic as Tonks is welcomed into the black family for the first time.

Notifications from gringotts fly to all the people these changes affect. Andromeda is going through the shock of her life right now doing dishes. Tonks has no idea what's going on she just feels stronger and like she found a home. Draco also has no idea what's going on. Ted Tonks at his law firm will also get a shock of his life from a huge deposit into his and andromeda's vault in the form of a gringotts owl. I send off a letter explaining things to andromeda.

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