
Mistletoe and Holly

Our parents separated when Holly and I were five. Mom and dad fought over us viciously until some son-of-a-bitch divorce judge split me and my twin sister, I went to dad, she to mom. We were property, like furniture or cars. Dad got the Harley and boy; mom got the Ford and girl. We grew up apart, only occasionally getting the opportunity to be together during summer breaks, or maybe on one of the big holidays. Even though we were twins I really didn't know her; what she was like, how she thought, what she did. When one of us kids went to visit the other we were almost strangers. We had a 'take it or leave it' relationship. I could hang with her or not, it's not like I missed her most of the time. I really didn't remember Holly when she was my sister.

We were 8 months past our 17th birthday when I was sent to spend Christmas with mom and Holly. Dad and his most recent trophy were off screwing at some beach resort so he was glad to dump me on the female side of my family. Since I hadn't seen them for almost two years Mom was excited to have me near but my sister treated me like an irritant in her busy life. I didn't know her friends, I didn't have a part in her world and the only thing she and I had in common was our birthday. To say I was bored would be a total 'No Duh'.

The third day I was there I overheard Holly screaming into her phone. "What the fuck do you mean you're not taking me?! Do you know how long we've been planning this? Everybody knows we are going together, I can't go without you, what would our friends think? Don't you fucking dare back out of this!"

She paused her tirade for a moment, "You did what!? With who!? You're seeing that slut!? Are you dumping me!? I gave you everything you sonuvabitch! I gave it up to you and now you're telling me to kiss off!?" Holly's yelling at her boyfriend attracted mom's attention; she and I went to the front room to watch. Just as she came into view, my sister drew back her arm and threw the phone against the bricks of the fireplace. Plastic parts flew in all directions from the epicenter of the phone explosion, her friends would never call her on that one again.

Holly spun in a circle, eyes wild, hunting for an escape from the devastating call. Her eyes locked on our mother "I fucked him momma! I gave up my virginity to that bastard" she wailed. Tears began to streak her mascara as she fled the room for the sanctuary of her bedroom. For the first time in many years I felt a close bond with my sister. I felt sympathy for her, and surprisingly, anger at the guy that had caused her pain. At that moment I would have gladly smacked him down for her.

My mother glared at me "That's something your father would do! You ever do that to a girl I'll cut your balls off and give them to her as a gift." What the fuck? I was just standing there and all of a sudden I was as bad as Holly's boyfriend? Mom spun on her heels and went to cluck over her injured chick.

I didn't see my sister for two days, she hid in her room ashamed to face the world. Mom catered to her broken daughter while I played with Holly's X-box and help decorate the tree and house hoping to bring a little holiday mood back into the family. Late the second day my sister came out and sat with me in the front room "I'm sorry for my outburst, I shouldn't have yelled like that. Please don't tell anybody what I said."

"What's that?"

"You know, about him and me and him being my first boyfriend that way."

"Who in hell am I going to tell Holly? I don't know any of your friends, mom already knows and it's none of dad's business. I'm not about to tell my friends that my sister got fucked over by some sleaze, your secret is safe with me."

She looked slightly relieved, "Do you think I'm dreadful? I mean, is it okay with you that I went to bed with a boy?"

I wasn't sure why she was asking me "You're my sister, not my girlfriend, what you do in the dark with some guy isn't for me to worry about. If you want to screw someone until his nuts fall off, have fun, I won't diss you for something like that."

My sister flashed a smile of complete relief, dimples dented her cheeks. "Have you had sex yet?"

"With a girl?"

She looked slightly puzzled. "Are you gay?"

"Jesus, do I look gay? That's repulsive, you may like boys, but I sure don't. It's only big tits and fine asses for me."

"You didn't answer me."

I didn't want to admit to my sister that I'd managed to seduce three girls. Even though she had spilled her secrets when she got dumped I wasn't one of those guys who brags endlessly about his conquests. I felt myself blushing as the truth got trapped in my throat. I didn't have to say the words, Holly saw the answer in my reaction, "It's okay, you can talk about it, most boys do, how many?"

"Three" I flustered.

"Are they pretty, do they have big tits and fine asses?" my sister teased mischievously.

I changed the subject "Are you still going to your friend's Christmas Eve party?" That was the big event she was supposed to go to before her beau dumped her.

