
Testing Out Strength And New Abilities, Talia's Status

'Hm seems like there is still quite a bit of time before he comes out.' as there seems to be little activity happening in the cocoon, though I have noticed it growing in size overtime.

'Seems like he will be quite big when he comes out of the cocoon, wonder how he will look like when he comes out~' as I like my lips thinking of his body shape and bigger member to have fun with.

'Guess I can purchase some skills from the shop thanks to the tp I gained having sex with Talia, then I can go test out my new stats and abilities to see how they are. Maybe even try to gain more skills like mana strike and evil eye of fear.' as I then open the [Shop] tab of the system looking through the skills.

'I am definitely getting stamina tank as it will further increase my ability to last in battle and use even more powerful attacks.' as I add stamina tank to skills I will purchase, after thinking for a moment I decided that it would be best if I saved the tp for better skills and items.

*Ding* 'Purchasing Stamina Tank for 1000 TP'

Having purchased the skill leaving me with 3197 tp I decided to leave the cave for a moment to test my current strength, before leaving I looked back at the cocoon and Talia one last time before leaving with a serious expression.

'Don't worry I will make sure to become strong enough that no one will be able to defeat us, and I will create a kingdom that will stand strong against any foe.' with convection making a promise towards establishing a powerful faction, at this time I heard the system send a notification.

*Ding* 'You have one new quest, check [Missions] for more information.'

Hearing this I went to the [Missions] tab of the system to see what the details of the mission were.




New Kingdom Quest:

All hail the rise of the empress and her kingdom!!! Establish the beginning of a kingdom having the capital city designated in a specific area, population of at least 100 members, ownership of a few mines, farms, as well as a special structure(Dungeon, Labyrinth, Special Metals Mine, Mana Crystal Mine, and etc). Lastly establish a name for the new kingdom as well as a basic living space at the capital city.

Rewards: 20000 TP, 5 Lottery Tickets, and Heretics Restoration Coffin(???????? Artifact)


'Well it seems even the system is supporting me making a powerful kingdom, thankful its not asking for a full blown kingdom only the beginning of one. Though the special structure seems to be the hardest bit as they are quite rare, thankfully this forest has a dungeon in the inner section that we can establish the capital around. Looking at the rewards they seem very good, but what is the heretics restoration coffin all about?' thinking intently on how to go about completing this quickly, yet assessing the dangers of getting to the dungeon as the goblins did have an army to get there.

Wanting to know more about the restoration coffin I ask the system what it is exactly, since the name restoration seems like healing or restoring something to me.

*Ding* 'Answering host the Heretics Restoration Coffin is an artifact that serves a great function, using said coffin will allow those resting within it to rapidly heal their body from any aliments even regenerating limbs. Not only that the coffin is also able to restore another beings body if their soul is still intact, and are allowed by host to enter the coffin.'

Hearing what the system said my jaw dropped as I realized the implications of this, basically if I can somehow survive with a bit of health I can recover from anything really.

Even then if I can survive in soul form than it is even possible for me to gain a new body again, wanting to know the limitations of this artifact I quickly ask the system for how long it takes getting the answer.

*Ding* 'The amount of time depends on how severe the injuries or damage is, if the being in question has small injuries it will only take minutes, lost limbs a few hours, near death taking a few days, to creating a new body needing weeks even then the body will be weaker than the original for a while needing a few more weeks to be restored to peak condition. However time can be speed up slightly for the last situation if host has special materials that are able to restore the body, such as plants that have the ability to strengthen the body and bloodline.'

Although it can take quite a bit of time in some situations I was satisfied with what the system said as this is incredible useful as a means to prevent death and escape it.

'Huh no wonder this coffin is labeled heretic, it essential goes against the natural order of life and death capable of reviving someone even if they are dead.' excited by the prospect of having the means to be revived and revive my lovers, bringing relieve to me as I don't have to worry as much that they will die.

Still doesn't mean I want to see them die so I will prevent that from happening anyways, still what does the the ???????? part of the artifact mean as even the system can't tell me what it is.

Shaking that thought from my head as the system does hide some things from me due to not being strong enough, I guess I will know eventually.

That being said I walk out of the cave towards the location I have decided will be best to test out my strength, and hopefully acquire new skills.


'Wow if I were to compare my old speed to my current it would be snails pace.' as I quickly run past nearby animals before they could even register my appearance, making my way towards the edge of the inner section of the forest.

