
Chapter 587: Recruit, Four Types of Forces

'Everlore Association?' Su Mei's heart raced. The King of Everlore was a figure of the utmost prominence within the entire starfield. For the last eight thousand years, his achievements had defined entire eras, and propagated a near mythical legend. However, he wasn't a myth!

He was real!


Yet they were just told that there existed an organization with his name. The questions in these youths' minds, Su Mei's included, were wildly surging! They had to know more, and if they could ever meet such an extraordinary figure.

A male youth with a sturdy build and firm eyes, vigorously rubbed his bald head to comfort himself before he worked up the courage to ask: "The King of Everlore is here? In this starfield?"

His question caused the clamoring youths to quiet down, their gazes focused on the middle-aged man like obedient students seeking out knowledge. 

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