
EPISODE 34: A Mission's Failure!*

Evening had arrived in the city of Canalave. Canalave City is a port city that is bisected by a canal which is crossed by a small drawbridge. It has an air of exotic and foreign culture. It is famous for its landmarks. This includes the Canalave Library, the Harbor Inn, and the house of Eldritch, a famous sailor in the Sinnoh Region.

The night was still young; thus the people still roamed. One could call it a night fest for the dazzling lights displayed in the trees. One may call it the perfect moment for Romance because of the beautiful sunset the city has to offer with the wind just earnestly hitting your hair in every direction. The city is also a perfect place for diving, photography sessions, or group studies in the library.

Tonight, the city was visited by two gym leaders who are on a quest to defeat Team Galactic. No one knew about their goal except for the champion, for it was secretive and even if the champion had warned them not to and take matters into her their hands, these two gym leaders wouldn't follow, Now that night has arrived and their gyms are closed, the two decided to meet up in the city for this is the place said to be one of the locations of Team Galactic's underground hideout.

Maylene and Candice, these two are one of the four female gym leaders of Sinnoh.

Maylene is a young girl with pale skin and short, pink hair. She wears a sleeveless purple and blacktop and plain, white pants. She also wears blue fingerless gloves on her hands. Her feet and arms are bare. She wears two bandages, one on her left arm, and one covering her nose.

It can be inferred by her appearance that Maylene is very young, likely still a child due to her very slim structure, short stature, and little female development. Despite being named a fighting genius, Maylene isn't very muscular and her structure is very skinny and feminine.

Like others of her type specialty, Maylene is a determined trainer with a strong conviction towards her martial arts training. For what she lacks in muscle, Maylene has the spirit and fairness of a true fighter. Surprisingly for such a petite figure, she eats large portions of food and would travel barefoot across the world.

The other is Candice. Candice has black hair tied into pigtails with blue scrunchies and amber eyes. She also has blue pins on both sides of her hair. She wears an elbow-length long-sleeved white blouse, a blue bow on her chest, a short brown skirt that reaches her thighs, and a blue cardigan most of the time tied around her waist but sometimes when just talking worn on top of her white shirt. Candice also wears knee-length white and blue striped socks and brown shoes.

Candice is a very sociable trainer and a bit of an oddball, to say the least, breaking the stereotype of ice-type trainers being cold and untouchable. Her choice of clothing given her type specialty, may suggest she enjoys the cold a little too much. Embracing her youthful appearance, Candice is cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and warmhearted among her peers, and has a fervent passion for focusing on doing things she loves, such as Pokémon, trends, and romance.

The two of them are self-tasked to take down the secret base of Team Galactic. Little do they know, they're heading for trouble...

The two hid behind one of the post-lights in the lonely alley of Canalave City. The alley was dark, and the post-lights they were hiding on was glitching. There, they gently and cautiously followed a grunt who had keys in her pocket. She was whistling a sea shanty while walking down the alley.

The only thing Candice and Maylene find suspicious about the grunt was that she was heading to a dead-end and though the grunt sees the bricked wall, she continued to move, only hinting that the place she was heading to is the secret base of Team Galactic.

In front of the bricked walls, the female grunt stopped her chant or rather, shanty for a moment. She took out the dangling keys and inserted them one of the gaps. For one, this gap might seem like a corroded piece of the old standing brick wall when in fact it was a keyhole to the entrance of their secret base.

The bricked wall shook as it opened itself. It separated into two as they slid further from each other. Upon opening, this was the perfect opportunity for Candice and Maylene to strike.

"Alright! Lucario, bone rush!" Maylene made the first move, sending out her Lucario. Of course, everyone knows how a Lucario looks like. The Bone Rush attack went straight for the grunt's neck, making her fall asleep.

"Great work Lucario!" Maylene patted Lucario's head as the two of them alongside Candice made their way inside the secret base.

The first part of the base was plain. It was a simple tunnel with no one guarding it. Upon stepping inside, the bricked wall returned to its former glory, blocking the gym leaders from the sight of the outside world.

"Okay, this is it. No one can stop us now." Maylene said to herself, somewhat trying to boost her own confidence.

"Relax. Team Galactic is just a bunch of nerds." the oddball smiled. She wasn't worried by one bit, her confidence exceeds Maylene's.

Since the tunnel was calm and quiet, with only their footsteps making the echoes, the two gym leaders walked with caution. Maylene was sweaty while Candice kept twirling around as if she was a ballerina. They are two gym leaders that contrast each other. There were even sightings that it was Lucario who trained Maylene aside from Crasher Wake because her self-esteem towards herself alongside her confidence was pretty low.

Continuing onward, they reached a door at the end of the tunnel. It was a metallic dark green door, probably the main entrance of the secret base of Team Galactic. Maylene's heart was pounding, waiting for Candice's signal to kick down the door. When Candice winked her eye, Maylene proceeded by commanding her Lucario to bust down the door with Close Combat.