'I guess it makes sense I did buy all the enhancements that increased my physical stats by a large margin, along with my evolution to an epic rank race. Well I am close to the inner forest now so I should slow down as to not attract unwanted attention from strong creatures.' slowing down my speed as I soon reach the edge of the inner forest ready to try out my new strength, skills, and perhaps acquire new skills.


After quietly going through the forest for a while I hear a growl coming a few dozen meters away from me, wanting to check out I make my way to the noise.

*Caw* *Growl* *Whimper*

As I am getting closer I can hear sounds of cawing coming from a bird as the growls from what I assume is a wolf becoming whimpers as it seems to be in pain, having gotten close enough to see the creatures fighting one another through the gaps of some trees I see the situation.

Across from me are some wind dire wolves from the other day alongside a greater wind dire wolf, however all the wind dire wolves are dead with the greater wind dire wolf in bad shape having an eye torn out and talon marks across its body with blood seeping out.

*Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw*

Their enemies were some big crows that have metallic talons and beaks on them looking quite sharp, as for their feathers they look like they are made of steel.

In total there were 7 of them and although I don't think they are very strong they have the advantage of flight allowing them to attack from the sky, making it difficult for the wolves to attack them effectively.

Although these wolves have the ability to use wind to help strengthen their attacks these birds seem quite quick as well as having strong defense on them allowing them to tank hits from the wind wolves.

If that's the case then shouldn't they be strong and the answer is yes for creatures like wind wolves and my past self these crows would be quite strong, however for the current me they don't look very strong.

'Although they are faster than the greater wind dire wolf, and have greater attack as well as defense I don't feel much threat from them. They seem to have the same speed as me when I used my speed buff, but since my speed is now double what it was before being even higher then when using a buff these crows are a fair bit slow in my eyes. As for their attacks they don't seem to be able to use magic relying on physical strength, though powerful I don't feel much threat from them even my sixth sense doesn't give out much threat from these crows.' a bit disappointed that I won't have the ability to test my capabilities to their fullest, yet awed that these creatures should have been a great danger to my previous self yet feel weak to me now.

*Caw* *Psh* *Thud*

While I was stuck in my thoughts the crows managed to land a lethal blow to the wolf killing it as the others began to feed on the corpses of the wolves.

Deciding that it would be best to attack now while these crows have no distraction allowing them to focus on me to at least test my speed and defense with buffs, that said I end up using a buff for defense first to see how much damage they can do to me.

Activating my defense enhancement magic I make myself know to the crows, in which they soon sense my presence flying back into the air.

*Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw*

immediately getting into attack position one of them diving towards me with their talons out, raising my arms to block the hit from hitting my face the crow slashes at my arms.

*Ding* 'Host has been dealt 1 damage by Steel Crows'

'...What? No wonder my sixth sense didn't activate with my defense being increased by 25% by my outfit along with an additional 60% from my buff since my horns increase their effectiveness my defense value is over 300! With my regeneration added in these crows would need the entire day to kill me if I only stood still and took their hits, but would they even be able to attack me for an entire day as I am pretty sure they would need to leave to eat in order to keep recovering stamina otherwise they will just die from exhaustion! Well since now I know that it is not possible for these crows to kill me I should test to see if I gain new skills.' recovering from my shock as I look back at the crows which seem to be shocked as well, seeing that I didn't even receive a scratch from one attack.

Not caring for their current state I try to focus the mana that I have combined with my aura to see what sort of magic comes out, after focusing for a minute and ignoring the crows weak attacks some purple smoke with a tinge of pink comes out of my hands causing the crows to stop attacking as they look in my direction in fear.

*Ding* 'Host has learned skill Inferior Corroding Lustful Mist Manipulation lv 1/10'

Hearing the system telling me I unlocked magic already at the inferior level I ask why that is, as well as what my magic can do.

*Ding* 'Answering to host due to the strength of your bloodline and aura your innate magic affinity allows you to skip the basic and lesser versions.'

*Ding* 'Inferior Corroding Lustful Mist Manipulation lv 1/10: (Allows the usage and manipulation of magic that creates a mist that when coming into contact with objects or people the user can choose to corrode them. Also the mist can be used to create illusions along with filling the air with aphrodisiac making it easier for targets to fall into sexual frenzy as well as be manipulated by hypnosis and suggestions. This skill can be combined with mana strike to hit the enemy with this type of magic.)'

