
Arriving at Coruscant

" Where should I begin? " I asked myself rhetorically.

" Well, first of all, We are a race called Protoss. We came to your galaxy from far away, and I would suggest not asking about how found our way in here, It is secret. " I began a little explanation that would be needed for republic to acknowledge us, but not pay Too much attention. At least I was hoping for it.

" As for our powers, I will not disclose such a private matter to you. " I continued, hoping to cover many things without explaining a lot in reality.

" That is mostly everything I can easily speak about. Nothing much, really. Maybe, except, that we have a lot of people out there, and I would suggest thinking twice or thrice before trying to anger us again. " I finished, while suggesting to ask questions, if they would have any.

" Hmmm, I see. This is new, a race with technology advanced enough to travel in harsh environments of the space. This is rare " Qui-gon replied, looking at Aden's face.

" Oh, how do you eat? " Asked Obi-wan pushing himself in to the talk.

" This is simple question, but I will not answer it, as you should ask Aden and hope for him to answer " I replied, surprised at Obi-wan's unruly manners. I thought he was much calmer. Well, he is young.

" What are your plans for invading our galaxy?" Qui-gon asked again, but with much more serious face now.

" Ah, yes. Sure, it is simple question. There are no plans that I can talk about, these things should be spoken with our leaders. Not with me " I replied, while smiling in my head.

This talk was going for some time, but mostly about things that I evaded answering, and just pushed the reason of me not being high enough in hierarchy to speak from the race's perspective.

Well, in reality I am, but I don't want anyone to know.

As for answering about orifices, I used Aden as shield, as I didn't want to talk about them easily. Obviously, I mostly evaded answering questions.

As they fixed their Ship, I sent for Shmi to be secretly taken to my ship. I won't leave her there now. No reason to.

As It was necessary to have food now, I also ordered for them to get a lot of different food for her. And maybe guests for later.

As they were repairing, I got back to my ship and met Shmi, who just arrived.

" Hello, Shmi, please follow me. We need to talk. " I said to Shmi, who, after hesistating, followed me.

" Why did you bring me here? Where is Anakin? Why did you buy me? "She asked while we were getting to my apartment for more comfortable place to talk.

" No need to hurry, I will answer all your questions when I deem it is safe to tell them. " I replied .

" Oh, and where is that droid that was constructed by Anakin? " I asked Shmi, as I just remembered about him.

" ... He was taken somewhere when I arrived with him and your people " Shmi cautiously, but honestly replied.

" Oh. Guys, clean this droid, and provide him with good armor, but no weapons for him. Also, if you can, make him more agile joints. He walks kinda unnatural and it bugs me. " I said in to nothingness.

" Will be done immediately " Voice replied.

" What was that? " Shmi asked while jerking head to the side from where voice came.

" Oh, just one of guards. Don't mind him. " I replied.

Well, as we arrived, I made her sit on the couch and understood what was unnatural about this situation.

Couch was high quality, but her clothes were in bad condition and wore off.

" Hey, Any female close to apartment? " I asked in to the ship's comms.

" Yes, I am close? Should I come in? " Female High templar answered.

" Yes, come in, I need your help. " I said.

As almost in ten seconds, she arrived.

" Hi there. Please find clothes for our guest. Also I appoint you to guard and help her. " I ordered.

" Yes, sir. Hello. How should I call you? My name is Adriana. " She said. Well now I know her name.

" Oh. yes. Hello. My name is Shmi Skywalker. " She replied bowing a little bit at introduction.

" Ah, almost forgot. Shmi, when you find clothes - Bath is behind that door. You can use it. " I said. As I really wanted to see if clothes and clean face would change this strange feeling. Feeling of something being out of place.

" Thank you very much. " Shmi bowed and walked with Adriana somewhere.

I just waited while watching basic reports about present situation with protoss race as a whole.

It seems protoss still can be warped from their universe.

This is good. It seems that there are more living protoss out there then was predicted by Protoss Council.

Good news.

Also they began building energy Generators on the first planet, Earth. As they used Khaydarin crystals back in their universe, to provide energy for their whole species, they decided to save some resources until they would be able to buy them from Nexus.

Also we found out, that the system we first arrived at was restricted from entering.

And as the ones who were supposed to limit entrance innit just found out, Embassadors from their side just began moving to our planets.

Well. we will see what will happen with this.

As for the native people, who lived on these planets, we did not make their life harder.

We made it better, accidentally.

