
A goblin's hunt and changes

Gobugrak POV:

Waking up I prepare to go outside to kill beasts for food and some for my new slave.

Although at my old tribe they would not feed their slaves except semen and rotting food, since they did not care much for their condition only the pleasure they could give them.

However, with my new slave capable of increasing my strength over time I can't be careless and let them die on me.

Grabbing my slingshot, sachel, and some decent sized rocks I go out of the abadoned mine, careful to cover it back up and leave to find some prey.

Journeying for a while he hears some howls, unlike before where goblins may have panicked or charged with overwhelming numbers to kill the source of those howls he grins as he knows he found his prey.

Creeping towards the noise making sure to make little noise and downwind from his prey he soon finds a pack of 7 brown colored wolves with one large redish brown wolves in the center eating 2 deer they just killed.

Seeing this he gets worried not because of numbers, but the large redish brown wolf.

These wolves from he heard from other goblins at the tribe are called brown wolves for their fur alone they are not much of a treat, but in large packs their coordination makes them dangerous.

However, from time to time a strong variantion an evolution of normal brown wolves if you will can emerge being called fiendish brown wolf.

These wolfs carry an ability to go beserk becoming stronger for a short time which added to their stronger stats from their race make them a for to be reckoned with.

Despite that he can't help, but be excited as something that he knows from other goblins taking about their hobogoblin leaders is that they evolved after eating large aamounts of other evolved creatures.

As such if he can kill this fiendish brown wolf and eat it along with having sex with his slave he can evolve faster and become even stronger.

Although that is easier said then done as this wolf is stronger than the other wolves and there are 7 more besided it.

After thinking for a while he decieds to first hit the fiendish wolf with a rock with concossion throw to disoreintate it and afterwards throw rocks quickly at the others before the fiendish brown wolf recovers to fight it solo trying to manuver away from it while hiting it.

He readies himself to throw the rock with the slingshot using both throwing skills he launches it towards the large wolf hit it on the side of the head.

*Ding* 'You have dealt a critical hit to fiendish brown wolf dealing 54 damage and status effect moderate concussion'

Seeing that he hits the wolf in the head and dealt a critical hit is happy, but does not slow down grabbing more rocks and throwing them to other wolfs before their confusion of what just happened goes down.

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 27 damage and status effect moderate concussion'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 29 damage and status effect moderate concussion'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 27 damage and status effect moderate concussion'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 26 damage and status effect moderate concussion'

*Ding* 'You have dealt a critical hit to a brown wolf dealing 64 damage and status effect major concussion'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 24 damage and status effect moderate concussion'

Throwing 6 rocks in quick succession he manages to hit 6 wolfs dealing damage and concussion status to them, while one had a critical hit.

Unfortuanatly the last one notices him and growls at him before running towards him as the others try to recover after his hits.

"Gik shit." cursing under his breath that he couldn't all of them in time, though quickly grabbing another rock to throw only using the throw skill as concussion throw already used quite a lot of stamina.

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 27 damage'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 30 damage'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 31 damage'

Hitting the wolf 3 times he quickly dodges towards to the side avoiding the wolf lunging at him.

As the wolf passes his last location he quickly throws another 4 rocks at the wolf.

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 32 damage'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 28 damage'

*Ding* 'You have dealt critical hit to a brown wolf dealing 68 damage'

*Ding* 'You have hit a brown wolf dealing 26 damage'

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 8 brown wolf, you recieved 80 exp'

Although killing this one wolf seems to take a long time in reality it only took not even half a minute to kill the wolf due to his large agility and dexterity.

Not bothering with the corpse for now he rushes towards the wolves throwing rocks as he goes near them killing two wolfs as he gets towards them.

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 7 brown wolf, you recieved 70 exp'

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 8 brown wolf, you recieved 80 exp'

Once up to another wolf he grabs a rock and starts to bash in the wolfs head killing it quickly before doing the same to another two wolves killing all conscious brown wolves.

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 6 brown wolf, you recieved 60 exp'

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 9 brown wolf, you recieved 90 exp'

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 7 brown wolf, you recieved 70 exp'

The fiendish brown wolf hearing its pack members dying is enraged and activates beserk growing in size by a bit and negating its debuff as it howls in anger towards him.

Seeing this he gets intimidated and stays still for a moment only to dodge last second before the wolf bites his neck opened only to get slashed slightly at his chest as the wolf directs its claws towards them.

"Gik AGH... FUCK!" yellin out as he feels pain from the wound as his chest heats up.

*Ding* 'You have been clawed by fiendish brown wolf being dealt 78 damage'

Horrified by how much damage a normal hit does to him he quickly grabs some rocks to throw at the fiendish brown wolf with concussion throws to hopefully stun it.