"I don't know, it's for couples only, there are some guys I can ask. I can't go alone."

24 hours later my sister flounced into the house in a pissy mood. "Mom! Where are you?"

Our mother called back, "Doing laundry, why are you shouting?"

Holly was raging "Because Chad and Rich won't go with me to Sharon's party! That motherfucker put out the word that nobody should go to the party with me! I don't have a goddamn date and I can't go alone! Assholes! All of them!"

The house was quiet for a few moments, my sister was taking off her coat when mom came into the room "Please control your language girl; you can take Lee, I'm sure he wouldn't mind getting out and mixing with your friends."Holly shot mom a withering look then moved her eyes to me "Him? What would everybody think if I showed up with my brother on my arm?"

"Do your friends know your him? Have any of them ever seen him?"

"Maybe a really long time ago, why?"

"Who's to know he's your twin if you don't tell them. He'll be the mystery boy, the new kid and your friends will be bubbling over with curiosity about him. Look at him, he's handsome, tall, good build, you could do a lot worse for an emergency date."

I sat in my chair and listened to my mother and sister bargain over me as if I were a nick-knack at a yard sale "But he's my brother" protested Holly.

"So don't make a pass at him, you don't have to take him to bed" mother joked.

My sister finally looked my direction, resignation clouding her hazel eyes "You want to go to Sharon's Christmas party with me?"

I got caught up in my mother's teasing mood "As your date? Only if you promise not to fondle private parts of me."

She bristled "Then what the hell should I fondle, only non-private parts?" Having fired that angry broadside Holly tromped quickly out of the room. Mom chuckled softly and winked at me, a conspiratorial wink. I had just seen a playful side of my mother, apparently she wasn't afraid to get personal or talk about taboo subjects with her children.

Holly briefed me on the upcoming holiday fest and her friends and the more she talked the better we both felt about me going with her. Nobody knew we were related so she wouldn't suffer that indignity and I was looking forward to meeting some of her friends. My sister was hot looking so I knew I'd meet some more hot looking babes.

She was wearing an elf costume. Green jacket with white faux fur collar over a very short green skirt that had white fur around the hem. Candy cane leotards covered her legs from the top of black patent ankle boots. Her ash blonde hair that normally fell half way down her back was pulled into a pony tail that hung from under a floppy pointed elf cap, multi-hued glitter twinkled over hazel eyes. The jacket was open in a deep vee, showing a lot of fresh firm cleavage; cleavage that sparkled with a light sprinkle of silver glitter. She wore Christmas tree bangles from her ears and a necklace that looked like a small present hanging from a red ribbon. For the first time in my life my twin sister attracted my male attention. She was sexy!

It was when I walked into Sharon's house that my testosterone really began to boil. Many of Holly's friends were already there so the big room was full of Santa's little helpers, most of them dressed in some variance of an elf costume. There was a forest of shapely female legs topped by short skirts and several degrees of breast exposure. My sister dragged me around the room by a hand introducing me to her friends. One girl, Jill, sent shivers up my spine, she was small, maybe 5'1' but the dark eyed pixie was cuter than any girl I'd ever dreamed of meeting. Since this was a couple's only party there were as many guys as girls.

As we stepped away from her friends Holly muttered under her breath "Son-of-a-bitch!"


"There he is with that fucking slut!" I looked at the front door as her ex-boyfriend came into the room with a moderately attractive girl hanging on his arm, the boy looked surprised to see Holly. My sister shot him a death ray stare then grabbed my arm and led me to another room. I was bigger than him so I knew he wouldn't make any trouble.

Holly let go of me then scurried off to do girl talk. I was the tall dark stranger in the room so I attracted a lot of coy glances from the girls but some of the boys openly glared at me, the interloper. Holly was the only one I knew so I went to find her. "Hey, you can't just abandon me right now."

"I didn't abandon you, why not?"

"Because I don't know anybody here, I think the soccer team over there wants to kick me to the goal and I can't talk to any girls because they all have dates."

"Shit – okay, let's get something to eat."

