
EPISODE 18: Escape!*

"You have nowhere to run agent. You are surrounded." Detective Looker grins, letting off a soft chuckle. On the other hand, my mind thinks deeply, trying to find a way out of the battalion surrounding me. From the blankness of my mind, comes an idea that would probably work.

Once more, I look back and forth to see the battalion moving closer to me in a steady and cautious pace. The sounds of their footsteps and heavy armor moving is such an irritation to my ears. I couldn't stand another minute, listening to it.

"Lily sleep powder, Mawile dazzling gleam, and Kirlia use Psybeam!" I instruct, putting action to the idea that randomly appeared in my mind out of nowhere. Seeing my three Pokemons attack only gave the detective a giggle.

"Haven't you learned?" The detective queries sarcastically, watching the smoke I created. With such attacks, it was able to create a thick green smog that only lasted for a minute or two. Upon settling, Detective Looker and the rest of the battalion were left in perplexity.

"What the?!" Detective Looker exclaims, seeing me disappear out of nowhere. He then looks to the ceiling, only to see a vent wide open. The purpose of the attack was not to disarm or hurt them but to serve as a mere distraction while everybody thinks that I'm fighting them.

"Find the agent, she's not leaving yet!" Detective Looker becomes ferocious. In a single word, the battalions scatter in groups of five, scouring their own vicinity for the intruder which is me. On the vents, I stop for a moment, giving me time to breathe before asthma strikes me again due to the smog I've created.

I then contact the pilot, telling him to proceed on top of the facility for departure. I have time-pressured myself, giving me five minutes before the helicopter arrives. I did this so that I could escape immediately with Charlotte. With everything prepared again, I continue to crawl through the vents until I reached the detainment area.

From above, Charlotte could be seen, sleeping on her prison bed. I stop for a moment, smiling to see her once more. Above her cell is where I crawl furthermore. From there, I murmur, both trying to wake her up and hopefully not to gather the attention of the surrounding battalion.

"Psst! Charlotte." Luckily, she was able to hear my words right away. Her eyes twitch, searching for where the murmur could be coming from. She tilts her head to the vents, seeing me waving from above. She starts to beam with exuberance, the characteristic I've been longing for but in this case, I asked her to remain quiet in order not to gather the attention of the battalion.

Slowly, I remove the vent door so I could send the rope down to rescue her. However, I made a blunder, accidentally losing grip from the vent door. Upon crashing to the floor, it emits a shriek, immediately drawing the battalion to us. It is as if an apocalypse is being held, wherein the police are the zombies, very sensitive to sound.

"Come on Charlotte, we don't have much time!" Enough with silence since the battalion has heard me anyways. I place down the rope in a rush, tying the other hand to my finger.

"Come back here!" A police start to infuriate, scrambling for the Cell Key in his pocket. Due to this hurry, he accidentally drops the key inside the cell, giving us a boosted time... Well, that was what we thought.

The other police officers arrived, bringing a somewhat metallic cylinder tool to bash down the iron bars. Sparing no time at staring at their actions, Charlotte grabs the rope and starts to climb. Almost reaching her hand, the police enter the cell, pulling her feet.

"Luna, help me," Charlotte begs, tightening the grip on my hand with her legs struggling to kick the officers from beneath.

"Don't worry, I won't let go." I comfort, pulling her with my remaining might. My Pokemons behind me also helped out, pulling my legs. It was truly a tug of war for the prisoner, and neither party is ceasing to let go of Charlotte. More police arrive to help, bringing pressure to my already worn-out arms. Their pull was so strong that it even started to bring me and my Pokemons down.

I had no choice but to give in. Letting the police succeed on our temporary tug of war activity, the six of us dropped (Luna, Charlotte, + Pokemons) to the cell. Right away, I grabbed her hand, bringing her to the very corner of the room while blocking her from the police.

I start to infuriate, grinding my teeth against each other while thinking of a way out. Kirlia starts to interrupt as she stands between me and the officers. With her scowl, she starts to float, lifting the officers in the process.

[Kirlia has learned a new move and in return, replaced Confusion. The move is known as Psychic.] My Pokedex interrupts from my pocket.

<Kirlia!>Kirlia's voice shrieks, blasting the officers away from me. Some of them banged their backs to the wall, not even their armor could protect them from the pain. Others were choked my Kirlia's psychic powers.

The once-powerful battalion is now nothing but a plethora of mere fainted bodies. Although, I thank the officers for opening the cell for us since there is no way back to the vents because the rope has fallen down.

Using our opportunity to escape, we first went to the detainment area for Pokemons in order to grab Charlotte's Pokeballs. We then proceed to the emergency exit wherein I got a text from the pilot that he's already there. The next wave of Police starts for we could hear their footsteps from below. Seemingly, they are also climbing the stairs with us on the lead.

"Luna, you're asthmatic," Charlotte warns, seeing my worn-out face. I have the looks of a person who is having a hard time to breath from all these climbing. With the police underneath our floor, I'm afraid I must do the sacrifice and rush faster than a lightning despite my asthma.

"Just three more floors." With intense breathing, I grab her hand, persisting to run. On the last floor, I nearly collapsed. It was only because of my mind that kept me firm. At the top floor of the facility, I can see the helicopter with the ladders all set for us to climb on. I then return my Pokemons to their Pokeballs.

The Police on the other hand also remained persistent to chase me. They start to take legal actions, preparing to spray me and Charlotte with pepper sprays. Even with all these madness, me and Charlotte were able to escape with the battalion an inch from us. The helicopter then leaves immediately and heads straight back to the island.

Inside the vehicle, I nebulize myself to ease my intense breathing as, on the other hand, Charlotte rests, gasping for oxygen.

"Luna, we need to head to Azalea town first," Charlotte utters.

"Azalea town, what for?" I query.

"I've overheard one of the officers yesterday. Xavier is held captive in Azalea town. Please, we have to rescue him too. The town is only southeast from the city." Charlotte explains, begging earnestly.

Although the executives gave me the order not to take any detours, I cannot merely leave my other friend behind. With confidence, knowing I'll be disobeying their orders, I ask the pilot to head straight to the said town. Perhaps my body could withstand one more mission for the day.

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