'Wow this magic seems to be very diverse and powerful, even without the system explaining it I can tell that the effects that the magic has is the result of the corrupted demon I used to gain a bloodline as well as what my race is. With this magic I can send out mana slashes from my claws that can corrode and deal damage over time to my enemies just like what happened to me. Maybe I can use the illusion aspect of the magic to disguise attacks making it difficult for enemy to know where to dodge. As for the lust aspect I can use that to disable my enemy the longer they are fighting me, even if it doesn't disable them there strength would be sapped over time as their own movements become more erratic. This magic is amazing!' thinking of all the possibilities that this magic has, as well as being glad at the fact such strong magic is already at inferior tier.

Wanting to test out the new magic I extend my claws as I sense the fear from the crows growing stronger as I imbue my claws with my new magic.


From my claws can be heard hissing from the magic entering my claws, even so I don't receive that much of a backlash from imbuing my body with magic.

'Hm seems that with my bloodline, race, and outfit I am more resistant towards magic being infused to my body parts, I'll need to do more tests on this later but I am excited by what I can do with this fact.' as I suppress my excitement for a moment as I then boost my speed with my enhancement magic, charging towards one of the crows.


More like launched at the bird as it could barely register me getting close to it before slashing at it with my claws cutting through its metallic feathers like butter.

Although the system sent me a message saying I killed it, I decided to see the message after this battle.

Turning back around I can see that the other crows can't even register what just happened to one of their own as everything was just a blur to them, looking at the dead crow I can see that the area I hot has the same black veins extending from them just like when the corrupted demon hit me.

'Hm when I hit it I expected some resistance, but I felt nothing when I sliced right through that crow. Then again my own attack is 268 without any multipliers on it, with my outfit that value increases to 335, add that with my claws that acquire an attack value half of my endurance adds another 105 damage as the enhancement magic only increases defense not endurance, lastly I imbued my claws with my inferior tier magic that has double the strength thanks to my horns. Yeah... I can see why it died so quickly, as I think my magic negates defense from the target after all it does say corroding.' wrapping up my thoughts on the now dead crow as I then resume to attack the other 6 killing them before they could even escape.

Having finished I check the system notifications to see something shocking.

*Ding* 'Host has killed 7 Steel Crows 2 being lv 39, 3 lv 40, and 2 lv 41, after calculating EXP bonus due to level gap between host and creatures you have gained 125,035 EXP'

*Ding* 'Host has leveled up 10 times with 4265/16400 needed to level up'

'What the hell!?!? System why did I gain so much exp from killing these creatures.' receiving an answer from the system that surprised me and made me wish I had acquired a bloodline sooner.

*Ding* 'Answering host the reason for the large increase in experience is that whenever you kill a being with a higher level they give a multiplier of 10% times the level gap between host and killed enemy. Example would be that an enemy 1 level higher would yield and extra 10% EXP, while an enemy 2 levels higher would give 21% increased EXP, and an enemy 3 levels higher would give around 33% extra EXP. For host the level gap between a lv 39 enemy and you being lv 22 is 17 levels, yielding an extra 5.05 times the normal EXP.'

To say the least I was dumbfounded being worried and excited, excited since this means that Gobugrak will be able to have massive exp gains when he finished gaining a bloodline.

Worried because this means our enemies also gain a 10% multiplier each level the being the enemy killed is, however before I get more worried about this the system tells me about the multiplier.

*Ding* 'Host should not be worried, although beings with bloodlines gain extra EXP from killing an enemy that are a level higher than them the multiplier is different. For example you as a ruler of a completely new race gain a large multiplier of 10%, while others more commonly have 1-3%, rarely beings with bloodlines gain 4-7%, and only beings with high potential and powerful bloodlines have multipliers of 8-10% or above. Such beings are few and as host evolves further as well as creating an even stronger bloodline will gain even higher multiplier when killing enemies that are a higher level than host.'

Hearing this calmed me down, but didn't erase my caution as I still have to be wary of those that have strong bloodlines and potential.

I know that despite having killed these crows very quickly this forest is not particularly incredibly strong, as such it is likely that the nearby areas and even kingdoms have strength far above what I can imagine.

As such I can only take things one step at a time and lay the foundations of my kingdom in this forest, keeping it hidden from others until the time I can completely defend myself comes.

'Although that doesn't mean I won't be prepared for when they find out about my kingdom, I'm not stupid enough to believe I can keep it completely hidden. However I can at least make the information that the scouts from such forces acquire inaccurate information allowing me to ambush them with a stronger force. Of course that is only when they send armies in waves at first, only increasing strength when their previous force is destroyed.' as I think of different methods I will have to employ in the future in order to avoid conflict with other kingdoms early on, as well as ways to eventually take over the ones that can threaten me.