The party moved past the warm up phase. We listened to holiday tunes, exchanged small gifts, sang Christmas songs and some guy dressed like the Grinch recited The Night Before Christmas. The ex-boy friend must have gotten bored or horny because he and his 'fucking slut' left the house early. I noticed several of the partiers slide out the side door and come back a few minutes later, Holly included. On her second trip outside she invited me along. We walked around the back of the house where someone handed my sister a plastic tumbler with a gin and cranberry mix in it. She took a couple of sips then handed me the glass. I finished the drink then we asked for a rum soaked eggnog. My sister and I finished that concoction then took another into the house.

The party was getting livelier, the mood more festive. I tried hitting on Jill when her goofy looking boyfriend went outside but Holly pulled me away "You can't be like that tonight, you could ruin it for both of us if you start sniffing up any skirt but mine. What would everybody think if my new boyfriend was trying to cheat on me at a party?"

"But I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your twin" I reminded her.

"Nobody else knows that. Right now you're my date, you have to act like it, I don't want to have to explain why you don't like me."

"I like you fine."

"You know what I mean, like me like a girlfriend."

I had just enough alcohol induced bravado to treat her as she wanted. I looked around the room and spotted what I was looking for "Come with me." I grabbed Holly's elbow and towed her to the large chandelier that hung at the center of the room, when I stopped I pointed toward the lights. Holly looked up at a big sprig of mistletoe, she dropped her eyes to mine and started to say something but I wouldn't let her. I leaned down and kissed her squarely on the mouth. She jerked back from me and stared at me with astonished eyes, embarrassment rising in her cheeks "What the hell was that?"

"It was a kiss, just like this one" I grabbed her shoulders and planted my lips on hers again and kissed her hard. She tried to say something but the words were muffled by my mouth over hers. I lifted my lips off hers and looked around. My little show had attracted the attention of several of her friends "There you go, now everybody thinks I have the hots for you."

She briefly studied my eyes, glanced around at the inquisitive faces then began to smile. Holly stepped nearer, put her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a more tender, lingering kiss. As her lips moved against mine I felt her ease closer me so her breasts were pressed against my chest. I put my hands on her waist and held her while our noses rubbed together. My cock stirred in my shorts.

We stopped abusing the others lips and went outside to get another eggnog then Holly pulled me into a shadow where we could talk privately.

"I'm glad you did that for me."


"The kissing, now everybody knows that I'm not crying about getting dumped by the asshole, they know I'm not a reject girlfriend." We were sitting in a yard swing so she slipped her hand into mine, "You know what?" she said bashfully "I forgot for a moment I was kissing, uh---, you know, --- you. It was almost like real when we did it."

I knew exactly what she meant. "Maybe because I'm only your occasional brother. Most of the time we are more like strangers than related."

"Well," she said with finality, "for the rest of the night you're not my occasional brother, you are definitely my date." She pecked me quickly on the mouth then finished her drink in one long gulp "Let's go back." I watched her legs and butt as she walked ahead of me, my cock took a breath of new life. Just as we entered the house she spun to face me and asked playfully "Were you just watching my ass?"

I confessed "Yeah."

Holly turned away from me again while looking over her shoulder, she twitched her hips slightly making the short skirt rock provocatively, dimples dotted cherry colored cheeks, her eyes sparked impishly, "Fine isn't it."

The supply of rum eggnog helped the party get more intimate. Holly wasn't being shy about showing her friends that we were a couple, she would occasionally caress my arms or body and even kissed me lightly a few times as we mingled or danced. The more attention she paid to me, the more I became accepted by her friends, even the guys. As the night got longer, so did my cock.

We were playing musical chairs, the boys were sitting back to back on dining room chairs and the girls were circling as the music played. When the music stopped the girls fought for a lap to sit on only they didn't sit with their backs to the boys, they straddled legs and sat face to face with us. Since all the girls were wearing short skirts, there was a lot of flashing legs, close groin contact and growing erections. I had several girls rubbing their legs on mine including my wet-dream Jill.

There were two girls left to fight over the last place to sit which was my lap. The music stopped and Holly scrambled to mount me while trying to fend off another pretty blonde. When the playful cat-fight ended my sister was sitting on my thighs smiling triumphantly. She put her arms around my neck and said "Merry Christmas sweetheart, I won, you're my gift" then kissed me hotly while rocking her hips, crushing my hard-on with her weight. I slipped my hands under her skirt and held her firmly as the tips of our tongues flirted briefly. The room broke out in whistles, cheers and applause while my festive date chafed her crotch on the rigid bulge in my lap.

