
All hail the Queen

Asher was still living at the White tail pack so all Morgan had to do was have Meg send him on a Luna mission. Once he came to the house she sat him down in the living room. I came down holding Liam in my arms Asher looked absolutely shocked to see me but he also looked relieved?Asher looked miserable and quiet I was never close with him but you could tell he changed.

" Long time no See Asher?"

" Rose you don't know how happy I am to see you I am sorry about everything that has happened to you I didn't know it was going to be like this."

" How do you mean you didn't know what was going to happen. when you sent me off to live with my father you thought we would be bonding?"

Asher looked down at the ground full of regret.

"when was the last time that you talked to you mate?"

he scoffed and I saw a tear fall down his face. " after you had went missing she distanced herself from cut me completely off. I ran into her at a party and we hooked up but the second it was over she said she had no use for me and rejected me. told me I couldn't go where she was about to go. I begged and pleaded with her but she refused so I took the pain and accepted her rejection. I only went along with her plan because she promised we would be together now I was just a pawn in her game. She never cared about the mate bond she just used it as a weapon. Im sorry Rose they didn't tell me what they were planning. I thought you were dead like the rest of them. I am ready to die for my crimes"

" Did you plant the Wolfsbane Bombs at my house and at the pack house?"

he shook his head " No I had no idea about either one of those attacks both were made by John. After she rejected me I later found out about them. in fact the one at the pack house I was supposed to die as well but I had to leave on a last minute for the Alpha. Veronica told John that once Cole fell she would make him her mate and they would rule the kingdom together. John is more cut throat than I am so figured he would be more helpful." The thought of Veronica and my father seriously grossed me out. I knew she was a slut but that brought a new meaning to it.

Asher was a blubbering mess. It was clear he didn't know about everything and he was used just like the rest of us.

" Asher I believe you and I will not kill you. I need your help to take Veronica and Lori down and then you and I will also be even." Asher looked shocked by my statement but he didn't argue.

"Yes Luna thank you."

"I also have someone I want you to meet."

Asher looked up at me as I leaned over and handed him Liam.

" He's beautiful is he yours?"

I chuckled a little bit " No he is yours"

Ashers eyes had widened. " But how?"

I explained everything to Asher even Lori's plan for Liam and why Asher was given a second chance by him. he didn't say much but he nodded taking in everything I was saying. Once I was finished he was quiet for a long time.

" So she gave up my son and stole yours. Liam meant nothing to her. her own child." he pulled Liam in closer and held him trying to let Liam know that he would be safe and loved from now on.

" what can we do?"

" they probably will be announcing the baby is born today or tomorrow. Then they will prepare a party so that Alphas and other pack members and show their respect to the future king and give their blessing. I need to know when the party is and that is when we will attack. Veronica will finally think she won and she loves being the center of attention so she won't see it coming. Asher and Morgan I need you guys to arrange the border patrol so that we can slip in undetected, And ashley I will need you to stay at Morgan's house with Chloe, Violet and Liam. We need to move quickly to a safe house before rogues attack and try to take me back."

Ashley chimed in " we can go to my pack. My husband Is the alpha of the blue stone pack and he will surely help." everyone nodded in agreement we would pack up immediately and head towards Ashleys Pack.

" I will have Megs meet us there with Chloe. she will be happy to see both of her sisters." Ashley and I looked at each other for a moment before she spoke again.

" Ughh now I have two little sisters. Great. just kidding on teasing I love little sisters and I'm sure Mike will love you just like he loves Chloe." I smiled and nodded it felt so good to have a family that loved me and now that I had them back I wasn't going to let them go.

" well then I haven't brought my stuff from the car and neither has asher so we are good to go." Morgan and Asher stood up.

" I am already packed since camp is over and i was preparing to head back today so I'm packed as well." Ashley came Over and grabbed Violet.

" Well I guess that just leaves me. I have a diaper bag packed so Morgan if you could grab the formula from the kitchen I Will be down in a few minutes and we can leave."

" we are really doing this?" asher spoke Up I know he was worried now that he was a newfound single father.

" yes we are really doing this."

he took a deep breathe " well then let Queen fall as graciously as she climbed."

I laughed and looked at him " Ah yes all hail the Queen."

I ran upstairs and grabbed one of Ashleys Backpacks she had lent me. I didn't have much stuff so it only took a few moment to get ready. Once I had returned they had the cars loaded and were in the process of buckling up the kids. it would be long but in a few weeks I would get my son back.

" Yes we will." I heard a woman's voice but when I looked up and saw everyone was still packing up the car I knew the voice came from my head.

" Well Welcome Back No time No see ?"

I finally had Lilly back and for once in the last year I had hope again.

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