
Tuns out, it's not easy to be a wizard.

After unsuccessful climbing attempts, I washed away my sweat and began seriously thinking of it is even worth staying in Hogwarts.

Obviously, it was necessary to consider everything. Magic was an interesting craft, it had uses, but was it really that necessary?

Contemplating about it for a while, I cought myself on a though that it was too early to decide. I couldn't really be called a wizard, it was too hard for my brain to accept magic in it's entirety.

The only thing keeping me from hiding away for the time being, were memories of my life as a simple human. The one that hoped to be extraordinary, but was extremely ordinary and even worse than that. I was delusional. In what way? I was thinking that everything would be alright. That I would be able to work normally and make a living. But, as always, everything that could go wrong - went wrong.

Putting my inner troubles aside, I finally decided to wait it out. This year will be moderately safe in the school for everyone except Harry. So, I have time to find. what I need and to make plans.

In the next few days, everything happened as expected.

Harry was the 4th contestant, Ron was angry and unfair, people despised Harry, even though they all tried to place their names in the goblet.

Almost two weeks passed, and after reading newsletter with Harry's interview, I finally decided on my final plan.

In the first place, and the most important one, I would need to find more information about wizarding world and customs. In general, almost every wizard should know where he can find other wizards, and where not to go.

The second, and even more important thing was to fiand out the spells and incantations for them in Hogwarts Library, copy the most useful and necessary, and learn later, after getting to the safety.

Next step would be to restore normal bodily functions, so I could sleep. It's getting pretty exhausting.

Finally getting to the decision for the future, I ostracized myself from the story of the great Harry Potter.

And I failed to evade the plot.

As for the reason? Dumbledore.

It's that simple. He began to include me in his life. I didn't ask for it. I didn't want it. But he began to bring more attention to my persona. He didn't do it I a straightforward way, he just called for me frequently. When I was training, when I was copying, when I was doing my homework. At any point he could call for me. And it wouldn't be for any other reason, but to check on me, ask me how I was adapting, and if I needed anything.

It was a strange situation. He should've asked Harry that. Not me. But from what I understand, he wanted to find out my age. Because he had his doubts, after watching me for past few weeks.

I couldn't really tell how old I was, and he knew it. But after talking for a long time, teachers came to a conclusion.

I would be restricted from going to classes, and would be taught in other way. They would prepare a homework for me, and I would need to personally deliver it to them after classes. They would teach me basics, but they would stop at that.

I was placed in Hogwarts by headmaster, but didn't pay tuition. So, some parents, cough, Malloys, cough, found it out and demanded for me to be removed from Hogwarts.

And it was supported by many other wizard families, who also paid for their kids to attend Hogwarts. After all, I was not written in the book that registered birth of every wizard in England, and as I was a foreigner, in their opinion, I shouldn't be allowed to be taught here.

And it was pretty much it. I now had a limited time to copy spells, and had to jam information into my brain. I was given a month and a half. Surprisingly, Dumbledore felt sorry for me and he made it possible.

I would have to leave right before students will get back from Christmas vacation. Also, my living space was moved out from Hogwarts castle. Currently I had a choice to either sleep in Hagrid's hur or in hogsmead. And as I had no money, Hagrid it is.

It was strange, living with a half giant, everything in his house was big. Really big. But still, he found a place where I could sleep and place my luggage. Thankfully, I was allowed to eat with everyone, in main hall and learn in the library.

As days passed, and I was rapidly and strictly educated in the subject of magic, I learned few incantations, but was unable to do them.

My body grew even bigger, taller, stronger, so I had to take potion to halt my growth. It was necessary, I was getting far too tall and showed no signs of slowing down. As I was told, such illness existed, when bones didn't stop growing and just grew endlessly, ultimately making it impossible for person to survive, so I Had to take the potion, that stopped my growth at 184 cm, which was already tall enough.

As I was taking another portion of my lifesaving potion, I walked to the walls of the castle that I could almost climb. And obviously, began climbing.