Protoss began reconstruction of smaller buildings in to high ones based on their own plans. As ours were better, and we just provided people with homes that we destroyed, they had nothing against it.

Especially considering that new houses were so much better, that even the best rooms in hotels could not hold their own against them.

What? These new houses were sturdy, big, technologically advanced, safe from trespassing ( they were made from very sturdy materials and had locks absolutely different from their technology. ), comfortable to live in, and even had shopping centers on some floors. Automated ones.

As for other things,vI don't know much.

But they were happy as it seems. good.

And finally, army was growing rapidly as there were all more and more construction facilities, that could create new ships. Although they were mostly built on the Earth.

On other planets, warp gates and such were enough.

" We are back " Adriana said while Shmi entered behind her, interrupting me from report.

She was Clean an mature looking. Also, pretty beautiful, considering the life she lived.

Her hair was braided in one big braid, with some kind of protoss armament that looked like shiny stars in her hair.

Shmi wore almost golden tunic( not very shiny gold) on her upper side, that was overflowing onto long dress that was golden with black outlines.

Well. Dress underneath, tunic on top. Looks good, but I don't know how they've done it.

" Ahh. yes. Sit down. Adriana, you can stay, but be silent until we finish our talk. " I said, and Adriana complied, moving to the back of the couch.

" Well, Shmi. Sit down and listen. " I said, and she sat on to the couch opposite from me. good.

" Now, everything that I Will say, must not be told to anyone. Anyone. Understood? " I asked.

" Yes, sir. " She replied seriously.

" First of all. You, most probably will not be able to see Anakin for many years. He will soon become Jedi." I said.

" At least that is what I should say, but I don't care about these strange rules of Jedi. " I continued surprising her.

"Also, even though I don't agree with all this emotionless paradigm of Jedi, I still won't free you and allow you to live on Coruscant with him. You will live on to one of our planets. As for what You will do, I don't really care." I continued.

" And the most important part. As I understand, Anakin is very talented, hut cares about you too much. This might lead to problems in his future as the Jedi, so You will not be allowed to travel without protection. Understood? " I said, while not telling everything I originally wanted. For example about knowing the future. Why did I even think about telling her that?

" Yes. " Shmi replied.

" Ok, send her to the Rakata Prime" I said to Adriana.

As they walked out, I was thinking - Why the hell I even talked with her? why would I need to do something like that?


Well. it is in the past. Time to get back to Anakin and others.

There is war to be stopped. Hmm. and maybe even some Jedi's asses to be kicked.

Well. I will find out if they are as arrogant as I think of them.

As I was leaving the ship, I remembered that we captured Darth Maul.

I better check on him. And take his saber. It doesn't need to be with him.

As I took it, I just placed it in my little carrying space that was between My body and a outer hull.

I should get myself some humanoid exoskeleton. Even though I am used to this body, but I think being humanoid would be better. Especially having hands.

Those manipulators are awesome, but it is uncomfortable for me. It is like using joysticks for each one of them.

Well. As we lifted of and flew to the Coruscant, everything happened as before, except for me and brothers being on the ship.

" Well, as I can see, you want him to be a Jedi " I said to Qui-gon, Who was watching Anakin from afar.

" Yes, he have a great talent and great importance for our future. " He replied.

" I can lend him to you, and even set him free, if you can make a worthy deal. Especially considering his talent. " I said, and left him to think about it. Left to my room.

As we were landing on to Coruscant, I was surprised at this planet. I didn't remember anything about it. Especially it being this advanced.

Flying cars and ships were flying everywhere, huge buildings, whose bottom could not be seen, and much much more.

It seems I really remember almost nothing about this universe. Fuck.

As we landed, we were met by some kind of old man with guards. They all went with queen Amidala ( Fake one), and I just followed them with Aden and Oden wearing Stylish Protoss costumes. Obviously, not just for looks.

After some time, we will need to meet the Jedi council. Where I will need to have a serious talk with them.

And for them to take me seriously, I think, I will need humanoid exoskeleton.

It seems It is time to make some purchases.


``` Author's note ```

`` 69 +- words ``

` 1812 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well, I released it kinda late. Sorry.

Trying to make them longer and sometimes forget to continue writing a chapter.

Well, how are you people?

Time for our mc to meet the Yoda. kek

It will be interesting to write from council's perspective, as they are a bunch of self-righteous people. Pretty much.

Write some comments please !!! Anything. Talk to me xD

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