
War. War never changes. You sure?

As I was not really experienced in this type of war, I just was doing my role. Listening to their plans, asking questions, and suggesting shitty ideas...

Well, who knew that spreading energy field all across the closest space, would be too much...

And also, I did not know their limits for warping out from their world. Apparently, there is a limit, but it is Pretty high, but no one knows what is the limit.

What they decided to do, is basically :

- learn about their enemies, and even possible enemies.

- secure the captured planet.

- Warp in more heavy spaceships.

- clear out all enemies from the planet, and leave civilians alive.

As Protoss found all more and more about Rakata, they felt all less and less about civilians, but as civilians were not really their enemies, they could not just kill them because of their tendencies. They have done nothing wrong.

While they have done nothing, it would still be better to be safe then sorry, so it was Time for me to work.

I will have to warp My Nexus in here and begin warping more smiths, so they would be able to do unusual tasks that probes would jot be able to do without instructions.

They began planning and sending instructions for security stations and shield generators.

Those shield generators will be placed mainly around cities and be there to keep citizens in safety and keep them away from interfering with our work.

Basically a blockade. Total blockade.

As it requires a lot of work, half of my Nexus's probes were called with it.

Finally I will see it again. My safe haven. My garden. My fishes. My personal modification machine.


I don't want to feel that pain again. It still brings me pain. Those memories.

* Brrrgh *

When I came out of council room, I headed out to find a place for my Nexus. As flatter the surface, the better it would be.

* Whooooooooosh *

* Chshponk! *

Here it is.

* whish whoosh wshhh *

Probes rushed out of it to do the work. Wow, it looks interesting. But too long to wait until I can enter.

Rime to rush against the tide!

* Whin

* Dring

* clank

* Crash

* Whoosh

Ouuuff. finally I pushed through. Those probes in masses are hella strong.

Now To the modification station!!!!

[ Outer Insulation ] :Protects you from electricity. Placed on the outside, can be broken with physical weapons.

[ Inner insulation ] : Protects innards from electrical influence. Can not be destroyed until outer shell is destroyed. Charge collected by hull can be discharged to any object on touch.

" I will take both!! " I said, when Helper said that it might be better to change outer look to less vibrant. As it will be less trouble in the future.

It looks like helper gets information that we received from Rakata's.


Time to change my clothes!!! yay.

When I exited modification chamber, I looked much more stable and basic. All the beautiful lines gone. Now straight, strong lines are there. Hard looking surface, colored grey and yellow.

Disc now is not a disc, but 8 straight lines, four spherical cannons, that could be used while placed on the body, and four pylons that now became bigger and emit energy field strong enough to warp units to me, or warp me out.

Now it is time to get more staff. Smiths x 100 WARP!!!

* Whoosh whoosh whoosh *

* Whoosh *

They were warped and lead to the forges for info about current happenings.

Now that I protected myself more, I think I need more shields that could protect others, as it seems that my body is strong enough to hold on under fire from spaceship. At least small one.

For this, inside my body was installed Proto - Ion Core. Idk what it is, but it look like it provides energy for objects on a distance.

Where was it installed? well Now it looks like I have two eyes and one round mouth.

Yes, I installed two cores. And mouth is my new chargeable weapon. Ion bomb launcher.

It launches increasingly big and strong shots that become stronger the longer they are charged. There is s limit, of course, stability or something in that region.

Also, this weapon can be used in continuous mode. Launching Ion beam at the target.

Looks good, and available with all the tech from the protoss.

Now that War is incoming, I spent all my remaining minerals and gas on Nexus.

Now it is being changed. And I am standing outside.

Why? well, I decided to increase its size and add some weaponry, engines, thrusters, and much much more.

Now it is around 690 meters in length, and 690 in width.

As pyramid form is no longer Defined precisely, and height hardly changed, it looks flatter. But, well. It is bigger. a lot bigger.

On the top, cannon was increased in size, now it is Massive. It is around ten meters in radius.

It can shoot rain of shots, as it have many holes from which it attacks, and one big central one, which works dependent on others and can shot massive energy shots that explode.

Obviously such a weapon requires extreme ammount of energy, and for it to shoot massive shots, it need to be stationary, as it takes energy not only from Protoss energy field, but also from the planet it is placed on.

I don't know the technical things about it, but as I read, it converts heat energy and combines it with energy field's. Collects it, compresses, and ejects at insane speed.

While it flies, it increases its size because it was compressed, and then explodes because of destroyed balance of two energies.

As for the other things I added, Now it have hangars for Ships and can store around thousand scout sized interceptors or ships of different types.

It now even have big door that can fit Colossus's coming out of it in full height.

Well, I stocked around twenty of those in there. In compacted mode.

They are placed inside the main hall, just like all the interceptors. In extremely orderly and stacked manner. Not wasting any place.

In the other areas, where Production, research and living places are I placed cannons, that can ride on the gravity rails right under the ceiling.

All the corridors were wide enough to allow two immortals bypass each other. At least main corridors.

The smiths, helpers, be and architects planned all the sections. At least most of it.

Now Nexus have a Working control room and can be controlled from it.

Also, on the sides of the Nexus it had platforms for Walking, defending, ot even building.

That was the main reason for its lowered height.

It now have Ion batteries all across its sides.

You don't even understand how big of a room Generator area takes.

First if all, Huge Pylon provides energy for main cannon if needed, All the other pylon crystals are connected to it in a net and are placed all across that room.