"Alert at sector one! We have two intruders heading our way!" the grunts inside were immediately aware after seeing the intruders. They turned on their alarms and the two gym leaders were shocked to see a horde of grunts heading to them. The horde of grunts carried their paralyzing guns as they pointed it towards them.

"Abomasnow, come out and use Blizzard!" commanded, Candice as she tossed out her Pokemon.

<Abo! Abo! Abomasnow!> Abomasnow spitted out a ton of freezing snow that turned most of the grunts into frozen sculptures. Maylene and Candice then made their way inward, dealing the grunts in their path.

On one of the halls, Lucario took charge, hitting a number of grunts with aura sphere, a powerful move. In the next hall, Abomasnow took over, freezing the grunts that passed by. Their secret mission was heading to a path of success as their base that looked like a laboratory was getting wrecked.

"This would be easier than I thought." Maylene was finally being confident, perhaps too confident when the elite forces came. These elite forces of Team Galactic are the ones who are explicit in Pokemon battling. They belong to the higher ranks but are no match against Lucario and Abomasnow.

While Maylene's Lucario fought, Maylene fought with the use of her own hands. She's not called the barefoot fighting genius for nothing. Throwing punches and kicks at the elite forces. Meanwhile, Candice and Abomasnow fought behind Maylene. They watched each other's backs. Success was still on their grasps as they fought.

"Hello! I'm pleased to meet you!" she told one of the elite forces as she kicked his chin. The elite troop dropped on the ground, fainted and dizzy.

"Abomasnow, freeze our opponents! Blizzard, here we go!" cheerfully commanded by Candice, Abomansow went for the grunts heading towards them. In one blow, these grunts froze.

They became overconfident, thinking that they could've handled everything with their current standing against the grunts they were currently facing. That all changed when Commander Saturn arrived. He was tasked to guard the base since earlier this morning, and after hearing the news that most of his elite forces have been knocked out, he decided to take things seriously by himself.

"Two gym leaders? You think I would be intimidated?!" Saturn made his appearance on Maylene's side with two elite troops in his left and right. The elite troops basically look the same as the regular grunts but their skills are above the average.

"Oh no, it's their commander." Candice alerted, she was breathing heavily and perspiring too much. She could drop because of exhaustion any minute now.

"The fighting genius and the oddball, what a pleasure for you to visit us at this very hour but I'm sorry to say that this facility of ours is off-limits to strangers. Toxicroak, deal with them!" instructed, the commander after sending out his Toxicroak.

Toxicroak made a dash towards Lucario and there the two Pokemon fought like never before. It was as if they were having a boxing match. Lucario was targeting the chest but was blocked with the sharp fists of Toxicroak's blue arms. Toxicroak aimed for Lucario's neck, and after seeing an opening it went for it.

<Lucario!> Lucario screamed, dropping to the ground as it remained unconscious. Lucario was too late to dodge the attack.

"It went for the neck, that could've killed my Lucario!" Maylene shouted at Commander Saturn.

"Sorry, little lass, but Team Galactic doesn't do any mercy." Commander Saturn chuckled while Maylene knelt down and shook Lucario's unconscious body. It wasn't waking up, but Maylene can hear her Pokemon breathing.

"Abomasnow, go for Icicle Spear!" Candice took charge momentarily while Maylene softly whimpered for her unconscious Lucario.

<Tox! Tox! Tox> Toxicroak dodged the spears heading towards it. It then punched Abomasnow's belly. At this moment, Candice was trying to think of a plan while tirelessly fighting Toxicroak with Abomasnow.

As an obese Pokemon, Abomasnow couldn't move much, especially when the halls like where they're at is too tight.

"I'm substituting, Medicham, you're up now!" yes, she may be an ice type gym leader but one mystery that no could solve is why she has a Medicham on her team. It is a psychic/fighting Pokemon and since it knows Ice Punch, I guess that means it is qualified to be a Gym Leader's Pokemon.

"Maylene, ask help from the champion and the Pokemon International Police, leave the rest to me!" Candice thought that this would be the perfect moment to commence her scheme. Rather than using Ice Punch, Medicham was commanded to use teleport to send Maylene and Lucario outside the base for while they fought, a whole plethora of grunts arrived at the scene.

With Saturn and the grunts, it would be impossible to stop unless they beg for help from the people who warned them not to attack the base in the first place.

"Wait, what?! No!" Maylene disagreed but she was too late for she had already entered the portal.

"Wrong move. Now I guess you have to fight me alone." Saturn chuckled maliciously as Medicham and Toxicroak fought.

"Medicham, Psychic!"

"Dodge it, now use Poison Jab!" no one could outrun Saturn's Toxicroak's speed, not even the Pokemon of the fighting genius could...

Iron Island, that will also appear in a later volume as well. Anyhow, tomorrow is another announcement for the top contributors.

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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