
6.30 - A Mother's Love

Spring was nearing its end, and with it was a time of turbulent change within the other countries of Terra, this could not be said for Haven.

But even though most of Haven's worries were not on par with those of other nations, there was one person that was worried. That was Serin Aegis, Haven's ruler and undisputed leader.

This was because, due to a miscalculation on his part, both Olma and Avea had given birth within 2 days of each other, and now his parent's Sara and Ben, wanted to meet his new children. And they would not be alone. Serin had four younger brothers and sisters, all still unnamed by his parents, as certain traditions were hard to change. Nok, Serin's firstborn son, would also be present. All in all it was entirely too many people for Serin to cook alone. Thankfully the advanced party had arrived. Serin's father Ben came over early in the morning to help Serin with cooking. By the contents of bags of groceries in Ben's arms, Serin was excited. When he was still an unnamed, unplated youth, Serin's birthday would be marked with his parents making a special meal.

It was ground meat, of whatever was available, cooked with vegetables and placed with tomato sauce under a large helping of mashed potatoes and baked at a low temperature all day. Although not complex, the meat had to be ground, vegetables diced, and clay pans prepared correctly. There were also a dozen other dishes that Serin was trying to make from memory, so it was helpful when his father arrived and with a smile said "from one father to another, i know this struggle."

Serin began working in the kitchen. Olma came into help, and when Serin gave her the 'what about the baby?!' look, Olma smiled. "Darling, Avea is rather skilled in this task, as it seems 'wetnurse', 'childcare', and 'midwife' are all skill sets of the Battlemaiden. I am not sure we could hire a more suitable person for the task, and Avea is happy to do so!"

Again Avea was referenced to being 'happy' and Serin looked at Olma strangely, when saw Avea carrying two children in her arm, arrive at the fridge for a small piece of meat for his changeling daughter Narinci. As for his Construct Daughter, she could not be given a name by anyone other than a registered User, and he was not too apt to hand over his daughter to her husband. They simply called her 'Lilly' even if the name wouldn't be permanent. Narinci with her traditional Changeling name, gobbled at the piece of meat. Serin was quickly reminded their diets even from birth were different from the other races. Even though Lilly was sated being breastfed, there was a good chance Narinci might bite at Avea, since it was not her mother.

Serin still didn't understand how Olma understood Avea was happy to be so busy with two very young children until he heard it. She was humming the same lullaby as she did before. She always seemed to absently do it when she was around his children.

Single minded in her task she was in and out of the kitchen without a question or a worry. Avea was in and out of the kitchen before Serin could even ask if she needed assistance.

This was probably for the best, as soon enough Sara arrived. Serin's mother had gone ahead and picked up all of the children from the Academy, and Serin went to greet his family, but mostly waylay them to ensure they did not come into the kitchen. Olma smelled the meal, "Father Ben, this is delicious smelling! What meat does it use?"

Ben smiled. He liked Olma. She was the right energy for Serin. His often absent mindedness was a perfect balance to her excited and jovial nature. He had heard she had a mean side, but he hadn't seen it, so he couldn't believe it. Ben answered Olma's question.

"It's a family recipe. Because it is meant to be a birthday dish, it is able to be made with the meat of any creature as long as it is finely ground up. Or when meat is not in stock, meat from several sources together also works. The tomato covers any gameyness in the meat." Ben then smiled at Olma. "It is a tradition, where we come from, to pass a book of recipes from Mother to daughter. Copies are made for all of Serin's Sisters, and a few copies exist for Serin's Brother's if they should marry. But as you are the wife of our firstborn son, Sara's original copy will go to you. It is many generations old, and helps track our family's history. While the copies only have the mother to daughter, your copy will go all the way back to the first author. With it you will have the privilege to add recipes in it yourself to pass on to Nok's wife or little Narinci when they leave the nest."

Olma was smiling, but Ben could see it, there were tears in her eyes, and they were not happy tears.

That was because at the same time as Ben was explaining the story of the book, Sara was talking to Serin, with their Construct Adi watching the children. The conversation had progressed naturally. Serin had answered some of his questions, until one of his brothers asked, "Why does the baby Narinci look like Nok? Why doesn't she look like Adi? Or You?"

Serin didn't know how to react. "It is something to explain when you are older. You may not see me in Nok's eyes, but if you listen to his words and his heart, you will know him as family."

