
Chapter 12: Teammates

All 3000 kids including Dalia and Kylie were divided into 600 group, the both of them got into the same group with 3 more kids and all of them are girls.

The three girl are Serena, Miette and Shauna. Dalia know all three of them from watching too many pokemon, if she remember correctly the three of them want to become performer.

Dalia and Kylie introducing themselves to the three girls.

"Hey, my name is Dalia and this girl over here is Kylie."(Dalia)

"Hey Dalia, my name is Miette these two girls are Serena and Shauna, they we friends and rivals at the same time."(Miette)



"Anyway do you come here just to become pokemon trainer?"(Dalia)

"Not, we want to become performer, i think you heard of them right. We here to get our trainer license but it look like we only get it after 2 years here."(Miette)

"You should worry about not get kill by wild pokemons before asking for trainer license, this is a place where they train new trainer, i know that it about 25% kids died from the previous military camp because of a C grade pokemon tide happen suddenly when they was in lunch time."(Dalia)

Miette, Serena and Shauna, are scary when they heard about that.

"Dalia, i think you should stop talking about that to them."(Kylie)

"Alright, it just that the possibility of pokemon tide happen to a camp, is 45%. And all of them are above grade F, that why they have a Pseudo-Grandmaster trainer in each camp."(Dalia)

When 3 girls heard that there is a pseudo-grandmaster trainer in this camp, it make them feel a bit safe.

"Kylie, is it really okay for them to enter this camp? I think you should teach them a basic survival skills before we try to catch a new pokemons."(Dalia)

"I do it, with this they probably not going to die, right my lady?"(Kylie)

Kylie say that while make her face closer to Dalia's face, it make her blush but she counter back with a kiss on her lips, Dalia use a move call lovely kiss and it make Kylie sleep immediately.

"Hahaha, that what you got from trying to tease me you idiot."(Dalia)

The three girls at the side look at the scene with blush on they face, they never guess that the two beautiful girls in front of them are a couple and when they saw Dalia that look like goddess at this moment with her beautiful silver hair blowing in the wind and her green eyes that shine show that she having a good time.

They blush and think in they mind, "Why do i have this feeling when i look at her?".

Kylie finally wake up from her sleep while looking at Dalia that still laughing, she thought "This is why i like her, she is the most carefree and the only one that can make my heart beat raise by just look at her."

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