
Episode 10: Mystery and Feng is back

The serious Feng calculated that he will be erased from existence, within a minute or two.  

The serious Feng had many important information existing in thoughts and as an idea. Thoughts of why he had become a hopeless anti-social fatty with no goals in life.

The serious Feng knew that he won't end up becoming an anti-social fatty, even if he were to die ten thousand times. His personality was strong. So much that he won't suffer from depression even if he luckily drowned to death while taking a shower. So, how could he suffer from depression and become an anti-social yet eccentric otaku. Even though he obtained another chance to live his life?

Sadly, Soon all the abstract information will be expunged from his mind.

He will lose all these pieces of information the moment personality change happens. The only way to preserve these informations was to have physical evidence of them.

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