

As Fenix said, it is time to go, and even if he saw me doing some strange things, I don't really care. And it looks like Fenix does not care too much about it.

" Lead the way!" I said enthusiastically, while getting out of Nexus.

While we were going through the trees, I saw around twenty monkeys in total. Huh, never seen them in real life. They are pretty agile, did not expect them to be this agile.

After getting close to the ship, we slowed down, Fenix equipped his cloak and hid his lower part of the face with mask. Better be safe with him not having a mouth.

When we were getting closer, it seems that my hull was shiny enough to alert them and they took their weapon and began backing up to the entrance of their ship while shouting.

" Hey! Who is there!? Show yourselves!! Don't hide! " Shouted the older man that had an rifle looking weapon, while younger one, had a pistol or a blaster and was frantically looking around while backing up.

" Show yourselves or I will shoot! " {Older one}

As I could not speak to them, I left it to Fenix and said that he should try to be as friendly as possible.

" You don't have to worry, we will not hurt you" Said Fenix while coming out from the forest to the small clearing around the ship.

" And you better not point this thing against me, if you don't want yo suffer" Fenix continued, while I mentally facepalmed from his 'friendly' talk.

"Stay there! don't come closer!" { Older man }

" Who are you, what is this huge thing behind you, and what are you doing here? Older man asked while pointing his weapon at Fenix, while younger boy turned around and fled to the ship, most probably to call for help

Before Fenix could reply back, I said to him that he should not be that aggressive, and that it would be better if he will try to be polite.

Fenix was not happy about this, but after a little talk with me, he followed my order, as he should.

" First of all, please don't point gun at me, at least lower it down a little bit, as you can see we don't have weapon with us" Fenix said in surprisingly normal way. So he CAN talk normally?

"Sorry, but I can't trust you, and don't know if you are here alone, so I will not do this, also, show me your face." He replied while he got close enough to the entrance of the ship, so he could just step onto the trap and close the door that will push him inside of his ship.

As I left everything to Fenix and only interrupted him when needed, I kept myself quiet.

"So be it" Fenix said while showing his upper part of the head.

For the next questions I had to interfere, as it would not be good idea to tell the truth, so I said to introduce me as specially ordered droid, and to say that we saw as they crushed and came to know what happened.

I said that we should not tell them about others, as we don't know anything about thus planet, and could not say that we lived here.

But if everything was bad, then he should say that we crushed a long time ago and tried to survive on this planet.

As this talk we had while coming here, I did not need to spend much time on this.

" And to answer your second question, This here, is the best droid that was specially made for me and my people." Fenix replied while using his hands to point at me, who got to his side.

" For why we are here? we saw you and decided to see what is going on. " {F}

After some talking, they decided to trust that we are no harm. And after that we said that there are more of us, so he would not be surprised. Also, we talked about what happened to them.

It seems they crushed on to this planet because it was not on star maps and they have been flying on auto pilot. And to their knowledge, it was strange that star maps have mistakes like that, but considering that this part of galaxy is not really that important, and pretty far away from other inhabited parts if it, it was not that surprising.

As for why they are here, it seems that they were running away from one of captured planets. They decided to find a planet where they can settle, and live peacefully until everything will get safe and they would be able to get to some advanced planet.

After a couple of hours of talking, we became pretty friendly. Those people are family of three with one more on the way, and three droids.

Their family name was extremely strange and funny to me. It is Pepega...

Older one is named Donn , his son is Jonn, and his wife is called Ann. That is kinda hilarious.

Donn Pepega, John Pepega, and Ann Pepega.

Ahaha. that is really funny, but i suppose it is normal family name. And I suspect it will make me smile for a long time.

As it seems, they prepared a lot for their escape. Their ship was loaded with weapons, tools, minerals, droid parts, food, seeds, and much much more. And looking at their situation, it seems that they will repair ship in about two to three weeks, if nothing goes wrong.

The good news are - they might stay here. This planet is not on any map so it might be safer then any other planet, but it is only a possibility, as they are not yet sure.

After coming back to nexus, I was troubled.

First of all, I need someone who could interact with their tech and get information from their system.

Also, now that I think about it, it would be better if I could get someone who will make protoss expand by themselves.

And who have experience and knowledge about how protoss live. As it is kinda harsh to not be able to live, only fight and work.

I will talk about this with Fenix. But later. First of all, I for some reason, feel tired.

More tired then ever in this body. Why is that?


``` Author's Note ```

`` 90+- words ```

sorry for short chapter again ... why the heck am I so strange? do not want to write if I wrote 1k words for this chapter two days ago?

wtf is wrong with me?

Still. I could not imagine normal talk between them, so sorry that it was described that way. I think it is better, then writing illogical and cringe stuff.

Also, thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can!

And is this ok for you that I write those notes every time?

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