
Very nice assassins

The day where everyone was on the mine happened relatively quickly.

Vayve, Yuna and Markas were close as their arms continued to mine. One could also see a deep exhaustion covering their faces! If not an unknown pills that erase the pain, then Vayve and the rest surely would lose their consciousness.

However, Markas was willing to give up everything for his friends.

He was secretly mining in a way that would allow them to run away. His eyes were researching the whole mine and a possible escapes routes. Of course, he wasn't alone to do so, but a luck struck Markas' side not too long ago.

The assassins from The Xosun Kingdom passed through that mine and in rather a friendly manner spoke with the group of Cerze. They were asking for an unknown people that had hidden in the mountains.

From this alone, Markas learnt that the mines are connected to the mountains and a chance is surely within their reach!

He listened more to the point where Markas heard about a small cooperation between his bullies and The Xosun Kingdom's assasins.

This allowed Markas to learn more or less about an escape routes thoroughly. The bullies were always going from one direction and scouring the tunnels on the east. As long as they hide themselves here, then the possibility of escape is a high.

Markas thought so, his eyes shining with the resolution.

While Markas was working on his own plan, Vayve himself decided to ignore everything to work with Xosun Kigndom's assassins. He patiently waited for them to come back for more information, then while one of them passed next to him...

"I know the rough location of Hona Family's servants."


The assassin clad in a clothes that covered his whole body glanced at Vayve. Of course, his eyes could be seen and this look alone was strong, filled with a vicious and killing intent lights yet Vayve managed to just keep his face straight.

"We want this brat."

"Hey, hey, hey~~"

Hearing such request, Cerze had to be called. He appeared as soon as his people called him witn an urgent call! His non stop laughing voice could already send a shivers to every kid working in the mine.

This laughing voice was even more dangerous now.

"You want one of our best blood nutrients? Not happening."

"Tsk, just for a while. Not like we will allow him to die."

"And? What I will get from it? My boss likes the blood of such brats like him the best~~"

The assassins thought for a while, then their eyes shone as they passed some kind of information to Cerze. This very information caused the muscular man to freeze, then his lips curled into a devilish like smile.

He was truly happy with the news that no one could heard except him.

"Is that a truth?"

"It is."

"He must come back at least in a month."

"Got it."

Before Vayve got grabbed by an assassins, his eyes turned to Yuna and Markas to reassure them. It was all within his plan and so, his exhausted body got dragged out of the mine to one of the tunnels.

"I need my... things to properly find them."

As Vayve mentioned it, one of the assassins disappeared on the spot and brought up a backpack that was roughly described by Vayve. His items were here and it was a reason for Vayve to work with the people.

First of all, Vayve knew that Cerze is someone who works with Bibur's MC. He might be a MC himself. The worst thing is that Vayve had never met any other MC who is born from an author's stories.

If he said 'You are a MC', then Cerze would either blink and look at him like an idiot or just torture on the spot for saying stupid things.

This sentence only works against an authors. They also have to get their minds either shaken or destroyed to learn that truth. If an author stays strong and doesn't display any wavering emotions, then he can easily hide the truth.

Vayve was weak back then, so he easily got exposed by Bibur.

'Bibur, your power is the same like your MCs. Maybe the way to raise it is different, but the letters are roughly the same.'

That's why, Vayve needed to get a thing that can counter those letters.

Within his backpack, Vayve had a blood coin. It was a coin that hadn't been found out by the bullies as Vayve just put it within his coin bag. This blood coin had a letters described in a similar way to Cerze's chains.

Maybe they planned to use the bandits bossess and other criminals by sending such coins as invitations only to awaken the abilities when they all gather.

Nevertheless, Vayve had to get that coin and slowly turn it into a weapon against Cerze. It was already a special coin, so all he had to do was make it his own.

Though Vayve didn't know how he has to do it, everything needs a beginning.

For now, he also planned to prepare more stuff for himself.

But first, he has to hide his plans from an assassins.

"This is a magic scroll... prepared by my master... An unique scroll that allows me to find my family's enemies."

Using such words, Vayve had roughly spoken about his origins and that his noble family is rivals with Hona Household. He spoke that he had a two of such scrolls and the last one was in front of them.

Of course, Vaye didn't really prepare much as he knew he can make these on the spot after an hour of magic scroll describing.

But he lied, so that he can have an advantage and lose that usefulness of his.

All so that they sent him back to the cage after he prepares enough stuff.

"Find them."

"Yes... I need... a while..."

Not saying how much time he needs, Vayve took a scroll, then began utilizing this unique item. He was doing it slowly with a one hand! In fact, he took out a pen and began sliding through already described letters as if those needed an ignition or something like that.

All was fake.

His other hand reached out for a poison magic scroll.

It was a small scroll as Vayve planned to use it to poison up the medicine. He hid it within his clothes, then began moving that pen a little faster as if getting better at using his own magic scroll.

Being watched by the assassins, Vayve was leaning down rather way too deeply, but it was to hide all his actions. Then, he cut a little of his own stomach. He used a coin toss that was soaked in a magic.

Since he didn't throw it, it meant that a magic quickly began disappearing from a coin itself.

But before it disappeared, Vayve slid through his stomach on the side, then hid a blood coin here.

It was painful, but a pain was non existent right now thanks to all the medicine that Cerze's group had larded Vayve's body with.

Soon enough, Vayve added a dagger and the location of the Hona's servants became known.

"I have found them."

"Check up that location."

"Got it."

One of the assassins disappeared yet again, then Vayve leaned down to hide a medicine within his mouth.

Everything except a coin toss cutting his stomach was seen by an assassins.

But Cerze is an annoying dude and his boss even more.

Though they didn't believe that Vayve can destroy all the plans of Cerze, they knew that he can bring a lot pain to his ranks. And it was enough.

"They are here."

And as the assassin came back, he confirmed that Vayve had guided him properly, thus, not even a month and day passed yet Vayve had completed his mission.

Nevertheless, Vayve couldn't really fake using a scroll for a long time. Such complex scrolls can not be achieved by a brat anyway!

However, the assassins didn't send Vayve straight back to the cage.

They allowed him to rest.

Just one of them was next to him to watch over...

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