
Chapter 5.21- Behind the Scenes

Serin sat with a smile on his face. "So, while I was playing diplomat on the mainstage, what happened everywhere else?"

Flick smiled, "We had a few intruders from Sarween. Upon capture they self-destructed. They attempted to break into the armory and into your personal residence."

Serin raised an eyebrow, "how are you sure they came from Sarween?"

Flick laughed, "we followed them from the moment they left their autocarts."

Serin motioned for Flick to continue, "The Northern Kingdoms did not move, and the grand woods alliance attempted to buy their way past the gate." Other than that, no attempted breaches of our walls happened. I guess they aren't powerful enough."

Serin shook his head "It's not that. These nations did not plan for us to be as powerful as we are, since we are only a few years of age and other than a few missing people from two nations, they expected us to number few as well. Weak and undermanned. They did not take us seriously. Had this been a true diplomatic group, the spies sent in would have been much more powerful."

Flick understood. "That concludes my report of the policing actions taken during the event. Overall, we sustained no wounded, and did not harm any of the dignitaries or their entourage." Although serious, Flick sounded somewhat disappointed." Serin responded, "don't sound so down Flick, we will have plenty of opportunity in the future, I am sure. How goes Operation Candydrop?"

Flick laughed, "Well we were not able to pinpoint Sarween's specific location, so their nation was out, but for the Grand Woods Alliance and Northern Kingdoms we were able to send the windrunners out at dusk and they should return by Dawn."

Serin was stunned, "Even pulling the bomber compartments?"

Flick smiled, "they were designed to cut through the wind, so yes."

Serin nodded. Much work had gone into Operation Candydrop.

Serin looked over to Dana, "What about our softer efforts closer to home?"

Dana smiled, "there were 48 members of entourage in total from the Northern Kingdoms and the Grand Woods Alliance, and over the three evenings, events unfolded thusly."

Dana began to recount.

The first evening, the entertainment for the entourage offered besides wine and food was a divination reading from Master Cellic of the Dhamphir. We knew that having a master of divination give information would be quite the gift, as diviners here are quite high in demand. So the first thing he did was read the future.

Of Course, this was only partially true. First Master Cellic used his power to see into each person's heart to determine if they were worthy of Emigration. We culled 12 from the list immediately as they didn't meet our criteria. Then Master Cellic used his power to pull the image from their subconscious of what their true vision of beauty was and their ideal match, and used this power to relay this to Dana and the waiting changelings. Dana and Master Cellic used this and his diviner's authority to link each candidate with the best possible match. Then it was as simple as Master Cellic creating the future with "The true love in your heart is closer than you think."

At dinner, those candidates for emigration selected were served by changelings that matched their heart, in both personality and looks. From there, those changelings did what changelings do, and enraptured their hosts."

Serin listened, enraptured by this plan. This plan wasn't setup until after he had received the rite of emigration, which meant they had planned this partially from the start. Serin smiled as he was glad he did not have to come up with all the plans himself.

Dana continued. On the second night, a message was sent out to the entourage that changelings existed, but it was too late. Dana had added dusted wine to the soldiers, and through careful words, the changelings showed their true forms to the selected soldiers. And as expected, it was too late. The changelings had already pulled the hearts to their command.

Serin asked, "what is the outcome?"

Dana continued, "Tonight the changelings will offer to let the soldiers stay, with an offer of emigration. That should be starting any moment."

Serin asked, "But is this OK for the changelings? Do they feel that the humans that they have tempted will be a good fit for them? I want no one to give up their happiness for this nation."

Dana smirked, "Serin, it looks like you are too used to your beholden. That is a special bond of our people that very few can hope for. For most changelings, if they can find a partner that provides and protects younglings, that is enough. But I agree with your sentiment, which is why that was taken into account with Master Cellic. Those pairs give the highest chance at producing beholden couples."

Serin then thought, "Why don't we offer this more often?"

Dana looked curiously, "what do you mean."

Serin laughed, "Just as the Fall Harvest festival is a chance for unpaired people to attempt for offspring, there must be the counter."

