
Out of Desperation (2)

"I don't know all the details." Shi Mingli replied. "but my father said that my grandpa fell into a great debt because of gambling, and in order to repay all of it, he agreed to making the cold poison that was initially believed to be a myth by everyone."

Shi Mingli was very young when all of it happened. She could barely remember seeing her father in a heated argument with her grandfather. In her memories, she could remember her grandfather smiling and always cracking a joke to make her laugh.

"However, just when he thought his problems were solved, the man he was indebted to demanded him to make more of it. He must have realized the mistake he'd made, but it was too late, so he went into hiding. None of us knew where he was or what happened to him. It wasn't until five years after his disappearance did we hear that someone found his dead body floating near the riverbanks."

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