*Ding* 'You have hit a fiendish brown wolf dealing 18 damage, status effect concussion negated'

*Ding* 'You have hit a fiendish brown wolf dealing 20 damage, status effect concussion negated'

*Ding* 'You have hit a fiendish brown wolf dealing 15 damage, status effect concussion negated'

*Ding* 'You have hit a fiendish brown wolf dealing 19 damage, status effect concussion negated'

*Ding* 'You have hit a fiendish brown wolf dealing 16 damage, status effect concussion negated'

"Gik dammit!" seeing as his concussion throw is useless and that the wolf's defense is higher than normal brown wolves.


The wolf turning around howling at him for harming it and dodging from its bite charges at him with the intent to kill him.

Seeing his low damage and the obviously okay condition of the wolf is disheartened, but realizing its goal he screaches at the wolf with the intent to kill it and eat it to become stronger.


They have been fighting each other for 15 minutes with him having a small gash on his right arm and scratches from the terrain.

*Ding* 'Health: 39/200, stamina 35/200 and Mana: 114/320'

After his arm was wounded it was difficult for the goblin to attack quickly with the slingshot so he began using magic to harm the wolf having used it 6 times leaving his mana in its current state not wanting to use more for mana deficiancy.

Though looking at the wolf it's state is not any better having an eye gone, gashes and small holes drainging blood across it body, and a leg that was disabled from a mana arrow.


The wolf falls to the ground unable to move from bloodloss and the after effects of having used beserk for too long causing it to collapse.

"Gik finally..." exhausted as fighting this evolved wolf was harder then he would have liked and almost lost his life a few times.

Using some spare fabric he had in his satchel he ties it around his chest and gash on his arm to slow down stop the last few drops of blood from leaving his body.

After patching up his wounds he goes towards the wolf with the intent to finish it off.

*Soft Growl*

Even in its state the wolf seeing its mortal enemy approaches growls at him trying to intimidate him even though it can no longer fight.

As he approaches the wolf he launches 2 mana arrows at it head at the same place piercing the skull destroying it brain dying filled with hate towards him.

*Ding* 'You have killed lv 14 fiendish brown wolf gaining 140 exp'

As soon as the wolf dies he begins to go and tearing into it tough flesh in order to eat it.

Soon he tears into it eating its organs first being what has the most nutrients and benifit for evolution and other flesh.

*Ding* 'You have eaten flesh from evolved fiendish brown wolf, evolution at 27/50 can no longer gain points for evolution from eating fiendish brown wolves'

Hearing this he is excited yet dissapointed as fiendish brown wolfs can no longer help him evolve, but thinking of his slave he knows it does not matter.

Finishing eating as he is already full he takes some of the fiendish brown wolf meat leaving, though not before killing the unconcious brown wolf.

*Ding* 'You killed lv 8 brown wolf gaining 80 exp'

Soon he journeys back to the mine and takes goes to sleep as his wounds heal from the encounter.


After a few hours the goblin wakes up again at full strength with only a scar on his chest and arm showing the combat he went through.

Taking a moment to strech and checking his body he opens up his [Status] to see the exp he gained.




Name: Gobugrak

Race: Goblin 27/50 to evolution

Lv: 13 1210/4100 exp needed to lv up

Class: Race unable to have class

Health: 200/200 HP regen 1.8/min

Stamina: 200/200 SP regen 1.8%/min

Mana: 320/320 MP regen 1.8/min

Defense: 18

Attack: 32

Vit: 20

End: 18

Str: 16

Agi and Dex: 28

Int: 32

Wis: 18

Luck: 28

Charm: 1

Free stat poins: 0

Innate Skill:

Genius Child lv max: (Gives +1 int every lv up)


Intermidiate Throw lv 9: (Grants better accuracy and higher critical chance from thrown objects)

Strong Concusive Throw lv 1: (Thrown objects give negative buff concussion more likely the higher the lv and luck stat, and dealing an extra 10% damage increasing by 10% each lv)

Stealth lv 4: (Allows those to hide themselves from others when sneaking)

Mana arrow lv 5: (Uses 35 mana to shoot an arrow causing 30 damage)

Lighter lv 6: (Uses 4 mana to light a small flame)

Feather Foot lv 2: (Increase ability to dodge attacks)


Common loin cloth: (Only covers up around waist)

Common satchel: (Carries a few items good for storing rocks)

Common slingshot: (Aids in throwing objects adding +4 attack)

Common rock: (Can be thrown causing +2 attack)


Seeing his stats he is happy as some skills leveled up, while he evolved his concusive throw and gained feather foot due to dodging so much while close to death.

Closing the menu he then grabs the meat from the wolf and cooking it with his skill lighter brings it to the cell where his prisoner is to feed them.

Upon entering and seeing his slave he is suprised as he can't help but think they got prettier and can see their butt has gotten bigger and round compeling him to grab and smack it.

While wrapped up in his shock and excitement his slave then looks at him with a strange look in their eye.

It was not the dead look that he saw on other woman's eyes when kept by goblins, but instead it was a look that held some desire in them as though they wanted the goblin to come and fuck them.

