
Magia M. Damian

Buba died.

Before his death, his eyes could see a thick glittering red light coming off from Vayve's eyes. It was a light solely flashing with a desire to kill. It was impossible to completely destroyed Intes Household for their stupid ways of trying to use a 'lonely mother'.

But it was fine to make them pay back in a such way.

If Juhas can not reproduce anymore, then they will slowly become way different family! Their blood will be lost in the time!

It was also quite painful to listen to Juhas' screams, but Vayve had to steel his heart. If not Buba, then his close family and even mother would've been wounded highly. Luckily enough, his mother is strong lady.

That's why, Vayve just stood in that magic formation with his emotions being steeled by a new family ties.

His father also didn't stay idle.

"It happens in a spars, Juhas. Vayve is only thirteen years old, you can not blame him for not being able to control his power, right?"




"Of course he is not... He is my son and he is talented."

Andra let out a bright laughter which was mixed with two emotions. Only one of this emotion could be transfered to Juhas and it was simply a killing intent... This man was ready to fight in necessary, but at this rate, it would be clear that the fault for starting up a battle will be placed up on Juhas!

So the head of Inter Family could only clench his fists and keep sending those angry glares between Vayve and Andra.

His other son was just looking at Buba with a slight pain, but it was nothing more than a little emotion.

That son was not blood related and if he becomes a head in the future, then the only bloodline of Intes Family will die... with him.

Juhas knew that as Andra can not truly go against him, so he can not. Both families would be stopped by the royal family and send straight to the borders to continue their lives... Everyone would be sent here.

So once annihilted, annihilted forever!

Whether his plan was to continue small skirmishes from now on or just focus on resolving his prbolem, all didn't matter.

Vayve had done a good job, so Andra closed up a distances, ruffled his hair, then paid a respect to Buba who fought very well. If his father was not his enemy, then even Andra himself would willingly spare with such great knight.

Nevertheless, what has been done is done.

An aides of the king cleaned up the chamber after magic formation dispersed, then only the heads of each family stayed behind... Vayve got asked to leave, and so he complied without any hesitation. Just a formtion alone was so good, it's better to not oppose the king!

Outside king's chamber, one of the royal maids approached Vayve and took him somewhere! The whole setting of such old hierarchy was still hard for Vayve, but he was doing relatively well. For now, he just decided to follow a maid.

She led him out from a castle, then using one of many roads that were adored in a golden trees and flowers, a maid spoke softly.

"Thirteenth Prince would like to speak with you. This is a very important meeting that Mr. Vayve should surely look into."

"Yes, I could guess a little..."

A maid nodded to these words, then both of them stepped into railed territory which belonged to that Thirteenth Prince. He had a fair share, but it was surely not as big as compared to the ones Vayve could see on his way.

It was still a land soaked in a magic and treasures that could make many aspiring magician to salvate.

"Only Mr. Vayve can step into the house... I will be waiting for Mr. Vayve here."

"Yes, thank you."

It was easy to lose oneself in the royal grounds, so Vayve was glad she is going to wait for him. He stepped into the house, then guided by a glittering lights, Vayve stepped into a room which was so big as if a few floors got rid just to make it.

There were a lot of books and the one who was in the middle was naturally the prince.

He was a man called Magia M. Damian. From an appearance alone, Vayve could guess that he was around twenty years old which was very close to his real age - twenty-two. He had a bright blonde hair that was wrapped all the way back to not disturb his studies.

The books were all related to a life and nature.

"Welcome, Vayve. Just from looking at your battle a little, I could guess your victory. But you went so far to kill him."


Vayve didn't speak anything at all, his eyes just hovered on Damian. He was slightly worried, but as the king hadn't said anything bad and agreed with Andra's words that anything can happen in a spar, Vayve slowly calmed down and spoke...

"It was my mistake."

"No, it wasn't. You were clearly trying to kill him. Whatever the reason is, everyone knew it. As long as this won't go too deep, you are free to keep bothering Intes Family... But I guess killing such strong descendant should stop you for a while."

Maybe it was what the king was speaking with his father about!

Vayve just nodded, then gestured by Damian to come closer, his body slowly stepped forward. His eyes noticed an unique book in front of the prince then. It was unique because a letters were of an unknown origin.

"This is a book that I had paid a lot to get. It's from the forest of the druids."


"A price was not a monetary one though."

Damian sighed, then he spoke about the royal family. He briefly explained that every royal descendand is more or less involded in every imporant aspect of their kingdom... Even the ink production of Hona Family was in collab with a royal descendant.

He was a prince that wasn't really popular.

It was because Damian was researching something very hard to achieve.

"What I want is a healing scrolls. At least something that can be on a par with druids... They are the ones that benefit the best from our war... Don't you find it laughable? We are their best clients, but when it comes to a valuable medicines, they put a haughty appearance and just keep raising the prices."

There were already a few studies done throughout the years.

A magic was mysterious as it could be turned into various shapes and elements. Damian was fascinated by it, so when he heard that healing scrolls barely can be used due to the medicines from druids being way too effective, his eyes sparkled with a desire to reach that healing scrolls and formations!

But druids' position is very valuable and so they can be that haugty and arrogant.

Many strongholds rely on them, not only Waleria and Xosun Kingdoms.

Though these two are the ones who keep fighting the most.

"Your father is close to my uncle, a second prince. I would like for us to have a similar relationship, Vayve. Are you interested... in a challenge that seems so impossible?"

"I need a while to think about it. But this is... as situation I am already liking."

A situation that suits a MC!

"I can hear it! A challenges are what pushes us forward to unreveal more and more mysteries. Though no one is suited for every challenge. Still! I have yet to try everything related to a healing magic, so think carefuly, Vayve."

"I will."

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