Halfway through, I heard a roar behind, and felt as a truck hit me, making me lose my breath and fall down. As I was falling down, something stopped me. Looking around I saw an apologetic face of Harry, looking at me and evading a dragon effortlessly.

Annoyingly enough, I forgot that today was the big day, and missed the first round of the Triwizard tournament.

Not a big deal, I knew who would win. So, it didn't matter. After standing up, I just brushed off some dust and went back to the hut, to replace clothes that were torn by dragon's tail.

After that day, attention to me was increased. Teachers knew that I was different, but they didn't think that I would not really be hurt by the dragon, maybe except for the huge purplish-blue bruise that took a nice place across my whole body.

Bruise was rapidly healed, and I was deemed healthy. Healthier then before. Much healthier. In their opinion at least. They just didn't understand my whole body troubles thingy.

As things calmed down, time passed rapidly again. And everything would've really passed, if Harry wouldn't start coming to me. He felt sorry for what happened to me. He even asked for forgiveness, that I just brushed off with - I'm fine. It's nothing.

But after that day, he visited me from time to time. Mainly to see Hagrid, but sometimes he wanted to see me.

As time really passed, I became, so called, friend, in his eyes. Sadly for him, it was far too early to call that friendship. And I really tried evading him. It was necessary, but hard to do. After all, who wouldn't want to befriend him? At least in some capacity.

After a month or so, and approaching Yule ball, I was starting to pack things up. It was almost time to leave. I didn't even try to prepare for the ball, it was not for me. And I was not invited. Don't think it is worth even trying to participate. It's just time for kids.

And I didn't consider myself one. Obviously I had to pretend that I'm young, as it was necessary.

Well. As I finished packing things up, I walked out of the hut, looked at the castle, that I got used to, and walked away. Towards the train station, from which I just followed the rails and went back to London.

As for why I didn't wait for official time to leave? I didn't want to leave unnecessary traces which could be used to track me down. I just left the way I came.

Getting back to the London, after a few days at least, I had to test the power to not be seen, and it worked really well.

So, I just went to the center of the London and just entered a hotel. Good one at that. After walking through couple hotels, I chose the furthest room and went in there.

It might've been hard for normal person to hide from magic world, but after a long time of being barely noticeable, I accepted that it was incredibly easy for me. I didn't need that much magic in my life.

Placing my luggage on the bed, I began unpacking some stuff. Everyday clothes, copied books and most importantly, empty food bag. Yep, I ate all the nuts I took with me. All 5 kilos.

Washing myself in the shower, I wore my packed clothes and took old ones in my hands. Walking away from the hotel, I found first burning dumpster with people heating themselves around it. Even though I could just throw clothes away, it would be safer to burn them. Who knows what could be done to them. I don't know much about magic. Only basics. And a little above basics.

After burning my old, smelly clothes, I had to find new ones. Especially stylistically different. I didn't want to wear robes all the time. And these clothes has to be burned too. For safety sake. Especially with incoming tension and war.

I decided not to leave England, as it was far too hard to find English speaking countries at the time. Especially without using planes.

And places outside the England were far too unpredictable in case of magic.at least to me.

Getting some tough, leather clothes that were a little big for me, I burned all the things that I brought with me, except for few galleons, books and a wand.

As weeks, even months passed, I immersed myself in learning the few spells that I wrote in the books, and the ones that were taught to me. It was not easy, even after my body stopped growing. It stopped right when it got to 2 meters. It was too high for me, but thankfully I stopped getting taller.

As my body stopped growing, It started to get easier to control small motions, so it kinda helped in practicing spells.

Obviously, I didn't fully disconnected myself from the wizard world. Sometimes it is necessary to buy newspaper to understand what is going on. And with my height, and almost perfect invisibility, nobody tried to mess with me.

Unlike my thoughts, wizards were practically useless compared to Harry and Hermione. Wizards barely knew any spells properly, and most of the population never really been taught in Hogwarts. And here I thought they all were able to castle up to 5th grade spells.