Though confused by their slaves change when they saw them grin at them he could not control himself dropping the food behind him and rushing forward grabbing their ass gropping it while amazed at the feeling while she moans softly saying.

"Please fuck me rough and hard~" in a sensual tone making him lose all reason and thought for why his slave seems eager to fuck.

Anna POV:

I saw the goblin come into the room with undercooked meat with some burnt pieces on it disgusting me on the food.

Seeing him come in I act as though I want him to fuck me and smile towards him to incite him to fuck me while telling him to do so.

Although this can be seen as going to fast on the changes in character for me it is alright as a goblin even a smart one has their thoughts about sex dominate them, so to make him unaware of my plan it is best to act this way as I can then gain his trust and make him blinde due to his lust.

Of course not all of it is acting as him fucking me would make me stronger and doing it roughly can increase my TP gain, though I do look forward to the pleasure ill gain from this.

Just like I thought he loses his means of reasoning and looks like he wants to fuck me though I stop him making him confused and slightly angered before I grab his penis and begin to jerk him off.

Seeing this he grins before bringing it up to my face while grabing my chest rubbing and pinching my nipples causing me to moan.

"Let me suck you off first~" calling out lustfully as I take his penis in my mouth slightly off put yet turned on by the taste and smell arousing me further.

Feeling this Gobugrak grunts as he feels the pleasure of his member in my mouth and moves his other hand down towards my ass hole teasing it causing me to moan.

Although my fellatio is sloppy and unexperienced it still pleasures him and after a while his grunting becomes harder as he comes close to climax moving his hands to grab my head forcing his penis down my throut as he comes causing some tears to come from my eyes as I drink his semen.

As I am drinking it his semen has a salty taste to it yet feel addictive to me whether because of my body, skills, or mind who knows.

Swallowing all his cum and slippling his dick out of my mouth I turn around, get on all four limbs, while raising my ass towards him, spreading it showing my asshole, and saying.

"Please fuck me~" saying in a pleading tone as Gobugrak slams his penis into me causing my ass to jiggle slightly from the impact and me to moan out load.

From here he continues to pound me over and over again as he raises his hands to give my butt a smack causing it to ripple slightly forming a faint hand print on the surface sending pleasure through me like electricity along with a small amount of pain.

"Mgh yes~ slap my ass more~" moaning out towards him as he then goes to slap my butt every once in a while sending more pleasure and little pain to me from his rough treatment.

Soon he speeds up signifying he is about to cum while I am on the verge of cunmming too.

"Mgh cumming ah! *Spurt*" as both me and him cum at the same time, though even after cumming both of us continue to fuck with him pounding me and me shaking my hips towards him.

This continues till he comes 9 more times in me making both him and myself exhausted and satisfied.

Smilling at his work he smacks my butt one more time causing me to moan slightly before laughing and leaving.

All the while I myself I am smilling slightly to myself at the pleasure gained as well as strength.

*Ding* 'Host has had sex with Gobugrak calculating how many times he came on host'




*Ding* 'Gobugrak shot 11 cum shots giving host 11x13=685 exp and 11x13x2(From Unique Item)=286 tp'

*Ding* 'Host lv up to lv 4 once having 440/700 exp to lv up'

After this I go to [Status] to see my skill lv ups and adding 5 points to agility, 2 to luck, and 3 to endurance.




Name: Anna

Race: Human

Lv: 4 (440/700 for next lv up)

Class: Trap(Common Rank growth type)(+1 Vit and +1Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 190/190 (Hp regen 1.3/min)

Stamina: 190/190 (Sta regen 1.3% total sta/min)

Mana: 140/140 (Mp regen .7/min)

Defense: 13

Attack: 12


Vit- 19

End- 13

Str- 6

Agi and Dex- 15

Int- 14

Wis- 7

Lck- 15

Cha- 23

Free stat points-0

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv 1/2: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger)(Next lv allows user to percieve fortune leading user to feel excitement instead of fear as sign)

Harmonious Growth lv max: (People who have sex with you have potential to have their class and race evolved)


Backdoor Cleanliness lv max: (Keeps asshole and rectum clean ready for anal sex)

Sexual Attraction lv max: (Makes all races and sex see you as a potential sexual partner)

Masochism lv 1/2: (When host feels pain 50% is converted to pleasure at lv 1)

Gangbang Endurance lv 3/10: (Increases endurance during sex, effect increase with lv increase.)

Cum Addict lv 2/10: (Provides nutrients when consuming semen, effect increases with lv increase.)


Bigger butt: (Makes the butt bigger, plumper, and rounded allowing it to jiggle slightly when smaked, +7 vit and +3 cha)


Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP)


'Soon I can get enough strength to kill you, until then we will both enjoy each other~' thinking to myself as a small almost unnoticable crazy grin forms on my face.

With that I close my eyes enjoying the warmth from the semen in my stomach as I go to sleep.

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