
Parents find out

(White Lotus Council Room)

Things were tense. It was the third time the White Lotus had lost to the Avatar, and things weren't looking great. Korra's parents wanted to see her, and they couldn't keep pushing back. At a point in time, the parents had to find out, and they didn't know how they would react.

The White lotus did not want the news of a missing Avatar public. They tried to keep everything quiet. If the story went, public bad things could potentially happen. The first route was that the Aangs old enemies would come out of hiding to kill or most likely lock up Korra. Another course would be that someone would brainwash her into following their ideals and, in short, having the strongest bender on their side. Both options looked terrible—one a worse choice than the other.

The leader of the White lotus sighed heavily. All he had and has ever wanted to do was protect Korra from the things Aang had faced on his way to becoming the Avatar. Aang had suffered so much and lost a lot of people. He didn't want this for Korra. He had explicitly asked them to protect her, and yet they let her go, failing in their duties to protect her.

Maybe the events were penance for what they had done to the girl. She was lonely and had no friends. No child should have no friends. They had focused on during her life was training her to be the perfect Avatar. It seemed that that had backfired on them. The Avatar was a being that had to be involved in the world for the sole purpose that they needed to balance it.

The White lotus had isolated her from her fate in an attempt to train her.

"Iroh, I can't believe you lost her!!!" Katara sighed, "You are a general. How could you lose to some Kids? I know she is the Avatar, but she is still only fifteen. She isn't at your level of mastery yet."

"The legend himself, Mo was there. He was the one that beat me!!!" Iroh roared, "He was so powerful that I couldn't do anything. They were his students. Also, he said I have potential!!!"

Everyone in the room gaped with their wide open. If Mo was there, then they had no chance unless they were to bring the legends such as Katara, Toph, etc.

"How are we going to find them?" The White lotus leader sighed, "I guess it is time we tell them. Guards bring them."

The guards quickly brought Korra's parents, Tonraq and Senna into the room.

"Why have you called us here?" Tonraq asked.

"Are you finally going to allow us to meet with our daughter," Senna asked.

The White lotus members all gave them looks that told them otherwise.

Tonraq noticing this, asked, "What is wrong? Has it got something to do with Korra?"

"Yes, it does but, please sit down before we continue the conversation," Katara said.

Tonraq and Senna quickly sat down and waited for their previous question to get answered.

"Your daughter has run away. Previously, we had thought she got kidnapped, but this fact became clear to us when she tried to run away by herself a second time," Katara said, "We thought that we could get her back before we had to tell you, but it has been too long, and we are tired of hiding this."

Tonraq and Senna were tired. They seemed to be analyzing what was just said to them. They couldn't understand how one of the world's best organizations, THE WHITE LOTUS, lost their child.

"You lost our child!!!" Tonraq shouted in a rage, ready to attack any one of the White lotus members.

As he was about to attack, his wife said, "Stop!!! It is as much our fault as theirs. They were doing their job."

Tonraq calmed down a bit and sat down.

"We can only hope that you'll find Korra," Senna said, giving the white lotus members a pleading look.

"We too hope that," Katara murmured.

(2 years later)

"Hey!! Why do we have to go to the Republic city again?" Korra asked.

"That is because you are crap at Air bending, and this is the only place you'll find a teacher!!!" Gon said.

"Okay but, I don't like this," Korr answered.

"Since we are in the Water nation right now, let us visit your parents before we leave," Gon said.

"It has been years since I last saw them," Korra said, meekly, "Will they still remember me?"

Gon seeing Korra's sad face said, "Of course they will. They are your parents."

Korra and Gon slowly walked up to Korra's parent's hut. As Korra was about to knock, she faltered.

Gon looked at her and smiled, "You can do this, Korra."

Korra started to knock.

Senna was going through her same dull day like she had done for a while now. She would clean, practice her water bending, and spend the rest of the day waiting for her the White lotus to tell her that her daughter was okay.

Today was different. Senna heard a knock. She ran to open the door, hoping to see the White Lotus coming to tell her that her little girl was okay. As soon as she opened it, she started to cry.

"Where have you been for the last few years?" She asked, "You know what, it doesn't matter. Tonraq!!! Our daughter is at home."

Tonraq ran in, shouting, "Where is she?"

"She is here!!!" Senna shouted as if also telling herself that this wasn't a dream, that this wasn't one of her fantasies. She pinched herself and was glad to see that it wasn't.

"We missed you!!" Tonraq shouted, "Sit down and tell us about your adventures."

Korra quickly got reacquainted with her family and then started why she to run away and her adventures in all the nations.

Her parents felt sad that they weren't there for her but were also happy that she had someone like Gon to help her.

They looked at Gon teary-eyed and said, "Thanks."

Gon started to blush and said, "She helped me as much as I helped her. I was in a bad place back then."

"Ah, young love," Senna said, smiling.

"Come on, Korra. We have to go," Gon said.

"So soon?" Tonraq said.

"Yeah, we're going to Republic city, and I hear that there will be a snow storm tomorrow," Korra said.

"Bye, baby, we'll miss you," Tonraq said.

Gon and Korra waved and left.

They got on their ship and went on their wat to the Republic city.



This is just a kinda cool down episode that leads to the next part of my story. Gon's time in the republic city

Powerstone if u like

AvatarLOK2creators' thoughts
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