It was only a short walk to the house from Sharon's. Holly was bubbling happily about how much fun she had and how I didn't embarrass her. There was a thin snow falling, dusting her cap and shoulders with white flakes. The layer of fresh snow was lit up in patches by bright, colorful yard decorations. Santas, sleds and snowmen; Rudolph and Frosty poised to celebrate the season as soon as we passed from sight, gaily adorned trees blinked and glowed from front room windows. Holly shivered, grabbed my waist and snuggled close to ward off the chills. I put my arm around her as we walked. I could feel her hips flexing and moving against my thigh and under my hand; my cock regained some of its former glory.

We were still feeling the effects of the Holiday cheer when we got home. Mom greeted us at the door then listened raptly while my sister filled her in on the details. Not all the details, there was no mention of her children making out like newlyweds with each other. I got ready for bed while Holly finished her Christmas story.

I was in my robe when I came out of the bathroom where I met my sister waiting to go in, she was in a flimsy Christmas print night gown that came only half way down her smooth trim thighs. The gown was decorated with colorfully wrapped presents with large red bows positioned over the tip of each breast. For some reason she was still wearing the elf cap which tilted naughtily to the left. I mumbled good night but she put a hand on my arm and stopped me. She cast a look around to make sure we were alone "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"Even with me?" I wanted reassurance that I could be fun.

Her eyes were wide, looking directly into mine "Yes, you're a good date, I could do that again."

Once again my testicles reacted to my sister. I felt them pulse a dose of hormones into my blood, my heart slammed into my ribcage and I kissed Holly in the dark hall, half way between her room and mine.

As I was struggling to get myself under control she leaned to my left ear, her breath a draft of warm air on my skin "Your gift is in my room, come over and we can unwrap it together." She drifted away, I watched her ponytail swish under the green cap then the last I saw of my sister was the tip of her fingers wiggling at me just before the door closed. My prick elevated until it strained against the skin holding it together.

I lay in my bed for a half an hour, my heart hammering, my mind racing, my nuts aching. Even though I heard the invitation, I doubted myself. I couldn't believe my twin wanted me to come to her. Finally I gave up struggling against the hormones raging through me and resolved to sneak down the hall to Holly. I eased out of bed then to her door where I stood for a minute building the courage to open it. The house was supernatural quiet, if it wasn't for the pounding of my heart and the roar of blood in my ears I might have heard snowflakes falling on the roof. I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it open.

A two watt Red-nosed Reindeer plugged into an outlet threw a feeble light across her. She was lying on her side, facing away from the door. I slipped in silently then clicked the door shut, the room echoed with the slamming of my heart. The short night gown was pulled up her legs giving me a tantalizing hint of her ass, she wasn't wearing underwear. Somehow I got my feet to move to the bedside where I stood and stared at Holly's legs and butt. My erection thumped and spewed a liberal gob of slickness from the end. I was about to flee the room when she turned over and looked up at me, "Hi" she whispered. Her eyes went to the bulge in my robe, she sat up and pulled off her gown. As I stared in awe at the bits of silver glitter on her breasts she gripped the sleeve of my bath robe, her lips moved soundlessly "Take it off."

I was frozen. My body was trembling with latent energy but I couldn't move a damn thing. Holly reached for my hand and caressed the fingers she could reach while I tried not to crumble. My nerves settled down enough that I managed to shrug my shoulders out of the robe. It fell down my arms to the floor where it crumpled around my ankles. I was completely naked with Holly for the first time since we were babies, my cock sensed female pheromones and began to vibrate with anticipation. My sister's eyes were locked on my throbbing erection, I was having a time hard breathing.

Holly moved from the middle of the mattress then patted the bed, a universal invitation. I eased to her side facing her, she appeared to be a hell of a lot calmer than me, more determined than afraid. I propped up on an elbow and bent my head to kiss her. She accepted my lips on hers and in less than a heartbeat my nervousness disappeared. My inhibitions evaporated like frost in a flame and I knew how to act. As soon as I felt her return the kiss I moved a hand to a breast and felt an appreciative shudder run through her body. Holly put her arms around me and we got busy.