Per Sara's direction, Adi took the children outside to play with the friendlier domesticated creatures roaming Serin's Ranch.

Sara then said something Serin didn't know how to digest. "I just can't wait until I have grandchildren."

Serin was off put. Serin thought he knew what his mother was saying but had to make sure. "Mother don't be silly. You have three grandchildren already, Nok, Narinci, and Lilly."

Sara didn't seem to catch that Serin's statement was meant to curb her comment and cut off her train of thought so she continued unphased. "You know what i mean. Human grandchildren. Someone to carry our family's legacy."

Serin looked at his mother, " Mother, I am going to ignore what you said, because although that opinion doesn't violate the law, it is still utterly reprehensible. I suggest you adjust your attitude and sort yourself out before walking another step into my home."

Sara, now realizing that she had reached a disagreement with her son, decided to not back down. She was his mother afterall and 'mother knew best'.

"No I am quite sure of this! You have had your fun and sown your wild seeds, but it is time you settle down with one of your own kind and be done with this foolishness!"

Sara hadn't been quiet when she said this as she was flustered by the disagreement with Serin. She was brought back to the present by the sound of a clay baking pan falling and crashing to the ground.

Although Olma had heard the entire conversation from Sara, Ben had heard what his wife had said, and when Sara and Serin arrived at the kitchen, Olma was in tears as Ben held her. "Am I not family?" Olma said between tears.

Ben looked at his wife Sara. She tried to backpedal from her statement, now that she saw the effect of her words, but it was too late. Some words spoken, like magic cast, could not be unsaid. Ben looked at her. "I think it is best for you to leave. This is a family celebration for the birth of Narinci, my granddaughter. And since she doesn't meet your expectations for family, you aren't invited."

Olma continued to cry, and Sara realized she had done something horrible. Sara just walked out.

Serin did not know what to do, so he simply hugged Olma with his father, and let her cry. Olma had lost her mother and grandmother. Olma had filled that missing part of her heart with Sara, and Sara had rejected her as family. It was a pain that hurt worse than any broken bone or torn muscle. And it didn't go away.


A few hours had passed, and minus Sara, the entire Aegis family sat down to dinner. Although everyone looked different, all one had to do is close their eyes and listen, and there was the undeniable sound of family enjoying dinner. Olma had regained her composure before Adi and Avea brought in the other children and other than Ben saying "Sara had to take care of something" to excuse her presence, the dinner proceeded as normal.

Midway through dinner, there was a knock on the door. Olma, who had recently dried her tears, felt the emotion of rejection welling up again, and was frozen in place. Olma did not freeze in the face of titans or monster hordes. But she felt fear of rejection. If Olma was like most other changelings, she would not have been upset by Sara's statements. Changelings normally did not have such emotional ties to extended family. However, when Olma became [Beholden], along with the great power it provided, it did also have a weakness, which was Olma's heart was more fragile. Her care extended to all of Serin's family, and was much closer to the heart of a Demis.

As Olma was frozen in place, Serin got up to answer. He left the room and quickly answered the door. He didn't say anything but when he returned he came back with a package wrapped in brown paper and twine.

It was addressed to Olma.

As she opened it, Olma was surprised by what she saw. It was a leatherbound book of recipes, easily over 100 years old. It was Serin's family's recipe book, and it was not a copy. It was the original

Olma looked inside of the front cover and there were names written in dozens of styles of writing and colors and shades of ink.

One name then an arrow pointing to the next. Dozens of lines. As Olma read she realized this was the book Ben had spoken of. The only sentimental treasure of Serin's family. And as Olma read the last lines of the book, tears came again. But not those like before, as these were accompanied by a smile

Rebecca -------> Judith

Judith -----------> Sara

Sara -------------> Olma

Friday Double Drop 2 of 2!

Good Morning Readers! This marks the end of Chapter 6!

Some of you have been really cool, leaving reviews, dozens of chapter comments, and hundreds of paragraph comments!

But next week is the time to kick it in gear. Starting the 15th, Boundless will be part of the Weekly featured. This will be the most exposure this book has ever gotten, since it will be sitting pretty on the front page for a whole week!

So I will ask that you do what you do best, and that is let your voice be heard.

There are over a dozen characters that have been written into my books based on helpful fans. A few I still have to write in, (I haven't forgotten). Some have had their thoughts and ideas take fruit into the story.

Now is the chance for all of us to work together to push this novel to the next level.

And as always, Stay Boundless Friends!

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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