
Nefastus' Plan(Part 2)

~ [Music Recommendation: "Hate" by Lucas King (Instrumental only) - available in Youtube] ~ Please listen to it in loop while you read this part to experience the utmost beauty of this scene ~

Time passed by as Nefastus explained her idea to her father. Avarus was silent all throughout while Nefastus tried to convince him as if her life depended on it - to be exact, her beloved king's life. After much questioning and interrogations, Avarus finally lifted his hand and yielded. With a brief nod, he agreed with his daughter's idea and gave his approval. Joy and relief could be seen on Nefastus' face when she heard her much awaited response from her father. Overjoyed, she curtseyed in front of him and stormed off his office, smiling.

"Are you really letting her go just like that, master?" one of the hooded men who stood in front of the others, asked.

Siguiente capítulo