She was hot and trembling while I moved my hands over her. She jolted slightly when I slipped some fingers between her legs and into the crack of her sex. Her legs eased wider apart when I pressed on the sensitive fold of skin at the top of her slit, teasing her. Holly reached between us and found her desire standing hard and strong, drooling for the girl. She pulled on my cock, urging me over and between her legs. When the end of my erection touched the lips of her slit I pushed up on my arms and looked into her face, she was smiling, eyes luminous with heat. She bumped her hips against me which caused the end of my cock to slide along her pussy. We rocked our bodies slowly, feeling the shaft of my erection slipping along the length of her hot, puffed lips. Neither of us said anything as we focused on the connection between our sexes. After a few moments of more hormones pouring into my balls she bent her knees, lifted her legs then put her heels on my butt and pressed me down and into her hot slick entrance.

My shaft slid deep into my gift, only my swollen nuts kept her from swallowing me completely. I stopped moving when our pubic hair meshed, my heart thrilled from the incredible sensation of Holly's body. She put her hands on my cheeks, pulled me down and kissed me passionately, her tongue tapped on my lips for entry to my mouth. As our bodies began the dance of life the circumstance of our kinship was ripped apart and discarded like the wrapping off a present.

My sister and I tasted the forbidden fruit. I was balls deep in a hot willing girl and she accepted me completely without reserve. Holly and I fucked with the searing passion of a couple overcome with lust for each other. She was mewing in my ear as I slid in and out of the warm tenderness of her body. She grabbed my back and clutched to me while her hips undulated, fucking me with as much need as I was her. Her hot breath on my neck only increased the incredible sensations coursing through me. As much as I tried, I couldn't hold back the end of our first sex. My climax started in my balls, shot through my pounding shaft and I filled Holly in a frenzy of long deep thrusts. She held me close and whispered encouragement into my ear "God Lee, this feels so good!" I was dimly aware of the mattress springs squealing in protest to the activity on the bed.

I collapsed to a wilted heap on my sister to catch my breath. She pushed me off and over to my back then rolled up on top of me, her breasts and stomach hot and soft on mine. She kissed me quickly then flooded the dimly lit room with a brilliant smile "Merry Christmas."

"I've never had Santa's Elf jingle my bells before" I teased.

A flicker of unease passed over her face, she rested her head on my chest, I could smell her perfume mixed with sweat, she asked "Is it okay that we are doing this?"

I gripped her pony tail and tugged on it until I could see her face again. The glitter on her eye lids twinkled, "Did you forget that tonight I'm your date. We dated at the Christmas party and now here." My cock hadn't lost any enthusiasm after filling her with cum and it was beginning to grow with blood and lust again. I humped my hips which forced my stiffening prick to rub on her crack.

Holly flexed her pelvis to feel more of the thriving muscle between her legs, her eyes sparked with delight as she asked quietly "Are we still dating?" I rolled her to her back again and went to my knees between her thighs. I held her legs by the ankles straight up in the air then I pushed my hardened shaft into her again. She was impaled on my cock; Holly moaned her pleasure "Take me hard Lee, take me any way you want."

Fifteen minutes later she had the first of two orgasms, the bed was rocking, she was gasping for air and I gave her another injection of holiday joy as her cunt convulsed around my cock. Her second climax quickly followed the first, hard, fast and explosive. She was a wreck, I was a mess, and both of us were sexually satisfied for the moment. Holly stretched against me and rested her eyes, murmuring as she drifted on a sea of contentment. I floated through the afterlife of our furious fucking and eventually got lost in dreams.

And that's how our mother found us the next morning. Holly and I naked, arms and legs entangled as we slept.

"Holly, Lee, wake up you two, we need to talk." I heard her voice but the terror that rose from my gut refused to let me open my eyes. I felt my sister stiffen beside me. There was no moment of confusion or disorientation, I knew exactly where I was, who I was with and who was trying to wake me. My pulse quickened as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Lee, open them and look at me." I forced my lids open to see Holly staring up at mom with wide wild eyes. Caught! I could read it in her expression and I knew mine was the same. I looked up at our mother and saw a worried, concerned woman looking back at me, she said to both of us "I'll be in the kitchen, don't hide from me."

As soon as mom left the room I looked at my sister, she didn't say a thing, she just gestured rapidly for me to leave. I scrambled off the bed and dashed to my room. Five minutes later I slunk into the kitchen where my mother handed me a glass of orange juice. She nodded to the table, "Sit", then turned her back to me. She said nothing else until Holly came in a few moments later. My twin got her juice handed to her and the same command "Sit down Holly."