Snapping out of my thoughts I open up the [Status] tab to see that I am now level 32 with 100 free stat points to use, deciding to distribute 20 to intelligence and wisdom, with 15 for vitality, strength, endurance, and agility.

*Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw* *Caw*

Hearing more crows cawing I look into the sky to see a flock of dozens of steel crows, under normal circumstances I would be afraid to see this as the crows seem to be furious about me killing 7 of them.

However, having tested that these crows can't deal much damage to me and I can kill them easily I instead flash a sadistic grin on my face as my aura becomes shown to the crows that start shaking in fright.

'Well since you guys are so kind as to present your selves to me, I might as well enjoy all the nice exp I will gain from killing all of you.' as I activate my aura skill attracting all their attention on me as they look at me like a piece of meat to tear into, diving right at me as I also release my wings flying towards them ready to slaughter them all.


'Hm the fight really was not all that exciting, they barely did anything to me while I killed them all quickly. There wasn't even a higher evolved form within the flock.' voicing my disappointment in my head though still glad from the exp I gained, as I reach the entrance of the cave that our home is in.

*Ding* 'Host has gained 219503 EXP'

*Ding* 'Host has leveled up 10 times having 21668/25100 EXP needed to level up'

'Leveling up has never been easier, now I wish that I always had a bloodline. Still the enemies from the middle and even some from the inner forest won't grant me much exp anymore as I'm lv 42 now.' as I shake those thoughts away as now I feel more confident in taking down the goblin tribe, and with my new found strength I think I don't have much to worry about.

Using the last of my free stat points I add 25 points to vitality, 25 to endurance, 15 to strength, 15 to agility, and 10 each for intelligence and wisdom.

I decided to go heavy on vitality and endurance as I want to increase my suitability as well as ensure that my enemies can hardly harm me, not only that but I wanted to think of the future a little bit as well.

With a small gentle smile on my face I bring my hand stroking my abdomen.

'Although it would be best to get pregnant when everything is safe, that does not seem possible during a short amount of time to even years since I am starting a kingdom. So much rather than wait I will have Gobugrak impregnate me when he comes out, and checking with the system the baby won't be harmed as long as no attacks penetrate my skin. Not only that but my combat ability won't be affected unless I am about to give birth, so I don't really have to worry on that front.' as I imagine Gobugraks expression when I ask him to put a baby in me, at the same time wondering how pregnancy would feel like for a man.

Soon my thoughts are interrupted when I hear groaning coming from the bed as Talia raises herself up, showing her naked body to me as she rubs her eyes trying to wake up.

Talia's POV:

'Wow masta really did a number on my body, I thought I would go insane from the pleasure of masta treating me roughly. Not that I am complaining~' still in the process of waking up not realizing the changes to my personality, looking down at my body I can see quite a few changes with it.

My chest now has b-cup boobs with nice pink and perky nipples, my waist has gotten slim along with my arms and fingers.

As for my hips they have gotten quite large and wide, paired with a nice meaty ass, and plump thighs.

It seems my upper body didn't grow to much, but my lower body looks quite appealing arousing lust in those who see it wanting to touch and feel up my lower body to their hearts content.

As for my new demon features they haven't grown much looking small and cute in appearance.

My hair now extends slightly past my shoulder being smooth and straight adding to my cute appearance, as for height I am quite small being only 5 feet and 4 inches in size an entire foot smaller than masta.

Snapping out of my thoughts I notice masta looking at my naked body studying it, nodding to herself from time to time.

"Hm, masta is something wrong~" with a cute gentle tone as I tilt my head to the side, while I show a questioning expression.

I notice that masta looks excited for some reason before coughing and calming down.

"Hm yes I was just studying your body and it seems to have grown to your new appearance already fascinating me, not only that but I quite like your new cute yet seductive appearance." as masta comes close to me slapping my butt gentle causing me to yelp.

"Ah masta is teasing me~ though I don't mind if masta plays with me as they wish~" as I see masta again looking excited yet controlling their excitement, as she asks me a question.

"Hm I noticed that your personality has changed most likely due to the corruption along with your body, now I am curious as to how far your corruption is since it shouldn't really be this fast?" as I sink into deep thought for a moment.

'Hm my personality has changed, I still like it when masta teases me or plays with me roughly. Even now I want masta to be on top of me as she uses her member to play rough with my insides and give birth to lots of babies.' thinking that masta must be mistaken as my personality was always like this, snapping from my deep thought I do as masta says and open up my [Status].