In the places where pylons are stacked close, it is already filled with energy in liquid form.

It covers the bottom half of the main Pylon, and covers all the pylons placed around it in many layers.

It was called the Pylon energy array.

It creates enough energy to support all weapons and structures working at the same time. And even more.

It allows Nexus to fly in space and shoot main cannon in ray mode. In this mode, it can continuously damage the same area and finally penetrate any and all defence.

The only downside to it is it would not be able to turn while shooting, or the ray will spread out in random directions and spread it's attack randomly. It might even shot allies, as released energy would not fly straight and will change direction randomly. Until it dissipates, or hits something.

So, it just randomly discharges energy bolts in all directions. not really useful in an battle.

Well. it is mostly all, if I remember it right.

It can not yet use hyper drive, but can be warped if the energy field is big and strong enough to keep the warp tunnel open.

That's about it. Almost all minerals were spent on it.

Well, my garden increased on size and now it is mostly kept in good condition by Nexus and probes, but well, I sometimes come there and plant something, or enjoy it. Also there is a part where I keep the plants I planted by myself. These are being done only by myself. Well, except maybe fir keeping them alive and living, when I can't care for them.

Nexus now looks lovely and lively. So many people walk here and there.

All busy with something.

Well, In Nexus I obviously have my own private parts. Yes, not one.

First one is small, but it is just beside the entrance, so it is easy for me to get in quiet place.

Second, Is side cabin close to the Control room.

Third, the biggest is the central room of the Nexus. It is more of apartment, then room. It circles around the central hub, just below the energy room, and its second floor is the circular room in which i can look down through floor and see the floor of the first level.

It looks like a cap, to be honest. but it is hardly resembling it. It is mostly made out of different kinds of rooms.

There is even library with some physical literature that was brought by some people when they warped.

Protoss too have many stories, books and imaginative people. But, as they were at war for a long time, such stories were not that popular.

Well, back to business. Nexus now looks like impenetrable Fortress.

As it was not really necessary, but very welcome addition to the protoss, as it would be safest place in this war, maybe except Earth, but it will be hard to efficiently control the situation from Earth.

The preparations for war were going good.

Many important parts of the planet were covered by energy field and all cities were covered by shields. Well, all big ones. Smaller

ones had stationary AA cannons.

It does not mean big ones didn't have them.

As preparations were coming together, It was time for Nexus to get Up and fly in the space, as by predictions and calculations, enemies will most probably attack in an hour or two.

If all the information they got from government is true, obviously.

As Nexus began disconnecting from planet, This time sounds were not that loud, but a little bit of seismic activity was created by it.

As Nexus disconnected and left the atmosphere, It sped up to the orbit, where all the other spaceships were placed.

As Nexus got into his place, we detected and saw hundreds upon hundreds of different kinds of ships coming.

Sone of them were small like an interceptor, some were big enough to resemble warships.

As we expected them, we were prepared and to tell the truth, we tried to get in contact with them, but as they started to release small ships that were on board of bigger ones, we ceased our attempts and began shooting with our Tempests.

Enemy must've thought that we were too far from them, well. their mistake!

As multiple Tempests rained down on to the bigger ships, their army rushed at us. Well, tried to. As they came closer and began shooting, it looked marvelous. So much beautiful multicoloured lines. Cool.

But all their shots were stopped by a shield, shield generated be a net of warp prisms.

They connect to each other and project a shield in the front, resulting in pretty massive shield. From behind that shield, tour army began Firing back, but much stronger then enemy.

It can not be even compared to the firework that covers the whole sky.

When shield was finally breached, The real fight began. Small ships evaded incoming shots, big ships just tanked and destroyed the attacker with barrage of ion missiles or rats, depending on the ship.

Well, not they, but hundreds and thousands of unmanned interceptors. All piloted from inside the carriers. When any interceptor was destroyed, and pilot was available, interceptors were being recreated, or warped from the hangars on the planet that kept those in incredible ammount.

As enemies were being reduced to nothingness, we too had some losses, but mainly on small ships.

When enemy lost half of their army, they began trying to retreat and some of them even succeeded in it.

Well, when interceptors did not need to evade so much, they concentrated on attacking fleeing enemies.

So, the result of this battle was close to this :

Protoss lost 10 scouts, 3 tempests and many interceptors.

Enemy lost hundreds of ships. They lost around two thirds of their army, if not more.

When people say that war never changes, they should've seen what my Nexus was doing. Hah!

As it was command center, it could not really go to the dangerous parts, so it was just showering parts of battlefield with its cannon.

This forced enemies to flee from incoming wall of ion bolts, as they were so densely shot, that only lucky small ship with professional polot could evade them.

And they were very, very far from the Nexus itself. As it was impossible to control results on that big of a distance, it was decided to be used like that.

My Nexus in result, killed around twenty percent of enemies by itself, as not all the ships could turn that fast, or just did not expect anything like that from the beginning.

Well, we won the battle. And overwhelmed the enemy, So we sent some Arbiters and detector drones inside the Carrier, on which hyper drive was installed, so they could get to the place where they fled, install the energy network, and warp us all in.


``` Author's note ```

`` 80 +- words ``

` 2333 words on chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

I could not describe the battle as it was imagined in my heat, jot really good at that.

Don't even know from where to begin with it.

So I tried. That is the result.

If you have any suggestions or recommendations, leave them in the comments.

P.S: What could be done to improve the battle scenes? I feel that they are lacking.

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