Dana laughed, "well, to be honest, we hadn't thought of that. The prospect of 'love' is rare when the initial goal is to ensure the continuation of the species. But i agree. At the Spring Festival, for those not wishing to follow the aspect of fighting to show prowess as a mate, we can have those who would rather follow that of the songbird."

Serin agreed. Not everyone within his nation was combat oriented. And finding the best partner was difficult. Not everyone was as forward as the changelings, and there were certain races that might benefit from Master Cellic's gifts of divination.

Serin then watched as a list of notifications began to appear.

Request for Emigration: Jonathan of Sparn

Serin saw that Dana was yet again successful, as out of the 36 candidates, all of them had requested emigration.

Serin then wondered, How was Operation Candydrop?


Moving at speeds almost unheard of, Gail and the rest of the Skygge windrunners soared high above the rooftops of the Burb below. A message came in.

'This is where we split correct?' Gail heard. The plan was simple. The 24 windrunners had initially split into two sets of 12. Following the maps they had memorized, their routes were fairly simple. And even if they were seen in the dead of night, they were moving entirely two fast to be hit.

Gail responded back. 'Correct. Each of you have your designated routes and payload allotments. And I know a few of you have done much more arduous routes back in the war.'

'Yeah, but not with candy?! By the divines, those Dhamphir have a screw loose.'

Gail laughed. He agreed. The Dhamphir were awkward. But they were the kindest of all of the races. They also provided the majority of childcare services. And of course their ability to see in the dark made raising twilight based plants easier, and while they couldn't eat them, the Dhamphir still made them, since they were useful as cooking spices, medicines, and as gifts. Gail smiled as he thought back, 'My wife would have loved a bouquet of moonlight lilies.'

Gail swallowed his tears and continued on. This plan would at worst give Gail a chance to be a windrunner pilot again. He missed speeding through the world, and with the ability to now cut through clouds as he had done with the seas he felt complete.

Gail smiled as not an hour later he reached his first spot. The relay on his arm told him he was nearing the dropzone, but he was an experienced windrunner pilot. Bombing runs were no different in the air than the sea. Except the targets now were civilians, not undersea ships, and his payload was sweets, not death.

Gail finished his route and linked up with his group and headed back to Haven. Whatever counter the other nations could plan, there was no unringing the bell that Gail had just rung.


The next morning, across the Grand Woods Alliance and the Northern Kingdoms, in small hamlets, Burbs, Cities, and Capitals, they woke up to the strangest occurrence. In the night, tens of thousands of tiny jars of honey had floated down to the ground wrapped in a pamphlet.

A man, standing in a frontier burb of the Northern kingdom, inspected the package, and tasting the honey read the pamphlet.

It was a large depiction of the smiling races of Haven, all looking towards Serin in a crown. The title read "HAVEN WELCOMES YOU!"

As the man tasted the honey he gasped. On the back was simple language.

If you ask for change, and wish to emigrate, Haven is currently accepting applications for emigration. We take in the old, young, infirm, and destitute. We accept individuals or families. There is no cost for application, and should you be accepted you will be given living quarters and rations guaranteed by the government. If you wish to apply, come to the coordinates listed here. The following trade caravans will transport you for free if your goal is to seek emigration.

This application will be open until the first days of spring.

The man looked, and although the image was a little different, he would never mistake who he saw. "Serin, it looks like you made it after all." He then rushed into the house to wake his wife and children. They had a car to pack.


Good Evening Readers!

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For the history buffs that have caught a few of the careful nods i have added in my story, here is one of the funner parts.

Remember, If you have made it this far and have not gone and rated my book, you leave me a bit broken hearted. It is your chance to timestamp being a fan, so one day on the super duper slim chance my book becomes successful you can show off that timestamp.

Is it an extremely rare possibility? Sure. But it also takes 30 seconds to leave a review. Even if its just "Good Job, Stay Boundless Friend" it will be appreciated.

Stay Boundless Friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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