
Chapter 490: I Found It

Today was Saturday.

I Can Do It was aired at prime time.

Kylie's smart, adorable image impressed everyone, and William's humor also made many people his fans.

With the influence of their gossip and the famous guests in the show, the first episode was a great success.

When the production crew and the participants were celebrating, another group of people was in anxiety.

Ever since Dinah was missing, they also lost touch with Kylie.


In the Finch family's house, the living room was filled with smoke.

Everyone sat in silence. There was only Kylie's laughter aired on TV.

Nate lost patience. He put out his cigarette and turned the TV off. "Ethan, where the f*ck can Stephen hide himself?"

Ethan's sight stayed on the black screen of the TV. He pressed his lips to a tough line. He frowned, tapping his big palm on the armrest of the sofa.

Vincent made a cough and gave a glance at the TV.

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