
LOG 70: The Mother of All Bombs

"Who will be the next leader after Madam Boss?"

"Hmm, I don't know. That woman's strict. I bet she's gonna rule for years to come."

"I prefer Giovanni."

"He's dead, done!"

"Ye never know. He might return with his own organization."

"Ha! Ha! So what, another Team Rocket against Team Rocket?"

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe join forces?"

The doors of the control room opened. The two grunts who were talking beside the trash can straightened their backs and saluted to Commander Symphony. She walked holding her coffee, the grunts obtaining her attention.

"Shouldn't the two of you be doing your routine?"

"It's our break, commander."

"I see. I heard you speaking about Madam Boss and Giovanni. That's enough to prove you're not imposters. Come, help me out."

"Yes, commander!"

Commander Symphony led them to the vaults sectors of our headquarters. It was dark for the need of a low temperature. A high one might affect Team Rocket's goal and scheme for world domination.

Each vaults were more like cells with windows for members to see them clearly. They were all filled with priceless artifacts, machinery, and special equipment throughout Team Rocket's history. However, it also contains invaluable and recent technology.

"Professor Zager, is it finished?" asked Commander Symphony, watching the professor alter codes on his laptop.

"Complete. It's finished, commander. Send the news to Madam Boss."

"If we may ask, what's that?" said one of the two grunts.

Commander Symphony chuckled. "People have been underestimating Team Rocket's technology for quite some time. With this, we'll definitely show the world our true power."

"Yeah, but what is it?"

The object had a pointy appearance. It was obese with a lustrous shell similar to those of a pearl. There was also a hazard symbol on the tip of its black nose. On its back were propeller like features, maybe to control drag and pressure.


"No way, we gonna make Unova sink?"

"Not entirely." Zager presented a holographic map.

"Our satelites show strange details of a structure with high heat temperature."

"But the thing is, the heat temperature is coming from underground. This could mean there's some underneath base Team Plasma is hiding near the Pokemon League. We plan to use the bomb to liberate it from the face of the Earth."

"Wait, if it's a MOAB, won't other cities be affected?"

"Not if launched on the Pokemon League. Its area is way vast, enough for the impact to be contained. Once Team Plasma's out and the Meteonite at our grasps again, world conquest it is."

"Cool. So, what do you need us for?"

"Wipe it. Make it sparkle. Do not make it explode. Actually, you can. This is only an extra, the real one's being packaged. If you do make it explode, the impact won't escape the cell. Team Rocket's vaults are the strongest. So yeah, scrubby dub dub for the two of you."

"Oh. Okay." Gulped the grunts as they received a sponge and a bucket from Commander Symphony.

More chapters due today since this is only a short one.

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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