
Esther and Beelzebub-II

Esther remembered the day, roughly a year ago when she ran out of Hell's castle, sprinting in full speed. After learning that Lucifer had planned on everything and they weren't in danger, she quickly wanted to check on Beelzebub's condition as she had pushed him and teleportated him away from the castle.

There was only one place she had in mind when it comes to the safest place and she had rushed her way into the cave where she had once lived in while serving Leviathan as his servant; the place where Adelaide had met Leviathan first as well.

When she had came there, she heard a blasting loud noise that rang on her ears, causing her to frown severely. 

"But this place should be the safest," whispered Esther to herself, thinking that Beelzebub might have attracted some kind of danger and was fighting at the moment.

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