Name: Talia

Bloodline: Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Demon Bloodline(Increases base exp gain by 100%, EXP gained from killing enemies grants greater EXP gain the higher leveled they are. Increases the rate at which sexual and charm skills are learned at by 50%, all others skills are learned at a 25% increased rate. Increases the persuasion when talking to other people, as well as making you hard to be perceived as a threat. Increased loyalty to Lust Corruption Empress.)

Race: Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness(Unique Heretic) 0/6000 to evolution

Lv: 35 5200/18000 exp needed to lv up

Class: Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Concubine(Unique Rank Growth Type): (Gives +1 Vitality, +1 Endurance, +1 Luck, +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, and +3 Charm each level.)

Corruption: 37%

Health: 1070/1070(Increased by 5% from innate skill: 1120/1120) HP regen 7.3/min(7.6/min)

Stamina: 1070/1070(1120/1120) SP regen 7.3%/min(7.6/min)

Mana: 2632/2632(2758/2758) MP regen 20.1/min(21.1/min)

Defense: 73 (76)

Attack: 64 (66)

Vit: 107 (112)

End: 73 (76)

Str: 32 (33)

Agi: 76 (79)

Int: 188 (197)

Wis: 201 (211)

Luck: 72 (75)

Charm: 207 (217)

Free stat poins: 0

Innate Skill:

Cute Trap Demoness Aura lv max: (Even among other cute traps you possess a special aura that makes those want to possess you, and keep you locked up forever. Or perhaps as a cute and lovely daughter.)

Magic Saint lv max: (Greatly increases users ability with magic increasing growth speed and strength of magic)

Goddess of the Underworld Ulmet Blessing lv max: (Grants ability to cast infernal magic from the underworld at full capacity if you are of the demon race, increases growth speed of dark magic as well as resistance to it. Lastly you gain the ability to summon jailed creatures from the underworld, with corrupted demons being the strongest. Warning Corrupted beings are incredible difficult to control.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Horns lv max: (Your horns are small and cute adding to your lovely appearance, not only that they have the ability to increase the strength of all magic by 75%.)

???????? Anna's Favor lv max: (Possess the favor of Anna gaining increased ability growth, as well as 5% higher stats.)

Wise Child lv max: (Gain +1 Wisdom each level up)


Inferior Infernal Magic lv 1/10: (Possess dark magic that come from the underworld allowing the creation of numerous curses and status aliments, as well as powerful destructive magic)

Livelihood Magic lv 3/10: (Magic that helps with small day to day tasks)

Mana Well lv 4/10: (Increases mana by 1 point each int point, each lv on skill gives +1 mana to each int point)

Lesser Barrier Magic lv 2/10: (Creates defense barriers made with magic possessing more defensive strength than they normally would.)

Lesser Summoning Magic lv 4/10: (Allows the user to summon creatures from the underworld to fight for you.)

Willow Dodging lv 6/10: (Greatly increases ability to dodge attacks)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Sexual Enduarnce and Techniques lv 1/10: (Grants the owner of the skill information on how to please and induce great lust in their sexual partners, as well as greatly sexual stamina and recovery during sex.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Confusion Aura lv 1/10: (When used all those targeting user will become confused and will attack and charge in random directions.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Adorable Gaze lv 1/10: (When passive the skill makes all who look into your eyes feel reluctant to hurt you or make you upset making them feel terrible otherwise, when active has the chance to make enemies listen to you for a short amount of time feeling the need to do as you say for your adorable and cute appearance.)

Flight lv 5/10: (Knowledge on how to fly using wings.)

Tail Manipulation lv 5/10: (Knowledge on how to use tail dexterously)


Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Physique: (Your body will always look cute to other, yet also having nice seductive lower body to attract others to you sexually. Increases the strength of all charm and sexual abilities, as well as increase growth rate. Increases Vitality and endurance by 40 points, with strength and agility by 15 points, lastly charm by 70 points.)

Lovely Cute Lust Corrupted Trap Demoness Reproductive Organs: (Your body has grown organs that relate to your lust corrupted heritage giving the ability to be impregnated with corrupted demon spawn, your organs are much more developed allowing the spawning of stronger types of corrupted demon spawn to be born.)


Rare Sex Slave Collar

Unique Bondage Outfit


Seeing my [Status] I tell masta everything that is on it seeing her surprised for a moment, before she smiles gently patting my head as I giggle out loud.

'I like when masta is gently, though I also like when masta is rough with me too~' as I close my eyes as I feel my masta giving me head pats.

I'll be posting an update chapter after this.

ShadowBlade328creators' thoughts
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