Mom sat at the end of the table facing her incestuous children "I don't know how I should feel about this. You two sleeping together is supposed to be wrong and immoral," she paused with a heavy sigh, "but I don't feel outraged or scandalized. Way down deep, even though it's wrong, I'm relieved that you two found a way to bond again. I've missed that since your father and I split. You were never close enough to make me happy."

She fell quiet and looked at the ceiling then after a few seconds she continued, "As your mother it hurt to see the separation between you two; you are siblings; even closer than that as twins, but it was never apparent. And now? And now we have this." Her eyes shifted from mine to Holly "I guess you can't get a closer bond than screwing each other."

I took the lead, it was my fault Holly was in trouble, "Mom, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Last night we drank some stuff and I forgot she's my sister. I sneaked in to her, it wasn't her fault. I didn't start out to go to bed with her, it's just that ----"

Holly interrupted me, "I invited him momma, I teased him at the party, I made sure the other girls knew I could turn him on, I felt powerful and sexy, then later I didn't want to lose that feeling." She looked our mother straight in the eyes, "I came on to him, I was waiting for him, hoping -----" She dropped her gaze to the tabletop, put her hand on mine and said quietly to our parent "I'm glad he did, I can't apologize for that."

Our mother stood, looked at both of us searchingly, "What's supposed to happen now? Lee, you're going to be here another nine days, how do I know this won't happen again?"

I was expecting her to throw me out, to send me back to my philandering father. "I won't touch her, I want to stay but if you send me home I'll understand."

Holly spoke up "Don't send him away. What we did may be wrong outside this house but I don't feel that way, I don't want him to go. Please momma?"

She looked at both of us then spoke tiredly to me "Your dad isn't home, I can't send you back." She paused, took a deep breath then asked Holly, "Can you be careful, I mean sexually? If he stays I don't want you to end up with a big belly."

My sister still had her hand over mine, she squeezed my fingers lightly while looking at our mother, a question in her eyes and said quietly, cautiously "We can get protection if that's what you mean."

As she turned to leave the kitchen mom said "That's exactly what I mean. I know damn well I can't watch you two 24 hours a day. Keeping you apart will be nigh impossible so if you do something again I have to insist that you don't get pregnant."

After mom left I looked at my sister, I was shaking like a leaf in a storm "I'm sorry I got you in trouble."

Holly stroked my long finger with hers and replied, "Don't you get it, we aren't in trouble. If we want, we can have sex again, it's almost like she said 'okay, you two, fuck yourselves into a coma."

My head was spinning, my heart tripping a 1000 beats a minute, "Do you want too, I mean last night was really different and we just sort of ended up together?"

She looked me directly in the eyes, hers aglow with seasonal joy "Yes I want to, I want to take you to bed and keep you there until we pass out from exhaustion, I liked what we did. A lot."

My mind buzzed with endorphins, testosterone pumped up my lust, my balls tingled with hormones and my prick began to swell, I was ready "When will she leave?"

I got another quick peck on the lips "Soon I hope."

I avoided my mother. I sneaked around afraid to face her again because she might have second thoughts about her son fucking her daughter and send me home. I showered and dressed then sat cautiously at the computer and began to answer emails from my friends.

I heard the soft padding of feet on the rug and a pair of hands rested on my shoulders then my sister bit me on the side of my neck just below the ear. She tickled the skin with the tip of her tongue while soft arms encircled my chest; she whispered "Mom's boyfriend is going to pick her up in a few minutes." A finger tip investigated my bellybutton hidden under the fabric of my shirt. My prick reacted immediately. "They'll be gone all day ."

I twisted my head to find soft tender lips waiting for a caress from mine "I don't have anything to wear, you know, a rubber."

Holly stood straight looking down into my upturned face, "You can get some later but before that you can cum all over my body, it will be fun," she hesitated while looking directly into my eyes, her next words were softer, more sensual, "or I could use my mouth." She flashed me a quick beguiling smile then left to wait for mom to leave, my prick exploded in length and strength.

Thirty minutes later I had my hands on Holly's tits, pushing her bra off while she used both hands to free my erection from my Levis. Our mouths were welded together by the heat of our lust, we didn't need to go shopping for gifts, we exchanged our presents right next to the tree.

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