I even visited normal wizarding school, just to find out the real level that I needed to know at the very least. And looking through classes, the only thing that they cared was to get past the minimal plank in OWL exams, and that is after seven years, don't star with the NEWTS, for that exam - college was necessary.

And not a single teacher in school even noticed me, which made me enjoy my time reading books. Nobody stopped me, I only needed to dodge physical contact.

Obviously I didn't just spend my time learning.

I used my invisibility to get money and pay the hotel to clean the room I was staying in. I didn't want to clean it, and bank in the building didn't have any connections with wizards. So, when people open vault, I walk in and out, taking some from in there. I don't take from simple shops, it's unnecessary.

My goal is to buy a simple apartments and pay for others to clean and cook. As easy as that.

And at the moment, I found a seller who agreed to take cash, that I obviously exchanged within shops and businesses, so money wouldn't be found by serial numbers.

Buying a simple 3 room apartment, was not really hard. Especially with unlimited source of money I had. The only thing that I had to do prior to buying, was getting myself an identity.

And legally it was pretty hard, so I just paid money whenever I needed, and used my invisibility to add my face and data into the database. It was not hard, they didn't really use computers that much these days, so just few documents copied and remade, and here I am. A legally registered person I. A region far away from the capital, making me "entrepreneur" or something like that.

Obviously I wrote about sold business outside the country, and an ability to travel through EU without any troubles, I finally could almost enjoy myself. Last few months, muscles barely grew. It looks like I wouldn't bulk up anymore, just by existing. So, it was time to breathe out and stop excessive exercise. I could finally relax. And after testing it out, yes. I am can allow myself to sleep full nights.

One day, after I read that Potter won and Cedric perished, I finally started to understand what it means - Voldemort is back.

All across the London, and many other cities and towns, people began mysteriously disappearing. And if they target me, instead of normal people, so called muggles, I would be involved more then I would want to.

So, I connected a tv cable to the apartment, got myself a ton of food, refrigerators, and a shotgun.

Obviously It was illegal in England to own it without being part of special forces or army, but better be safe and have one.

Locking my windows shut with steel sheets, I proceeded to place sound proofing on all the walls. Ceiling was in plans too, unlike the floor.

I had to buy a house on the first floor, as my weight would be too distracting to people below me and bring unnecessary attention.

After covering the garage door with soundproof foam, I placed the last part of my safehouse - thick door. It slides in and locks to the ground and walls. If fully locked, obviously.

Where did I get this monster door? I just ordered it. It was not different from a normal safe door, just with stake holders and stakes themselves, so after locking the door I just slide those metal Stick down the holes and my door is locked.

Obviously, it would be difficult for anyone to open it from outside, so I also had a normal lock in the metal beam installed just to hold the door.

It was over the top, but absolutely necessary. Metal Stick didn't count as a part of the lock, so wizard couldn't just open it with one "Alohamora" and be done with it.

And yes, it was necessary. Just like covering garage door with metal sheets and bolting them to the ground, obviously from the inside.

And yes, I knew that they could just apparition in here, but it is unlikely and I had no way of stopping it. Especially without galleons.

I wouldn't dare to steal from gringotts. Too dangerous. And most wizards didn't bring any real money with them. I tried getting money that way. Too hard, risky and unprofitable. Personal contact can expose me, after all I'm not some kind of Dark Templar, from StarCraft.

After finally locking myself safely, I could enjoy leisurely life with tv and my own self.


2594/2690 words in a chapter.

Thank you for reading and enjoy if you can!

Welp, I'm going to transfer mc to the new original story, changing his powers to to " original" ones, but resembling what he could do in the past.

Our mc is going into his own, original story, that is far away from being just a fanfic. And it would help me write more, ad I could just use my own imagination for the world he would get himself into.

Especially after ruining this fanfic by not holding onto the worlds for long enough.