
Roaring Wind Village

At the small village, the people welcomed them with a simple feast. Music and laughter filled the air.

While Valkin and Morx were chatting, Mira walked behind Yllana who was sitting at the far edge of the long table. Lucien refused to go to the feast saying he needed to cultivate in his room. So Yllana was left alone to have a meal. Some villagers pass by and casually chat for a word or two with her then they leave.

"Hehe... I never thought that the Leader would bring back a woman for his escapade today." Mira's sweet voice did not surprise Yllana.

Two red eyes under thick lashes stared coldly at Mira. She doesn't have the enthusiasm to entertain jealous girlfriends so she paid no attention to that smiling girl.

Mira felt conflicted with Yllana's indifference. She clenched her fists under her robe and tried to speak to her again but Yllana's words cut her off.

"Little lady, if you think I've come here to seduce any man you have set your eye on, keep dreaming. I do not stoop down to that level. Your man is yours. I don't give a damn whoever that is." It took a deep breath to say all of that in one go and it left Mira dumbfounded. But she quickly recomposed herself, "I think you misunderstood my intentions. I just want to befriend whomever the Leader treats as friends."

The meaning behind her words were rather deep. She wants to emphasize that Valkin will only treat her a friend and that is the end of the line, nothing more.

"Oy, Mira!..." Valkin was staring at Mira with a dark expression on his face. It wasn't the same polite one that he used when she welcomed him back earlier.

"Ah, this... Mira was just having a talk with our visitors great Leader Val." Mira displayed her innocent and bashful smile at the leader.

"Don't create trouble for our visitors." Valkin's words struck Mira and he shifted his gaze to Yllana, his eyes smiled with mirth and seemed apologetic.

"I'll be retiring early. Enjoy the feast." Yllana thought of avoiding this awkward atmosphere and quickly went to her room. Mira left the feast after.

"Are you really going to let it be like this everytime?" Morx sighed beside Valkin looking at Yllana's departing back.

Val scrunched his forehead and massaged the large scar on his face. His face was full of ridicule and disdain, "For now, we still don't have the power to resist. So we have to endure a little while more Morx." a murderous light flashed in his eyes as his gaze swept across Mira's shadow. But no one saw this except Morx who was silently sighing at their village's predicament.


"We could depart tomorrow. It saves us the trouble from that jealous little bitch." Lucien leaned on the door while watching Yllana playing with the life force on her hand.

"Yes, let's leave. Bitches like that will not rest til the thorn on their lives are completely removed. I pity the young women on this village. They seem to be frightened of her." Yllana's eyes stayed on the light encircling her palm not glancing at Lucien.

"You're still doubting if you want to be a mage?" Yllana just nodded slowly at his question. Who would not doubt a life-changing decision like this? One moment you are a Knight revered by many, the next second you are a low leveled mage. Starting from scratch at 19 doesn't really sound enticing to the ears.

"Sleep." Yllana was already getting accustomed to Lucien's one- or two-word commands. The moment his shadow disappeared and her door closed, she pulled the blanket over and tried to catch sleep.

"Accursed One," Yllana jolted awake upon hearing a faint voice in her sleep. There was a dead silence in the night. And the lights are all put out. That soft calm voice from the oracle seemed real. Yllana lowered her eyes and steadied her beating heart. 'It was just a dream,' she convinced herself and went back to sleep. Outside her window, a pair of dark eyes saw what happened. With a sigh, the figure jumped and disappeared to another window.


Lucien's gaze darkened as he stared at three figures waiting outside the Leader's Palace in the break of dawn.

"We are setting off to the city to sell some herbs and the soul crystals. Would you mind if we travel with you today?" That sweet but pretentious voice fell in Yllana's ears.

Mira was looking expectantly at Lucien. But she never received anu response until he just brushed past her. Her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe that her charm didn't work on this handsome man. Her pride couldn't take it.

Yllana faced the grinning Valkin and just said, "Let's go then." Before she could smile at Morx who was behind Val, Lucien already grasped her hand and pulled her out of the village.

'This is going to be a long walk,' Lucien sighed helplessly.

"Are you two lovers?" Mira was staring at Lucien holding Yllana's hand all the way.

In the middle of their travel, Mira kept talking to the village leader but seeing that he only provides perfunctory answers, she turned to question Lucien. Her question made Yllana stiff for a while before she glanced at Lucien. Just when she was about to answer, Lucien beat her into it.

"Yes," then he added, "She's my idiot." His words were harsh but when he looked at Yllana, his eyes were begging her to cooperate.

'Seems this guy knows he's the next target.' Yllana smirked on her mind and did not bother to clarify since it's nothing big to just pretend.

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