
Don't you believe in brother Yan?

Superintendent Ouyang cupped her chin in her hand as she teased the child.

"Chengjing, did you realize that Qingcheng looks a lot like you? When you grow up, you'll be another beauty. " Ou Yang changed the topic and said to her,""There are two dimples on his face. He looks like black sandalwood."

Shen chengjing looked down and saw mo Qingcheng looking up, sucking on her finger and smiling at her.

"I think she and Shuai Nan look like Chen." Shen chengjing said as she squatted down and leaned against the edge of the car.

In her heart, she thought that mo Yancheng's genes were perfect!

As long as the child looked like him, it would be best if the child inherited his intelligence! This way, she would feel proud! In her heart, mo Yancheng was almost perfect.

Seeing that Shen chengjing didn't ask about it, Ouyang heaved a sigh of relief.

"Come, let Auntie take a look." Superintendent Ouyang teased the child.

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