
You Won’t Be Alone Anymore (2)

With their trip back to Qiying City scheduled after lunch, Su Xiaofei woke up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep, not worrying about her studies or anything. Like what the inn owner claimed, the sunrise she watched with Lu Qingfeng that morning looked better than any other sunrises she had witnessed before.

The sun rose as if it had missed the sky and wanted nothing more than to warm up the dark blanket of the night to a radiant gold. After a long cold night, the daybreak brought glimmers of warmth. The golden light softly caressed the land and triggered the birds to break out into a chorus of melodies.

"It must be nice to be greeted by the sun like this every morning. Thank you for bringing me here, Xiao Feng. I couldn't think of a better way to spend time with you in a place like this." She told Lu Qingfeng as they walked by the side of the blue lake.

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